Thursday, February 28, 2008

Don't question Obama's faith

There are lots of reasons not to support Barack Obama, but I'm sure sick of the back biting and sniping that he's a Muslim, or that you don't like his pastor at Trinity United Church of Christ. If you can't call Obama a Christian just because his father grew up in a Muslim community in Africa, then I guess you can't call Bobby Jindal a Christian because his family members were Hindu. Conversion, changed lives, and obedience are what Christianity is all about. Read his testimony. Yes, it's for a main-line Protestant audience, and that always sounds different than "Jesus died on the cross for my sins, alleluia," but we don't judge someone's relationship with God--that's for God to decide. There are no goats in heaven, only sheep, and Jesus knows each one. So if you are conservative and you call yourself a Christian, time to get your own house in order, prepare your own witness in case you're asked, and look at the issues.

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