Monday, July 31, 2017
Number one for me
Gender confusion
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Wildlife talk at Lakeside
“The Department of Justice has taken a major step forward by establishing a consistent and transparent policy to guide federal enforcement of the nation’s wildlife laws in a manner that respects the cultural and religious practices of federally recognized Indian tribes and their members.”Fine. But you would think other religions could be respected for marriage and locker room traditions.
What has President Trump accomplished?
"So what is going on Under a Trump Presidency after 6 months even with the push back, obstruction, and witch hunts of the deep state, the Dems, and the whole political insider system?? Let's see...
1. Supreme Court Judge Gorsuch supports Constitutional Law
2. 59 missiles dropped in Syria.
3. No longer in TPP
4. Illegal immigration is now down 70%( the lowest in 17 years)
5. Consumer confidence highest since 2000 at index 125.6
6. Mortgage applications for new homes rise to a 7 year high.
7. Arranged 20% Tariff on soft lumber from Canada.
8. Bids for border wall are well underway.
9. Pulled out of the lopsided Paris accord.
10. Keystone pipeline approved.
11. NATO allies boost spending by 4.3%
12. Allowing VA to terminate bad employees.
13. Allowing private healthcare choices for veterans.
14. More than 600,000 Jobs created
15. Median household income at a 7 year high.
16. The Stock Market is at the highest ever in its history.
17. China agreed to import American beef.
18. $89 Billion saved in regulation rollbacks.
19. Boosted energy independence.
20. MOAB for ISIS
21. Travel ban reinstated.
22. Executive order for religious freedom.
23. Jump started NASA
24. $600 million cut/saved from UN peacekeeping budget.
25. Targeting of MS13 gangs
26. Deporting violent illegal immigrants.
27. Signed 41 bills to date
28. Created a commission on child trafficking
29. Created a commission on voter fraud
30. Created a commission for opioids addiction.
31. Giving power to states to drug test unemployment recipients.
32. Unemployment lowest since May 2007.
33. Historic Black College University initiative
34. Women In Entrepreneurship Act
35. Created an office for illegal immigrant crime victims.
36. Reversed Dodd-Frank
37. Repealed DOT ruling which would have taken power away from local governments for infrastructure planning
38. Order to stop crime against law enforcement.
39. End of DAPA program.
40. Stopped companies from moving out of America.
41. Promoted businesses to create American Jobs.
42. Encouraged country to once again “Buy American” and hire American
43. Communicates directly to American people via Twitter without spin of hostile media
44. Cutting regulations - two for every one created.
45. Review of all trade agreements to make sure they are America First
46. Apprentice program
47. Highest manufacturing surge in 3 years.
48 $78 Billion promised Reinvestment FROM major businesses like Exxon, Bayer, Apple, SoftBank, Toyota...
49. Denied FBI a new building.
50. $700 million saved with F-35 renegotiation.
51. Saves $22 million by reducing white house payroll.
52. Department of Treasury reports a $182 billion surplus for April 2017 (2nd largest in history.)
53. Negotiated the release of 6 US humanitarian workers held captive in Egypt.
54. Gas prices lowest in more than 12 years.
55. Signed an Executive Order To Promote Energy Independence And Economic Growth
56. Has already accomplished more to stop government interference into people's lives than any President in the history of America.
57. President Trump has worked with Congress to pass more legislation in his first 100 days than any President since Truman.
58. Has given head executive of each branches 6 month time Frame dated march 15 2017, to trim the fat, restructure and improve efficiency of their branch.
59. And, last, there is the DEBT. Still way out there, butthe trend has reversed. What’s the difference between Presidents Trump and Obama? Approximately $1 Trillion! President Obama increased the US debt in his first 6 months by $1 Trillion more than President Trump! As of March, President Trump had decreased the US Debt since his inauguration by $103 Billion.
And, with all the good news above, the draining of the SWAMP that is Washington DC is stalled.
Observe the pushback, the leaks and the lies as entrenched POWER refuses to go silently into that good night!"
False advertising of the Democrats
Saturday, July 29, 2017
If they don't drink enough water, why is it my fault?
"Non-Hispanic Blacks and Hispanics were 40% more likely to be inadequately hydrated compared with non-Hispanic White adults, the researchers found. People with lower incomes were 20% more likely to be inadequately hydrated compared to those with higher incomes. Tap water intake, which was lower among Blacks, Hispanics, and those with lower incomes, partially explained the racial/ethnic differences in hydration status."
Harvard Public Health Chan Newsletter, July 25
Friday, July 28, 2017
Jobs and poverty
Summary of findings:
• Real median household income increased 5.2 percent between 2014 and 2015. This is the first annual increase in median household income since 2007.
• The number of full-time, yearround workers increased by 2.4 million in 2015.
• The official poverty rate decreased by 1.2 percentage points between 2014 and 2015.
• The number of people in poverty fell by 3.5 million between 2014 and 2015.
But for all the talk we hear about poverty from academe, from media, from government, I was shocked to read that chronic poverty rate, for 2009-2012, 48 months, was 2.4%. The other figure you see is people who fall into poverty for short periods of time.
And it's a funny thing about graphs, it's very clear in this report that after the most recent recession was over (June 2009) incomes continued to fall, where as if you look at the others (1961, 1970, 1975, 1983-84, 1991, 2001) they either rose or flattened out, they didn't fall.
And what else? The household income of a married couple in 2015 was about $85,000 and a single female household was $38,000. Marriage decreases the poverty rate for children. For related children in married-couple families, 9.8 percent and 4.8 million were in poverty in 2015, down from 10.6 percent and 5.2 million in 2014. For related children in families with a female householder, 42.6 percent and 7.9 million were in poverty in 2015, down from 46.5 percent and 8.5 million in 2014.
Income and Poverty in the United States 2015.
Joy and a long life People vote their temperament.
Diet information sometimes conflicts
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Transgendered in the Military
I do not question the patriotism of the individual men and women who identify as the other and want to serve their country. I DO question the patriotism of the LGBTQ agenda and political motives. The less safe they make the rest of us, the better.
According to an advocacy website for trans, 19% have HIV (most are trans women, aka men) compared to 1% for the general population. Also, it's feelings not surgery and hormones that determines the status. Suicide attempts are at 41% compared to 4.6% in the general U.S. population. Of course, the blame and responsibility for those health problems are someone else's fault not the fault of the person with the disordered sense of gender.
When the military uses sex instead of security for guidelines
What if the soldier believes she is NOT a woman, but just a man with large breasts and female genitalia, a man who has menstrual cycles and can bear children. She thinks surgery and hormones would be invasive and a violation of her body. How far will the military go to accommodate her delusion?
What if the Marine says he want to marry a man, or declare him a domestic partner/civil union, but they are both heterosexuals who need the spousal benefits. . . special discounts, housing, access to resorts for vacations, and healthcare. How far will the military go to accommodate their longing to be married for benefits, not love or sex? Will it demand to see fondling or anal sex? If they were male and female would their motives be questioned?
What if the Airman wants a 13 day leave for his grandmother’s domestic partner’s funeral, but there’s no record he has a grandmother, in fact according to the records, he doesn’t even have parents. He insists this grandmother was his deceased grandfather’s domestic partner and her most recent partner has died. How far will the Air Force stretch the definition of family for a man who insists this man is “family.”
What if a Coast guardsman demands to meet the physical fitness test for women because he is smaller and weighs less than the women in his unit. Should he be judged physically unfit just because he has no wish to be permanently a woman when men who’ve had a sex change or declared they are women can qualify under the lesser standards?
A member of the Foreign Service lists his sister as a domestic partner to whom he is committed for life and they share a common residence. Their birth records have been changed through adoption so legally they are not siblings.
And there are so many other scenarios.There are existing rules, but rules about sex and behavior can be changed as we learned during the Obama years. Polygamy and incest rules are “judgmental” and who is the government to pass judgment on relationships when changing society is more important than security?
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Wednesday was a busy day at Lakeside
Then three of us went to lunch at Manny's Sports Bar at Rt. 250 and Bogart Rd. Great food and very pleasant surroundings. I rode with Susan, who lives in Texas and inherited her mother's Lakeside cottage about eight years ago. We had a wonderful time with girl talk and finding out who we knew in common.
Although it was picnic in the park night, we both had eaten late lunches at restaurants (Wednesday is Guys Club and they boat to local restaurants) and weren't in the mood for hot dogs and baked beans, so we just had tomato soup and rhubarb cobbler for dinner. We're both enjoying reading novels (mine is a Debbie Macomber and he's reading Agatha Christie) on the porch, but also took a walk by the lake to see the craft show developing for tomorrow's tour of homes.
The program at Hoover was Ciaran Sheehan who with his friend Sarah Pfisterer and a wonderful pianist (don't remember her name) performed a beautiful selection of Broadway tunes. They had both been in Phantom of the Opera, and he also performed for us "Bring him Home" which he sang at the funeral of Vice President Biden's son. He was born in Ireland, and the publicity says he began singing in high school and toured with a heavy metal band. He went on to study acting and voice, and made his debut as Babet in Les Miserables. He's also been a producer and has done 3 PBS specials.
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
There are no goats in heaven
Again, help where you can; be compassionate and kind. Maybe that's volunteering at the food pantry, but it could be inviting the new widow for dinner. It could be not coddling your adult children so they can learn to be sheep also. It could be picking up someone else's trash. You will definitely NOT change the world or even transform a life, but it will make you a better person because you've met Jesus.
Monday, July 24, 2017
Orthophobic Christians marginalize others
"Orthophobic animosity and outright discrimination—some have even lost jobs after publicly coming out as QTBGL. “QTBGL” stands for “Quietly Totally Believing God’s Law” and is sometimes referred to more simply as “TBGL” (just Totally Believing God’s Law). The Church needs to do a better job ministering to the QTBGL Catholic in the pew, not to mention QTBGL clergy in the Church, like me."
Together we can change the world
Isn’t that just about the dumbest slogan? I’ve heard it or seen it many times in many phrases, and it isn’t true, of course. Get three people in a room with a white board and marker and you have a case for an argument even to state which world you’re referring to. This invitation to change the world just happened to come in an alumni pitch from the University of Illinois. They want my money. If Illinois graduates were going to change the world, we certainly would have done so by now.
I’ve seen similar slogans about education, about poverty, about child abuse, about suicide, about the opioid epidemic, about trash in the ocean, about trafficking in persons, about friendships with Muslims, about political parties right and left, and any societal or religious problem out there.
Our church is doing a “launch out” campaign. Our summer home at Lakeside is non-stop fund raising—sometimes we go to a dinner, sometimes we’re invited to a really nice cottage to listen to a pitch, sometimes they just pass the plate. Right now it’s $3 million for the new swimming pool and wellness center.
UALC—our church--is calling members to celebrate “how God has moved through the last 60 years of our church’s history, give our thanks as He continues to bless and use our church today, and praise Him for the vision He has revealed to us for the future.” I don’t know what that vision is. In the late 20th century the vision was to expand to the west of the river and have multiple campuses plus a school, but then that didn’t look like a good idea, so the extra land was sold to pay the mortgage. I thought Peter and Paul and the church fathers had the church’s vision pretty well outlined.
And the U. of I. wants alumni to “come together for our signature event to celebrate the launch of our most ambitious philanthropic campaign ever.” Claims it has a storied past and bold future. Sounds a lot like my church launch and vision.
Soon I’ll be getting appeals in my e-mail to change a child’s life by buying a backpack with school supplies for a kindergarten student. Oh, that it were so easy!
Help where you can; be compassionate and kind. You will definitely not change the world or transform a life, but it will make you a better person. And that glorifies God.
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Brothers, Sisters, and Technology
My site meter has disappeared
Lancet report on Alzheimer's stresses modifiable behavior
Read the full Lancet Dementia 2017 Commission:
The Lancet: Dementia prevention, intervention, and care
Take away: Invite an old lady to lunch today. Improve her social contacts.
Ogle County storms July 22
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Friday on the porch and around Lakeside
I believe O.J. was guilty as sin of those murders, and probably over-punished for the minor crimes. I'm sorry he'll be released, but he did the time on those charges. And I'd never heard of the that band Linkin Park or the guy who committed suicide. I wonder what the rate is for that profession? Suicide is highest among older white men--at least in this country.
The author of this Imprimus article was listening to her three children argue. "It was at this moment that I had one of those sudden insights as a parent. I realized that my oldest was a constitutional conservative, my middle child a libertarian, and my youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies." We have a Democrat party full of socialists with totalitarian goals in this country. They hate free speech. It's not the 60s anymore.
Black men who in their private lives love white women, pretend to be anti-white and racist to blacks in their own community says this black man in a Tucker interview. He loves the fruit, hates the tree. NYT should have dumped that race baiting article on white women on sidewalks (which I didn't read).
Although I only attended three of this week's offerings on Russia, they were all interesting, especially the film that was premiered here on the Lakeside grounds. Russia is the world's largest country by landmass, beating out runner-up Canada by around 2.8 million square miles. It includes nine different time zones and shares land borders with 14 neighboring countries. 1/4 is in Europe and 3/4 in Asia. It's rich in resources. It has a dictator, but the USA spent years coddling other dictators. Remember Fidel? It would have been a great ally and trading partner but something went very wrong during the last three years of Obama's reign's and Clinton's stint as Secretary of State. What are the Democrats trying to cover up by blaming everything on Trump, who wasn't even a candidate in those years?
Until after the 2012 campaign, Obama and Putin were close. What did Obama do to change this, and why blame Trump who wasn't even on the radar as a politician. This is a rhetorical question, of course.
Home Free, a "vocal band" put on a fabulous show Friday night at the Hoover in Lakeside. Pretty much a packed house--lots of covers of Oak Ridge Boys, Statler Brothers, Alabama, etc. Loved Elvira. Nice Johnny Cash Ring of Fire, too. A few of the hip hop genre I thought were inappropriate for our regular audience, but they are a quality, fabulous group. Don't miss them if they are performing near you. I think the next 2 are in Canada. Amazing sound--all vocal.
Almost every morning I've been having grilled fresh vegetables for breakfast. Then I'm good for the rest of the day in case indiscretions like chocolate chip cookies or rhubarb cobbler suddenly appear. Every day is different, but I always add some brown mustard, and that really helps the blandness. Today (Saturday) is onions, yellow peppers, zucchini, broccoli, but others times it's cabbage, mushrooms, celery, green peppers and carrots.
Friday, July 21, 2017
Plastic trash--clean it up
"Ocean Conservancy, a nonprofit that organizes an annual cleanup event in more than 150 countries worldwide, said plastic debris makes up around 85 percent of all the trash collected from beaches, waterways and oceans ― and that’s just the stuff we can see." (HuffPo) Some sources report plastic trash in the oceans would cover an area 24x the size of Manhattan. If I could find a non-profit that isn't a front for Soros or a climate scam that wants to redistribute my income into their pockets, I'd contribute to the clean up--makes more sense than sending our tax dollars to Europe for a bureaucrat to spend. And we can start by not drinking water from plastic bottles and then throwing them in the trash. Today I vow to carry my cloth grocery bag to the Farmer's Market in Lakeside.
Thursday, July 20, 2017
God’s plan for marriage N.T. Wright
Marriage is a sign of all things in heaven and on earth coming together in Christ. That’s why it is a tough calling. But that is why, also, it is central and non-negotiable. That, for me, is what it’s all about. “ NT Wright, Plough, Sept. 2015.
Family support vs. public policy
JD Vance ponders at the close of his book, "Hillbilly Elegy," whether there is a public policy that can correct/assist/compensate for his disastrous, difficult childhood. Why did he make it from the socioeconomic "hillybilly" bottom rung of the culture to the top--high school, university, Yale, law career, good marriage, high income--when so many don't?
He attributes a great deal of his success to his grandparents (he took their surname as an adult) who were a stable presence, and even his mother with her drug problems, many husbands and revolving door of boyfriends instilled in him the importance of education and learning. His older sister always protected and advised him, several aunts and uncles opened their homes and loved him through the tough spots. Even when he didn't follow them, he had good role models. "I was often surrounded by caring and kind men. . . Remove any of these people from the equation, and I'm probably screwed."
But he also acknowleges the tough, hillbilly, working class culture as giving him and others he knew the strength to work out solutions when the main stream culture and elites were totally foreign to them. For instance, if he hadn't lied for his mother when he was 12, he could have gone into foster care, removing him from all the people who loved him and helped him succeed.
After a successful career in California, Vance has returned to Columbus (he's an OSU graduate) to start a non-profit to address some of the problems like job training, the opioid crisis in Ohio and the crumbling social structures. It is reported his next book is on the decline of community churches.
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Hillbilly Elegy, porch reading at Lakeside
"For my entire life, I'd harbored resentment at the world. I was mad at my mother and father, mad that I rode the bus to school while other kids caught rides with friends, mad that my clothes didn't come from Abercrombie, mad that my grandfather died, mad that we lived in a sm...all house. That resentment didn't vanish in an instant, but as I stood and surveyed the mass of children of a war-torn nation, their school without running water, and the overjoyed boy, I began to appreciate how lucky I was: born in the greatest country on earth, every modern convenience at my fingertips, supported by two loving hillbillies, and part of a family that, for all its quirks, loved me unconditionally. At that moment, I resolved to be the type of man who would smile when someone gave him an eraser. I haven't quite made it there, but without that day in Iraq, I wouldn't be trying." (p. 173-74)
I've read one review in the New York Times, and heard one review at Women's Club. Both were condescending, and I think those authors missed the point of the book.
Good food, good causes

"We are a group of ten women who share recipes and our faith, with a purpose, inspiring hospitality while using our resources to help needy people around the world. A simple recipe blog that started to document our family favorite recipes began in 2008 has resulted in two cookbooks."
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
ENCORE Chamber Music at Lakeside
A native of Seoul, South Korea, Cho moved to Cleveland at the age of 14 to study at the Cleveland Institute of Music (CIM).
She is a gold medalist of the 2014 Ninth Quadrennial International Violin Competition of Indianapolis, the first prize and orchestra award-winner of the first Buenos Aires International Violin Competition in 2010, and first grand prize at the Alice Schoenfeld International String Competition
Cho finished her Bachelor of Music degree both at the Curtis Institute of Music and the CIM. She also received her Master of Music and Professional Studies from CIM.
Practicing a craft
I settled in for the ride and opened my magazine First Things, August/September 2017. Whether it was a message or a coincidence, who knows, but the article I turned to was “Back to work,” pp. 33-37, by John Waters, an Irish playwright, writer and author of nine books. I had been thinking about the many useful skills and talents my grandmothers who were 20 years apart in age (born in 1876 and 1896) had and which my generation doesn’t. Not only do I not know how to use a smart phone as many my age do, but I don’t know how to harness a carriage horse, gut and pluck a chicken, milk a cow, trim a kerosene wick or bank the stove with corn cobs to heat water for a weekly bath. And there in my lap, author Waters laments the triumph of several generations who have no talent except to manipulate technology. I was shocked to see my own thoughts of the moment in an article drafted months before by an Irishman I’d never heard of until I saw him on Route 4 in rural Ohio.
“I often look at rows of buildings on a streetscape or motorway and think that all this, one way or another, is the outcome of interventions by other men. Each piece--building, bridge, or flyover--is perhaps the conception of one or two men, but has been executed by dozens or hundreds of other men working together toward a common goal. Sometimes, walking down a street, I am overcome by shame that there is no place on the face of the earth, aside from the occasional library shelf, which contains any analogous contribution of mine.”Waters looks back to July 13, 2012, when President Obama told people who actually do real work and produce real products that “you didn’t build that.” Even taken out of context, as Waters think it was in the 2012 campaign, he sensed it was the tipping point in the creation of Brexit and the victory for President Trump, a man who represents people who relate to the world in concrete ways, but no longer recognize the world that is presented to them. “They are being discounted when the big decisions are being made.” For up to half the country, Obama was attacking the very essence of their humanity.
. . . Most of the people I meet in my work these days resemble me in this respect. We live in cities and judge ourselves superior to those who get their hands dirty out in the sticks. But really we are slaves of a new kind: indentured to technologies that steal our time, creativity, and imagination. Technology is actually the “new religion,” not least I the sense that it compels us to believe in things we do not understand. . . I look around and realize that all those present, male and female, make their livings from secondary or tertiary economic activities, unproductive in any fundamental sense--you might even say parasitical on the main business of wealth creation.”
He concludes: “I cannot be the only man who feels less at home in the world than his father did. Perhaps this is the deepest meaning of Trump’s election: the back answer of the dispirited men of America who still want to build and fix things but have gotten on the wrong side of a cultural wrecking ball."
Monday, July 17, 2017
A difficult job--police
"I have pulled dead, mangled bodies from cars. I have lied to people as they were dying. I said you are going to be fine as I held their hand and watched the life fade out. I have held dying babies. Bought lunch for people who were mentally ill and haven't eaten in a while. I have had people try to stab me. Fought with men trying to shoot me. Been attacked by women who have had the shit kicked out of them by their husband as I was arr...esting him. I have held towels on bullet wounds. Done CPR when I knew it wouldn't help just to make family members feel better. I have torn down doors, fought in drug houses. Chased fugitives though the woods. I have been in high speed car chases. Foot chases across an interstate during rush hour traffic. I have been in crashes. Been squeezing the trigger about to kill a man when they came to their senses and stopped. Waded through large angry crowds by myself. Drove like a mad man to help a fellow officer. Let little kids who don't have much sit in my patrol car and pretend they are a cop for their birthday. I have taken a lot of people to jail. Given many breaks. Prayed for people I don't even know. Yes and at times I have been violent when I had to be. I have been kind when I could. I admit I have drove to some dark place and cried by myself when I was overwhelmed. I have missed Christmas and other holidays more than I wanted too. Every cop I know has done all these things and more for lousy pay, sucky hours and a short life expectancy. We don't want your pity, I don't care for your respect. Just let us do our jobs without killing us."
Saturday, July 15, 2017
The war on business is over
Who won that war?
My career (veterinary medicine librarian and agriculture librarian) was in pig poop and nematodes (worms), so deciphering government budgets and reports is far above my education level, and after 2008 the reports became even more obscure. Technically, Community Research Partners isn't "government," but the agencies do survive on government money. I do know the last 8 years made things worse for the entrenched poor, yet you'll hear screeches and head banging from the media and politicians about Republicans who want to kill people if anyone tries to stop this gravey train.
In my county (Franklin) the unemployment rate was 4.1% in 2015, the success of the recovery(?). But 26.3% of the residents receive Medicaid, a poverty program, and 24.5% of the children are considered living in poverty. So does that mean people aren't looking for jobs, or the jobs don't pay well enough to disqualify someone for poverty programs? Is that why this war will never be won?
Found on the internet
HOWARD CORBETT, manager of the local Standard Oil Station in Mount Morris, is the son of Joe and Bessie (Ballard) Corbett and was born March 24, 1913, at Oregon, 111. He graduated from the Polo High School in 1930 and attended Mount Morris College for two years. He was a member of the undefeated football team of 1931. He was employed by the Kable News Co. from 1932 to 1936, and in March, 1936, became the manager of the Standard Oil station. Mr. Corbett was married in 1934 to Olive Weybright and they have two children: Joan and Carol.
Mt. Morris Past and Present, rev. ed. 1938
Friday, July 14, 2017
No dignity? No decorum?
This is because, while we were playing by the rules of dignity, collegiality and propriety, the Left has been, for the past 60 years, engaged in a knife fight where the only rules are those of Saul Alinsky and the Chicago mob."
Friday book review, Just Mercy
When I see compelling phrases like this, which incidentally I believe, I am left to wonder why is it the Left see this in Communism and Islam, in cooperation with Iran and ignoring why so many seek to come to the U.S., illegally and otherwise? No poor person was ever elevated by Communism or dictators unless it was by becoming a government lackey, spy or bureaucrat.
Speaking to Russians? It's a crime (according to Democrats)
Obama and Lynch are now linked to the Russian lawyer story. But leftists pretend otherwise.
Democrats, embittered and leaderless
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Stormy morning July 13
![]() |
Photo by Beth Sibbring Jennings of the lakefront near Vine St. |
Was Veselnitskaya working with the DOJ
"The Russian lawyer who penetrated Donald Trump’s inner circle was initially cleared into the United States by the Justice Department under “extraordinary circumstances” before she embarked on a lobbying campaign last year that ensnared the president’s eldest son, members of Congress, journalists and State Department officials, according to court and Justice Department documents and interviews.
This revelation means it was the Obama Justice Department that enabled the newest and most intriguing figure in the Russia-Trump investigation to enter the country without a visa." The Hill
Many Democrats believe churches are the problem, but media are OK!
What exactly is collusion?
Working with British and Estonian spies, "John Brennan’s CIA operated like a branch office of the Hillary campaign, leaking out mentions of this bogus investigation to the press in the hopes of inflicting maximum political damage on Trump. An official in the intelligence community tells TAS that Brennan’s retinue of political radicals didn’t even bother to hide their activism, decorating offices with “Hillary for president cups” and other campaign paraphernalia.
A gift for newlyweds or engaged couples
Part 2 – Ephesians 5: Fr. John breaks down Ephesians 5. This chapter contains one of the most beautiful passages ever written about marriage, but it is almost immediately considered to be out of touch and out of date because of how it starts: “Wives, be subject to your husbands as you are to the Lord.”
Part 3 – Fatherhood: It is the great mission and task of earthly fathers to be a tangible and visible expression of the heavenly Father’s love for His sons and daughters. Fr. John discusses the important role of fatherhood.
Part 4 – The Dignity of Woman: Mary DelPup, the Director of Evangelization and Catechesis at Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church, concludes the “What’s the Point?” series with a talk on the Apostolic Letter, Mulieris Dignitatem or “On the Dignity and Vocation of Women.”
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Standing in the gap
Proof of Trump Putin collusion
Matt Walsh has uncovered all the links, followed the dots and connected it all.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
The Left used to have ideas
Ed Gavagan’s Moth story
He was attacked by a gang and left for dead. He lost his business, apartment and became homeless. He lives in constant fear and when hired as a day laborer weeps on the job and is fired time and again.
“I walk out of there [Victim Assistance office], and I go to my favorite bartender, who’s this cute Lebanese-Canadian girl. She’s a poet. And she lets me move in and stay on her couch. She’s rocking this Simone de Beauvoir look, and she’s smart and funny.
But the biggest thing is she listened, which was amazing. Because most people—-and they were all very well-meaning—-had one of three responses.
The first response was, when I tried to talk about my feelings, and my fear, and this turmoil in my head, they would say, “Well, everything happens for a reason.” And that made me want to punch them in the face, and ask them if they knew what the reason for that was.
The second thing that people tended to say was “You’ve just got to get over it, man. You’re alive. You’re lucky. You’ve just got to put this in the past, and move on.” And that made me want to stab them six times and come back and talk to them in six months and go, “So how’s it working out, you got any advice for me now? Because I could really use some help from somebody who knows what I’m going through.”
And the third thing that people would say, and again, very well-meaning, but it just was absolutely no help, was that “whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”
The Moth Hour Story Telling
Last summer the Women’s Club at Lakeside enjoyed a book review, The Moth; 50 true stories which was a NYT best seller. It’s a collection of stories remembered by the storyteller for the enjoyment of the listeners gathered on a porch on a summer’s evening. Now it is a website, podcast, weekly radio show, live events and archive on the web. Friends and neighbors are gathering to tell stories. The first Lakeside Moth Porch event got rained out so it wasn’t on a porch, but it had a standing room only crowd at the Green Gables Women’s Club cottage.
Monday, July 10, 2017
Is Alt-Left dead?
I found Lionel while searching for an alternative to cable news, including Fox which has been taken over by the sons, and after getting used to his 5 synonyms for every noun, I enjoy most of his posts.
He was never a Trump fan, but always has an interesting take on how Trump is trolling and destroying all the memes and lies of the Left. Some of the people he chides, like Nikki Haley, I like and don't get his beef.
Well, the 24/7 coverage of Russia/Trump collusion has destroyed the credibility of CNN, Washington Post, and New York Times. So I suppose that's a somethingburger.
I was reading Ivanka Trump's comments on empowering women entrepreneurs and involving the World Bank, IMF, OECD, etc. Forty years ago when I worked in the Agriculture Library at OSU on a grant from USAID with the Ag Econ faculty these methods were already well described using the same institutions. I wonder if anyone ever read the research on how supplying women with small credit opportunity empowered her, her family, other women and the whole village?
Older people need more protein, and 4 other things
1. Protein--to maintain muscle mass and proper functioning
2. Calcium--1,000 mg to 1,200 mg per day as you pass age 50
3. Vitamin D-- essential to both bone and muscle health
4. Fiber--need increases as we age
5. Water--your sense of thirst decreases with age, so compensate.
Sunday, July 09, 2017
Sunday in the park--a polka band
A sop to Big Ag--ethanol standards and subsidies
"According to U.S. Department of Agriculture data for 2015, approximately 13.5 million bushels of corn were produced in 2015, with 39% being used for livestock feed, 30% for ethanol, 12.5% for various exports, 8% for distiller's dried grain, about 5-6% for high fructose corn syrup and other sweeteners, and 3% for starches and cereals." (World's healthiest foods newsletter).
"Two prices determine its [ethanol] profitability: the price of corn and the price of oil. The higher the price of corn, the more expensive it is to divert from feeding animals or making high-fructose corn syrup and instead distill it as alcohol fuel for cars and trucks. Second, the higher the price of oil, the more economically ethanol can be blended with gasoline. When corn is cheap and oil prices are high, ethanol margins are fat. But when corn prices rise and oil prices fall, ethanol margins are flat."
It's bad for fuel economy AND the environment. It only profits the growers who support the legislators who keep this alive.
Cyber Attacks on U.S Companies in 2016
"This Issue Brief [above] is a continuation of a series of papers on cyber attacks against U.S. companies since 20141 and 2015.2 While the means of cyber attacks vary, the pattern of targets has been relatively consistent. Large databases, as well as point-of-sale systems, continue to be targeted for financial gain. Hackers with possible ties to nation-states continue to target infrastructure as well as systems for political insight."
"According to the FBI, about 4000 ransomware attacks happen every day. In the United States alone, victims lost $209 million to ransomware in the first quarter of 2016. Even worse is the threat to critical infrastructure, as seen by the malware infections at electrical distribution companies in Ukraine that caused outages to 225,000 customers in late 2015. Recent reports on the Russian hacks into the Democratic National Committee and subsequent release of emails in a coercive campaign to apparently influence the U.S. Presidential Election bring further national attention to the inadequacy of cyber deterrence. The U.S. government seems incapable of creating an adequate strategy to alter the behavior of the wide variety of malicious actors seeking to inflict harm or damage through cyberspace."
Make America Great Again song
Saturday, July 08, 2017
Can heterodoxy survive on campus?
"Heterodox Academy was founded in September 2015 to call attention to this trend and the problems it is causing for scholarship, particularly in the social sciences and related fields (such as law and public policy). The word heterodox means “not conforming with accepted or orthodox standards of beliefs.” We chose that word to contrast with “orthodoxy,” which refers to conforming with accepted norms and beliefs. Orthodoxy has religious connotations, but it can be applied to any view that becomes dogma or dogmatic, such as “orthodox Marxism,” “social constructionist orthodoxy,” or “free market orthodoxy.”"
Friday, July 07, 2017
Wesley Snipes is an author
President Trump in Europe
"Trump offered a concise, powerful statement of western achievements and why they are worth defending. “We write symphonies,” he said. “We pursue innovation. We celebrate our ancient heroes, embrace our timeless traditions and customs, and always seek to explore and discover brand-new frontiers. . . . We cherish inspiring works of art that honor God. We treasure the rule of law and protect the right to free speech and free expression. We empower women as pillars of our society and of our success. We put faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, at the center of our lives. And we debate everything.”
Full speech in Poland.
Survey on cyber security, 2017
The most feared cyber attacker is someone with inside knowledge of their own organization. The average consumer needs to fear phishing and other social engineering attacks, not the government. The weakest link in security is end users who violate security policy and are too easily fooled by social engineering attacks. For some reason (not explained) the lack of diversity among security IT professionals is a reason for a shortage. Sounds like an obligatory response. Blame society if women prefer studying dance or law.
What's behind denial of biology?
My issue is not with the less than one percent who are confused about their gender. My objection is the forcing by government regulations of their confusion on the rest of us with special pronoun rules, non-profits declaring we are "less than" and bigoted because we believe God's plan, and parents and doctors who sexually abuse minor children with reassignment surgery and hormones.
Friday Family photo-me at the lake
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My favorite t-shirt--Chocolate God's gift to women |
Thursday, July 06, 2017
News new and fake
Jim Acosta reporting.
"CNN can now report that it has just discovered the long lost, yet to be ratified, Twitter-eighth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States which states "Ye shall not post GIF's to Twitter about CNN that CNN finds offensive."
Written by Ben Franklin himself, the draft for this amendment fell between the benches in Independence Hall as the Constitution was being drafted at the Philadelphia Convention in 1787.
This is not #fakenews at all. Swearzies."