Saturday, November 29, 2014

Granite vs. Formica

Does anyone else object to remodeling with an eye to "resale" years later? I just don't like paying for something that maybe, possibly someone else wants and I don't. Specifically, granite counter tops. Yes, I confess, I like Formica. There. I've said it. Granite is costly, heavy, it stains, needs maintenance, and I think it's difficult to keep bacteria free. The only thing worse is marble tile--which is what we have now. We lived in our other house 34 years; our early improvements in the 60s and 70s were old fashioned and out of date by the time we moved in 2002. The new owners ripped out most of what we'd done, with the exception of the extremely feminine wallpaper in our daughter's room (and they put their son in that room!) and then they got a divorce! This link is to a commercial site, but I like it.

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