Friday, August 11, 2006

2744 Let's made blood tests admissible in court

In Ohio, hospitals aren't required to make blood tests in alcohol and drug related accidents available to put away people who drive drunk and kill others. I think Kelly Volpe might go free because the hospital which treated her after the accident which killed her 6 year old daughter never sought certification for this. Most hospitals don't because they don't want their employees tied up in court cases. I'm sure the lawyers will find a way to throw out testimony of the eye witnesses.

Common Pleas Judge Angela P. White’s ruling yesterday was no surprise, prosecutors said. White said the blood drawn by Riverside Methodist Hospital personnel to treat Mrs. Volpe for her injuries was inadmissible because of a 2005 Ohio Supreme Court ruling.

That ruling said a hospital must have a special state certification in order to test blood for law-enforcement purposes. Like most hospitals in the state, Riverside has been reluctant to seek that certification.
(Columbus Dispatch, Aug. 11, 2006)

How much would it cost to have one or two employees on hand who do this? It could put away multiple offenders like Ms. Volpe whose arrests for DUI go back to her teen years.

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