Yummy cupcakes and other good things
Alisha and Angie have a cupcake business. If I lived near them in Utah, I would certainly buy a box for Valentines Day. But since I'm in Ohio, I'll just browse their interesting, delicious website and admire their plan to have their own business.Soapbox Jill is a rare breed. She's a conservative librarian! Way outnumbered, but blogging anyway. She's also a mom, a Christian, a poet and a writer.
Mike and Judy are on the road with their RV (in Texas right now), but live in Michigan. They are both very good writers with an observant eye, and Mike was the president of my high school class and I've known him since . . . well, I can't remember when I didn't know him, but it's a long time.
Bookish is the title of Deborah's current blog. She's also a conservative librarian, so go visit and say HI. She's tried a few times to quit blogging, but she was born to blog.
Billoblog is my go to blog for things medical and technical. I "met" him over 10 years ago on line and just keep bumping into him. I think he's a pathologist. He can really dissect what's in the President's plan for us. It's sort of like making sausage--you probably don't want to know.
Karen Hall is a Catholic soccer mom of four who writes at Some Have Hats, and doesn't pull any punches. I like her style, even if I don't always understand the issues.
I've told you this before, but if you need to know anything about food allergies go visit Janeen's family blog. She also posts recipes and current news stories about food safety, etc. Her two boys both have food allergies. We never had those problems, but I just like her blog.
Two information/news sources I've recently added to my links are Black Informant, for news specifically of interest to African Americans, and Cybercast News Service, which picks up some of the news services like AP and Reuters, but is not as biased as what we usually get from the bootlickin' fanny wipin' journalists who will probably soon be out of a job because how many clones in an echo chamber does one president need?

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