Monday, June 26, 2023

Michael Rectenwald's message for leftists

Michael Rectenwald is the author of numerous books and poetry collections. He is a retired professor of literature. He's recently started a podcast, and has a website, Michael Rectenwald Home.

  •  Let leftists live imprisoned in 15-minute cities, under constant surveillance, wearing masks, & submitting to endless useless vaccines, or worse.
  • Let them survive on UBI issued in CBDC, with digital IDs that track their every move from cradle to grave.
  • Let them forgo real meat, eat synthetic meat, toxic vegetables, and bugs.
  • Let them submit to smart city technologies that track their carbon footprints and issue them social credit scores so they feel like good compliant citizens.
  • Let them have their Marxism, critical race theory, transgenderism, and servility to the ever-burgeoning state.
  • Let them think they are radicals as they serve as the foot soldiers and accomplices of the globalist elite.
  • It's time to separate from these people. No reconciliation is possible.
  • The only question is whether the totalitarians they serve will let us out.
The 15-minute city (FMC or 15mC) mentioned above is an urban planning concept in which most daily necessities and services, such as work, shopping, education, healthcare, and leisure can be easily reached by a 15-minute walk or bike ride from any point in the city. At this point, I think they exist in China.

UBI is universal basic income.

CBDC is central bank digital currency and is generally defined as a digital liability of a central bank that is widely available to the general public. Today in the United States, Federal Reserve notes (i.e., physical currency) are the only type of central bank money available to the general public.

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