Thursday, October 05, 2006

2945 Ross has been Rathered

So a blogger got the identity of the 21 year old former Congressional page (who was 18 at the time of the IM exchange with Foley) from the ABC servers which kept it available for 5 days. Hmmm. And the former page has hired a lawyer. Do you suppose he'll go after a penniless blogger or a deep pockets network television station for ruining his career? (He's working for an Oklahoman pol.) Hmmmm?

And the media and Democrats and even Republicans running for cover are still calling Foley's behavior "sick," even though it was with a consenting adult. What is this? Bash the nearest gay week?

Now that Hastert has brought in the big guns "for a thorough investigation," and we've found out the identity of the page who blew the whistle, and that some of the pages who knew Foley was gay were egging him on as a joke, I have this observation:

We wasted months on the Clinton sex scandal which probably did distract him from protecting the country--not his encounter with an intern, but the mess Republicans made of it trying to impeach him. Let's not tie up our very expensive talent in Washington with another consenting adults picadillo.

Only the lawyers are laughing. All the way to the bank.


Chaotic Mom said...

I agree with you whole heartedly. I think we DID waste too much time and money over the Clinton affairs, and are setting up to do the same all over again. Makes me kind of mad, really.

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