Monday Memories
Last week my husband took some of his watercolor paintings up to Delaware, OH for an art show. All were accepted. So today's Monday Memories is a photo from the Upper Arlington Art Show of 1975. This show started as an art exhibit for local artists in 1966 near the Miller Park Library with about a dozen artists. Don Dodrill, a painter friend of ours got the ball rolling. Then when it outgrew that space, it moved to Jones Middle School for a few years, then up to the city building on Kenney Road, across from the OSU golf course. That's where this photo was taken. The show is now in Northam Park each Labor Day and attracts tens of thousands.
Although we have lots of paintings in our house, and many at our children's and relatives' homes, we also buy art. We bought 2 watercolors in Russia this summer, and here is the painting we bought from Don Dodrill, the founder of the Upper Arlington Labor Day show.

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Those are nice paintings. I haven't done any painting for years. Then last year I did a turtle for my grandchild. we have a family member that sells her paintings online. She's very good and she does alot of mermaid ones.
Thanks for stopping by.
I love a good outdoor art show. So many pretty things to want! We haven't gotten out yet to any but I am sure being so close to Atlanta there are tons to find! Thanks for sharing this wonderful piece of memory with us and the pictures too!
Thanks also for stopping by and reading my memories. Have a wonderful Monday!
Norma I guess you are a bit confused. I try to keep my blogs separate but that has become impossible these days. My Reveberate58 name is tied only to Monday Memories, but the Fruitful Spirit is my journal blog. I guess I commented from both or visited from both I am not sure! But both blogs are the same person!
Lovely memory and nice looking artist hubby. You are so blessed.
Your hubby looks very proud of himself. He is quite a good looking man. You're one lucky woman.
Mine's up too.
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