Tuesday, October 24, 2006

3000 What's in your toilet tank?

Because I had blogged about having emergency kits, I was checking on our stored drinking water, wash water, and flush water. We'd been thinking about getting water conserving toilets, when it occurred to me I could store the flush water in the tank! I filled a plastic 1/2 gallon jug, and opened the tank and inserted it where it wouldn't bother the arm. I flushed it with the lid off to make sure everything was working correctly. Then I noticed a lot of black mold under the lid. So I cleaned that up, and replaced the lid.

Then I went to my husband's bathroom to do the same thing. However, when I took the lid off I found a pile of stones inside the tank--maybe 1/4" diameter each. I fished them all out, placing them on the counter, and put the 1/2 gallon container filled with water into the tank. There weren't enough to displace a meaningful amount of water--maybe 20 small stones.

Now my mind has been busy today thinking about those little rocks. Could they be valuable nuggets of something like gold or silver, stored there and forgotten by some previous owner to fool the burglars?

1 comment:

Norma said...

But I wanted a place to store the water. Inside the toilet seemed a good place.