3014 Buckeye Homecoming
44-0 doesn't quite seem fair, does it? Yesterday was so cold and rainy (parade, pep rally and tailgate) I couldn't imagine that we would end up with a gorgeous sunny, bright October day, a perfect day for football. You've got to feel bad for those Minnesota players. This seemed to go beyond the home team advantage, to just plain good playing.

Our daughter, son-in-law and his widowed father from Cleveland came over for lunch. Somehow we got to talking about games and I brought out the Boggle game. While the guys retired to the family room to watch (the game before OSU), my daughter and I must have played 10 or 15 sets. She's good! She enjoys words, as I do, but thinks Scrabble just takes too long. Her father-in-law got interested because you can also play it alone. In this game you try to find as many words of three or more letters as you can in 3 minutes. Form words by joining letters up, down, side-to-side and even diagonally. The longer and more unusual the words the higher your score. If you both find the same words, you cross those out and don't score with them.
Ohio State University FootballBuckeyesBoggle
1 comment:
I got this game as a child and I loved it! Still do, but I play with my computer mostly these days.
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