Tuesday, October 24, 2006

3001 Sometimes you just need a little Anglo-Saxon

Now here's a segue--from toilet (previous entry) to 4 letter words.

Usually I eschew the four letter words on this blog--you'll be tossed if you leave any or de-linked if I go to your blog and have to hold my nose. They are way overused and lose their punch, but occasionally, they are the only words that work. They've mostly come to us from our impoverished peasant Anglo-Saxon ancestors (although scatolinquists quibble over this). However, it would be a bit difficult to read an account of this lawman's encounter with the drug culture using our more descriptive Latin based words.

In this account, he'd just stripped down and left all his clothes outside so he could shower after a drug bust and wonders why anyone would glamorize the drug culture. He's a bit more graphic than what you see on TV. Jack at Texas Music is always a good read. I thought about this when I heard on the news today of yet another city (or state) trying to legalize pot in small amounts.

"Fuck all those who profit from and glorify and rationalize the daily horror show that is the American drug abuse epidemic, from the cartels to NORML to the recreational pot smoker. You all have blood on your hands.

You want to know why my boots are outside?

Because they have shit on them.

I tried to be careful, but it was splattered around pretty good by the door, where he wrestled with the two mid shift cops. That dude was multi-tasking. Wrestling with the cops, crapping all over the motel room floor, and shooting up.

All at the same time."

Writes about bagging the evidence, and he concludes. . .

"There's some people who badly need an education on the truth about drug use in America. They need to walk a mile in my boots sometime.

They're the ones that are outside. With the shit on them."

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