Sunday, October 22, 2006

2991 The scariest blog out there

Last night blogger seemed to be down--so if your site meter took a hit, that's why. I couldn't read a single blog hosted at my own, and not yours. So I flipped through my bookmarks just to see if I had some that were not located on this blog's links (which is usually how I find my favs). Sort of wish I'd watched TV instead. I read through 5 or 6 items in Counterterrorism Blog, and folks, I gotta tell ya, that's one scary website. You won't need any Halloween preparations--just read that one.

Scanning the list of biographies of the contributors, I thought this author has an interesting perspective, having been a member of all the "big-3" religions, and on both sides of the terrorism fence.

Daveed Gartenstein-Ross is a senior consultant for the Gerard Group International, a Massachusetts-based counterterrorism and homeland security firm. He frequently works with federal and local law enforcement, providing analysis of possible terrorist threats and activity as well as conducting topical training seminars. Daveed brings a unique perspective to his work. Born into a Jewish family, he converted to Islam in his early twenties and ended up working for the head U.S. office of the Al Haramain Islamic Foundation, an international Wahhabi charity that served as a major al-Qaeda financier. Prior to 9/11, Daveed left the Islamic faith for Christianity. By the time the FBI raided the Al Haramain offices where he worked, he was ready to assist the investigation. The experience is detailed in Daveed's first book, My Year Inside Radical Islam, which will hit stores in February 2007.

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