Thursday Thirteen--13 of my favorite posts

In no particular order, here are 13 of my favorite posts I've written. Actually they aren't THE 13 favorite, but I don't have time to reread all 3,000 of them. You don't need to click on all, maybe try just one.
1) Where were all the allergies when I was growing up? So I try to figure it out. See what you think of my unintended consequences of progress as the cause.
2) The premiere issue of Wired. My hobby is collecting first issues of magazines. To track them I started a blog. However, I'm behind in this blog. Wired started in 1993 and I'm still subscribing, although I didn't think much of the first issue.
3) Sewing for sons is on my sewing blog which I did for one month last year. The pictures on this one are some of my favorites.
4) Thirteen things I blog about. Until I wrote this one, I didn't know it would work out to 13.
5) Dance with the one who brought you is about the myth of "budgeting" with coupons. Oh how people hate to hear that retailers aren't in business to give their products away! I may be the only person to tell you the truth about coupons!
6) I feel their pain is my rant about people with 6 figure incomes who can't balance their budget. I've got some good advice for them that you might agree with.
7) Good reasons you shouldn't be feeding the birds. If you've got a bird feeder in your yard, you probably will be shocked!
8) 10 things you might want to know before opening a bookstore (or any small business). Ah, these are great memories of the year I decided I'd give up librarianship and think about opening a bookstore.
9) Health issues. Don't talk to me about the dangers of bird flu or mad cow 'til you read this one.
10) Consistency Counts. This one's really brief and quick to read. Add something if you find an item I forgot.
11) How to donate books to a library. If you're doing a big clean out of your books, take a look at this. I used to get really stinky donations (I was a veterinary medicine librarian). This journal I do not keep at Blogger, but I think anyone can read it.
12) Safe salads and safe sex. I was way ahead of the spinach scare on this one.
13) The value of a college education. This was just about money, and even though no one could disprove it, they still disagreed and tried to shift the topic to non-monetary values of education (it got picked up and discussed at another blog).
Visitors and visited:
Amy, BabyBlue, Barb, Barbara, Beckadoodles, Blessed Assurances, Bubba, Buttercup and Bean, Carey, Carmen, Caylynn, Chaotic Mom, Chelle Y., Cheryl, Dane, Danielle, Darla, Dawn, Denise, DK Raymer, Domestic Geek, Dorothy, Factor 10, Faerylandmom, Expressing myself, Friday's Child, Gattina, Ghost, Irish Church Lady, It’s all about me, Jane, Janeen, JB , Joan,, Joy Renee, Just Tug, Kate, Kaye, Kelly,Kendra, Lady Bug, Lazy Daisy, Mrs. Lifecruiser, Lyndsay, Lynn, Ma, Mar, C.A.Marks, Mary, Michelle, MommyBa, N.Mallory, Nat, Nathalie, Raggedy Randy, Ribbiticus, Shannon, The Shrone, Southern Girl, Sunny Days, Sunshine Blues, Susan, TC, Test, Tigerprr, TNChick,
I worked at a bookstore for years...that brought back memories!
Great TT! I'm going to bookmark this so I can come back and reread all these posts! :)
My TT is up, too.
Im bookmarking this as well..what a great blog!!
I have an entire collection of books. I just hope that my son will inherit my love for books or off it goes to a library. Don't worry, I'll make sure he learns to do the proper way of donating books.
My TT is up! All about my love for blogging! Feel free to visit my site and leave your thoughts anytime. =)
What a great idea for a list!!!
great tt today! mine's up! ;)
I loved your list. I am going to check out some of those previous posts!
My T13 is up.
I checked out some of those posts. Great stuff! I liked the 13 things you blog about in particular. I saw that it said you have a cat. Do you ever catblog and put those posts in the Carnival of the Cats?
My TT is up.
I will enjoy (re)reading these posts.
I read two - onwriting and on being a librarian.
I would hate to destroy books.
Thanks for sharing,
Norma, you have some good advice. I especially liked #5. I used to clip coupons, and found I'd forget to use them. Now, I mostly use the ones ON the packages I am prepared to buy. I am not one of those women who buy just because it's on sale or have a coupon.
Check out my TT.
This is my first visit to your blog, but I have to say that I love it. Your TT was great and very funny. Love the Grocery one.
Nice T13, indeed. Good thing to lift up older posts like this. I've been doing it a couple of times myself. It's a pity when they don't get the attention they should.
This is recycling actually ;-)
wow, great posts! Thanks for sharing
my list is up
Thanks for sharing these. Will be checking them out one by one.
Thanks for visiting.
Norma, your posts are always so intelligent and thought-provoking. I love coming to visit you each week. Thanks for coming to see me. :)
Great list of thirteen. I need to read some of those.
Thank you for stopping by.
Cool...I'll have to check those out. :o) Thanks for stopping by. I have a reply for your comment on my site, if you care to jaunt over again. :o)
Faeryland Mom's T13
good idea for a TT list. i wish i could give my mom back all the hours she spent clipping coupons for the last fifty years! think what we could have done with some of that time.
thanx for visiting.
read 3 (lovely old pics) and 12, lol! You have written over 3,000 posts??? glad you signed in for the daily post in november, should be fun :)
Happy TT!
Oh, these are some good posts! I love the ones about allergies and health issues.
What a cool idea! I've book marked this one so I can come back and read them all when I'm more awake. ;)
Happy TT!
Hi Norma
I read the ones that piqued my interest and they were worth checking out! I think that was a great idea for your 13.
What a great T13, Norma! I especially enjoyed reading the ones about not feeding birds, and salad/sex. Good idea for T13 - I will probably copy the idea some time soon.
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