Monday Memories of Heritage Lake, Indiana

The date on this photo is 1992 and it was taken at my sister-in-law's home on Heritage Lake, a 320 acre lake near Coatsville and Danville, IN west of Indianapolis. She's a lot of fun and a great hostess, always has a crowd around her. One night while visiting there we went for a moonlight boat ride--it was warm and balmy, the music was playing, we were all having a great time, sigh.
Well, the lot next to her was for sale--$25,000. We decided in the heat of the moon to make an offer--but weren't terribly serious because we already had a second home on Lake Erie. Truly, I've put more thought into buying a pair of shoes. We made an offer through a sales agent (a niece) of $10,000. We knew they'd already turned down $20,000, although since then the husband had died. We left and continued on to my parents' home in Illinois not giving it another thought. One evening we got a phone call from the realtor that our offer had been accepted! We were practically in shock--we hardly remembered the moonlight and the crazy offer for a lot 4 hours driving time from Columbus.
We kept the lot about a year, visiting it occasionally and looking at the beautiful view of the water, then listed it for $25,000, and it sold almost immediately. I just googled a lake front lot on Heritage (don't seem to be many now), and it was around $114,000.

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My visitors and those I'll visit this week are:
Heritage Lake, Indiana
vacation property
impulse buying
Looks like a lovely spot, so I can see why it went up like it did! Yes, it's funny how things can turn out sometimes :-)
U did very well for yourselves
beautiful looking place
Real Estate can be so profitable if you know how to do it right. My Uncle is one of those guys who goes around buying property and then selling it for 4 times what he bought it for...My hubby would love to get into doing that, but we just don't have that kind of cash. :)
Too bad you didn't hang on to it, though. 114,000 ~ WOW!
What a lovely place! can't believe the price increase! but then again I am no property expert. Well, you made a good profit anyways!
happy monday :)
For that day you made a tidy profit! The view is just wonderful! Thanks for the great share Norma! I love your stories! My MM is up! Enjoy!
Wow, I love the picture of the hammock. What a great story. Are you ever sorry you sold it? (I bet it bought a lot of used books....tee hee, just couldn't resist that one.)
Beautiful spot! I'd love a place like that. But will settle to get back to the beautiful beaches of Hawai'i.
I'm up too.
That is a beautiful place. Just fit for relaxing and spending time by yourself. Very cool and quiet.
Thanks for stopping by. Happy Halloween.
Well... I have to say - had I gotten my hands on it back then, I would have NEVER let it go! Not EVEN for a $15,000 profit! I would still have it -- matter of fact - I'd probably be LIVING at it! Do you guys ever kick yourselves for not hanging on to it? Really you can't ... you did what you wanted to do at the time -- AND made a GREAT profit - but who knew??? It is BEAUTIFUL up there!
Norma, absolutely BEAUTIFUL pictures. It sure sounds like the kind of place I'd like to live. Great story too, but we can't go back and undo.
Thanks so much for visiting. Blessings to you!
Spent many weekends "at the lake". I would love to have a spot there. My grandparents built a home there years ago, and we visited almost every weekend in the summer. I remember swimming at the clubhouse and in the lake, fishing, big pancake breakfasts, and many good times with family. We are headed to Turkey Run...thought I would share memories with my kids with a drive by. I googled Heritage lake and this came up.
Glad I could help with your "memories," too.
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