Lakeside yard sales
I was headed for the Erie Road Mkt to buy milk and oj and just had to pass two yard sales!

Got 3 fabulous CDs for $3--
Sweet And Lovely: Capitol's Great Ladies Of Song with Keely Smith, Sarah Vaughan, Julie London, Peggy Lee, and others; Mary Chapin Carpenter (whom I heard live here at Lakeside in the 90s before she became famous); and a Glenn Miller. Also a one volume Bible dictionary for $1, and a midwestern garden book for $1 (I don't garden, but benefit from our son's special touch with plants). But on the way back with my treasures I passed a cottage with a laundry basket of Pfaltzgraff Yorktowne pottery for $10.00. We have more than enough dishes here at the cottage, also in blue and white (Currier and Ives), but this looked good to me. I tried to pick it up (put the money in the coffee can because the owners weren't there) and couldn't even budge it. I drafted the two young boys across the street to watch it and help load it in my van, and I came back with the car.
I think there are 5 dinner plates, a bunch of saucers, 3 cups, 6 sandwich plates, sugar and creamer, large pitcher, 4 soup bowls, serving platter and a serving bowl. I think they might be seconds, the stamp on the bottom is not clear on some, but for a cottage that's fine.

And the laundry basket was included in the price!
Intersting...My mom started me when I first got married with this pattern. I had tons of it when I sold my house. A collector came buy and purchaed a lot of the discontinued pieces. I hated to part with it and it made a lovely table. I'd put roses in the coffee creamer and candies is the soup bowls and decorate with them. It was a fun is good to see it again...and I am sure being loving cared for. Thanks for the trip back to another life.Lynne
I knew this pattern was special, but for some reason had totally forgotten that I'd had a cup of tea in the Yorktowne pattern in your adorable home with the blue and white kitchen.
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