Full interview by Fresh Air, NPR with Joshua Green, without my comments and cut aways (it is very long and very opinionated) is
Dave Davies, NPR: Tell us about Steve Bannon. Where did he grow up? What was his background like?
JOSHUA GREEN (senior national correspondent for Bloomberg Businessweek): Well, Bannon grew up in a blue-collar,
Irish-Catholic family outside a naval base near Richmond, Va. And after
college, he joined the Navy - this was in the late '70s - wound up with a
job in the Pentagon got a Master's degree in Georgetown. . . . Bannon described it to me is he
had to talk himself into a job at Goldman Sachs, but he wound up
specializing in mergers and acquisitions, and this was at a time when
Wall Street was changing and banks like Goldman recognized that there
was going to be a premium on specialization. . . . he wound up as a dealmaker making deals between movie studios and
TV companies . . . started a boutique investment bank
that got further invested in setting up deals between people like Ted
Turner and Castlerock Pictures. . ."
NPR: Because he was in the entertainment end of the financial
industry, he ended up making movies. . .
connected with Andrew Breitbart. Tell us who he was and how they got
GREEN: Andrew Breitbart was a conservative provocateur. . . worked for Matt Drudge who runs the Drudge Report website. . .
Breitbart was an interesting guy because he lived and circulated in
Hollywood which, as we know, tends to be a bastion of liberalism. He delighted in kind of, you
know, provoking and outraging those liberals, really derived a lot of
joy, . . Breitbart, I
think, conscripted Bannon into what was then - it was pre-Tea Party, but
it was that kind of Republican populist view that we have to kind of
rise up and take back our government and take back our culture. Bannon became the executive chairman
of Breitbart News after Andrew Breitbart died. . .
NPR: Andrew Breitbart died in 2012 suddenly, and Bannon became
executive chairman of Breitbart News. Was his approach any different
from Mr. Breitbart? . . . In 2012, when Steve Bannon was the executive editor of
Breitbart, he established a research arm - the Government Accountability
Institute. What does it do?
GREEN: . . .So not only was Bannon
executive chairman of Breitbart News, but then with some of the same
financial backers, he started the Government Accountability Institute
which is a nonprofit research organization based in Tallahassee. . . a research organization that is going to do
digging and stick to the realm of facts, and they're going to
investigate corruption in cronyism in government, be it Republican or
Democrat. GAI was a pretty sleepy shop.
But what really brought GAI into the forefront was that GAI's
president, Peter Schweizer, wrote the book "Clinton Cash" that became an
unexpected best-seller back in the spring of 2015, just as Hillary
Clinton was getting ready to launch her presidential campaign. It drove
up her unfavorability ratings, and it raised all sorts of pernicious
questions about who Clinton - in the Clinton Foundation had financial
relationships with and whether or not this was going to be a problem in
her presidential campaign.
. . . What GAI did instead was to
reach out to investigative reporters and mainstream media outlets like
The New York Times, The Washington Post and others and try and encourage
their reporters to take this research that they'd done and to go off
and do some digging on their own. And they did, and that wound up
resulting in front-page stories in a lot of major newspapers that got
this negative information about Clinton in front of a whole different
audience than reads Breitbart News or listens to talk radio.
And if you look at how Donald Trump chose to run against Clinton
in the general election, Trump was essentially channeling the same
attacks that Bannon had conceived and pushed in the "Clinton Cash" book.
And so - and, you know, so ultimately, you know, he succeeded in this
year's-long plan to plot and carry off the downfall of Hillary Clinton.
NPR: The concern (about Bannon in the White House) is that it suggests a tolerance, if not embrace, of
racism and anti-Semitism. What about the idea that Breitbart News itself
propagates, you know, white supremacist views? I mean, The New York
Times editorial on this said to scroll through Breitbart's headlines is
to come upon a parallel universe where black people do nothing but
commit crimes, immigrants rape native-born daughters and feminists want
to castrate men. The Southern Poverty Law Center says he made Breitbart
News a white ethno-nationalist propaganda mill. (I post this question in full, because it propagates lies in the form of an innocent question, with no credible source). What's your sense of the content of Breitbart News?
GREEN: Well, it is certainly inflammatory and fixated on race, on
religion, on all the sorts of things that have upset people. I think
the thing to understand about Breitbart - and this is not to excuse
anything they write or publish - is that they are deliberately
provocative. They're aiming to offend and upset people in order to stoke
the grassroots anger at government and the broader culture. . .
NPR: You know, it's one thing if white supremacists read
Breitbart News and if they write shocking comments in response to the
stories. But as you look at the content, I mean, does the website seem
to, you know, embrace and propagate these views of white nationalism and
white supremacists? What's your sense?
(Another provocative question, to communicate the leftist views of NPR--the interviewer Davies is building up steam).
GREEN: [I interviewed him in 2015] And what he said essentially was that they are trying to reach an
audience that doesn't have an outlet anywhere else in mainstream media.
I pulled up some of the quotes. He said, you know, we focus on things
like immigration, ISIS, race riots, what he calls the persecution of
Christians. He says, we give a perspective that other outlets are not
going to give. There are not a lot of outlets that are covering that, at
least not from the perspective that we should be running a victory lap
every time some sort of traditional value gets undercut.
The question I was always interested in getting at with Bannon
was do you really believe this stuff - because a lot of it is offensive
and inflammatory. And he said, you know, personally I'm mixed on a lot
of this stuff. But we're airing a lot of things that traditional people
are thinking that don't get mainstream media representation anymore. So
they were making a market for these kinds of views and these kinds of
stories and attracting an audience, what's turned out to be an extremely
large and powerful audience by tapping these sentiments. (Davies pretends the leftist media is never provocative or inflammatory.) . . .
NPR: He's an interesting character, and, you know, in your
profile of him, the photos show him wearing cutoffs. And when you see
him in photos now like with the transition team, he really stands out
from the Trump family who are so carefully, you know, tailored and
coiffed.. .
GREEN: That is just him. I mean, if you want to be blunt, he looks like a bloated homeless alcoholic... (imagine an Obama supporter being described this way on national radio--wouldn't happen)
NPR: (Laughter).
GREEN: There's been so much kind of shock and consternation about
how a guy like Bannon who is so far outside the bounds of anybody who'd
typically be considered for, you know, a West Wing position gets
elevated to one, I think it's important to remember what we've just
witnessed and what Trump himself has just seen that Bannon - and this is
what originally attracted me to him as a profile subject - is a smart
guy and a clever strategist who orchestrated this elaborate plan to deny
Hillary Clinton the presidency that we've just watched work. It
succeeded. And so I think that Trump has a degree of faith in Bannon that he
doesn't have in another people.. . .
. . . Part of it was
Breitbart News with its rolling narratives about how Clinton was corrupt
and doing Benghazi and this and that and really stoking all this
conservative right-wing anger against her and against any Republican
that treated her as anything less than, you know, a terrible pariah and a
threat to the country. That eventually came to include people like Paul
Ryan who are the most mainstream of Republicans. And then on the other
hand, you have the Government Accountability Institute and the "Clinton
Cash" book that figured out a way to kind of hack into the mainstream
media and propagate these negative anti-Clinton stories. It had the
effect of driving up her unfavorability ratings.
If you look at what happened in the election, essentially Clinton
was too unpopular to reconstitute the Obama coalition that got him
elected twice. She lost the presidential race narrowly. I mean, to my
mind, Bannon is one of the major figures, if not the major figure, that
conceived of an orchestrated and carried out that attack. That was what
he laid out in the piece that I thought was so interesting. And, to be
honest, I never thought in a million years he would carry it off. But,
look, he has. (And since he fooled Green, he needs to be demonized.)
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Low fat and no fat diets may be dangerous to your health
If you want to make a New Year's resolution that should be easy to keep, give up low-fat or no fat food items. For 40 years the U.S. has been on the fast track to obesity problems--diabetes, more cardiovascular problems, and decreased exercise and activity because it's just tough to do it with all those extra pounds that damage knees and hips. Now it turns out the the U.S. government, the professional nutrition organizations, academic researchers and the food processing companies (which followed government guidelines) probably had it wrong.
When I was a child about 40% of our calories came from fat--mostly animal fat. My mother cooked with lard, we drank whole milk (cream would freeze and push up the cap when the delivery was on the porch), we used butter, we ate eggs and bacon, but sugar especially when rationed during WWII and Korea was used frugally. Somewhere along the way my mother was swayed by articles on nutrition published in women's magazines--and in the 60s and 70s she switched to margarine and 2% milk, she was cautious with eggs, and bacon probably wasn't used. Lard became Crisco and then Safflower Oil and Peanut Oil for her fabulous pies.
For 40 years Americans tried to decrease their use of fat--we (at least I) bought low-fat or no-fat salad dressing, skim milk, low-fat sour cream, skinny bread, and added carbs just as the government recommended, and sugar was added to processed food to make them palatable, as the flavor and satiety was gone. Special chemicals were added to provide texture and thickening. So we just ate more of everything because the food didn't taste or feel right and didn't satisfy. And we all got fatter and less healthy; cardiovascular diseases which had been on the decrease, began to increase; diabetes which had been relatively rare became an epidemic. In studies of low-fat, high carb diets, those studied had higher rates of premature death, not lower as was expected. Industry went along because there was a profit to be made--ordinary products like dairy and cereal were advertised as low fat; diet products proliferated and became a huge industry as did weight reduction surgery and weight clubs and support groups. Exercise products and clubs sprung up.
Researchers know more about the human body in 2016 than they did in 1966--men and women aren't the same (no matter which pronoun is demanded), blacks and Asians aren't the same, teens and elderly aren't the same, children are not just small adults, our grandparents did actually pass along culture as well as genes, and you just can't change thousands of years of evolution of our bodies' response to famine and plenty by having the USDA or HHS mandate food for school lunches and grants for academic research.
So put some butter on that toast, and fry up some bacon and enjoy the New Year while you wait for the next expert to report on why we need to believe them about climate change.
For 40 years Americans tried to decrease their use of fat--we (at least I) bought low-fat or no-fat salad dressing, skim milk, low-fat sour cream, skinny bread, and added carbs just as the government recommended, and sugar was added to processed food to make them palatable, as the flavor and satiety was gone. Special chemicals were added to provide texture and thickening. So we just ate more of everything because the food didn't taste or feel right and didn't satisfy. And we all got fatter and less healthy; cardiovascular diseases which had been on the decrease, began to increase; diabetes which had been relatively rare became an epidemic. In studies of low-fat, high carb diets, those studied had higher rates of premature death, not lower as was expected. Industry went along because there was a profit to be made--ordinary products like dairy and cereal were advertised as low fat; diet products proliferated and became a huge industry as did weight reduction surgery and weight clubs and support groups. Exercise products and clubs sprung up.
Researchers know more about the human body in 2016 than they did in 1966--men and women aren't the same (no matter which pronoun is demanded), blacks and Asians aren't the same, teens and elderly aren't the same, children are not just small adults, our grandparents did actually pass along culture as well as genes, and you just can't change thousands of years of evolution of our bodies' response to famine and plenty by having the USDA or HHS mandate food for school lunches and grants for academic research.
So put some butter on that toast, and fry up some bacon and enjoy the New Year while you wait for the next expert to report on why we need to believe them about climate change.
dietary guidelines,
fat free,
government guidelines,
Friday, December 30, 2016
Is marriage the culprit?
"Income and Poverty in the United States: 2015" I've found the gap problem. Marriage. Married couple households in 2014, $81,118; female headed households $36,193; male headed households $53,746. In 2015, it was $84,626; $37,797; and $55,861. I think that's a big jump for all groups, but obviously, married couples do better. Even with my math challenged thinking, I know that two earners will usually yield more income than one earner. I'm not sure why, but it seems to be in the best interest of government departments and agencies to expand poverty definitions, and there's a new one in the works which adds in all the government benefits instead of using wages/income and adjusts for geographic area. You would think that would lower poverty rates, but it seems to increase them. It's called Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM). Also, in the first four years of the Obama administration real poverty that lasted 48 months was only 2.7%. Most poverty rate measures are based on months.
income gap,
Thursday, December 29, 2016
White Trash Sliders
I saw this recipe on my great nephew Jacob's Facebook wall--"White Trash Sliders." Really simple. But I added a few veggies to make it a bit more nutritious/delicious.
1 lb. sausage (I used Bob Evans mild natural)
1 lb. hamburger/ground beef
1 lb. Velveeta
Use your favorite seasonings, but I then added
half a chopped onion
2 stalks of celery cut fine
sliced button mushrooms
I cooked the meats over low heat, and drained off the fat and added the veggies. Then cut up the Velveeta in smaller chunks and add it, stir over low heat, turn it off, and put the lid on.
This is to be served on small buns, but my husband is out with another woman for lunch, so I'm going to mix some chopped lettuce and cooked rice, and put it over that. Yummy.
ground beef,
End of the year contributions, 2016
Why do I have 5 envelopes for some organizations and none for others?
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Coming Home Network International, Zanesville, OH
Lutheran Bible Translators
Pregnancy Decision Health Center, Columbus
Lower Lights Christian Health Center, Columbus
St. Gabriel Radio, Columbus
168 Film Project (California)
COCINA (Haiti school)
EWTN (Alabama)
Pinecrest Community (in memory of my parents) Mt. Morris, IL
Salvation Army
Donations in Kind
Cat Welfare (memorabilia, jewelry), Columbus, rescue
Discovery Shop (wedding dress) Columbus, cancer
Ohio History Connection
Columbus Museum of Art
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Coming Home Network International, Zanesville, OH
Lutheran Bible Translators
Pregnancy Decision Health Center, Columbus
Lower Lights Christian Health Center, Columbus
St. Gabriel Radio, Columbus
168 Film Project (California)
COCINA (Haiti school)
EWTN (Alabama)
Pinecrest Community (in memory of my parents) Mt. Morris, IL
Salvation Army
Donations in Kind
Cat Welfare (memorabilia, jewelry), Columbus, rescue
Discovery Shop (wedding dress) Columbus, cancer
Ohio History Connection
Columbus Museum of Art
Christian ministries,
Death with dignity gears up to take Ohio
So you were OK with aborting your kids' siblings in the name of "choice," or your career, and now they'll return the favor with "death with dignity" legislation and lies when you're old and just too much trouble to take care of. This is a heads up that the pro-life community is looking out for you just as we did the unborn.
“It is a sad truth that after more than two generations of telling parents that they have the right to choose if their children live or die, it is children who are advocating for their parents, spouses, and selves a right to death. Six states (Oregon, Montana, California, Colorado, Vermont, and Washington), along with Washington DC have legal assisted suicide laws. Colorado proponents raised nearly $5 million for the ballot issue adopted in November of 2016, which won by a 2 - 1 margin. Even as European proponents reconsider their support for the laws, the US continues to push forward and expand assisted suicide. Every indication is that Ohio is next.
“It is a sad truth that after more than two generations of telling parents that they have the right to choose if their children live or die, it is children who are advocating for their parents, spouses, and selves a right to death. Six states (Oregon, Montana, California, Colorado, Vermont, and Washington), along with Washington DC have legal assisted suicide laws. Colorado proponents raised nearly $5 million for the ballot issue adopted in November of 2016, which won by a 2 - 1 margin. Even as European proponents reconsider their support for the laws, the US continues to push forward and expand assisted suicide. Every indication is that Ohio is next.
An Ohio-based “death with dignity” organization secured its nonprofit designation with the IRS in just one week last April; the group has organized speaking tours, media “educational” seminars; it is hosting events with major medical facilities; and it has identified lawmakers to introduce legislation in early 2017.” Fall 2016 newsletter, Greater Columbus Right to Life.
And notice how quickly the Ohio group got its IRS status--there are still conservative groups waiting after the last IRS scandal and Obama's election. The same administration that funnels money to Planned Parenthood supports removing mom at the other end.
And notice how quickly the Ohio group got its IRS status--there are still conservative groups waiting after the last IRS scandal and Obama's election. The same administration that funnels money to Planned Parenthood supports removing mom at the other end.
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
An attack on Jews
Let's get real, Mr. Kerry. This is an attack on Jews by the U.N. and the Obama Administration, no matter what you call it. Have you told Turkey or Egypt they can't be Muslim? If the dove of peace miraculously joined the two sides in Israel in hand holding love, there is still the civil war in Syria, hundreds of thousands of refugees, nukes in Iran thanks to Obama, ISIS in Iraq and Afghanistan thanks to Obama, a civil war in Yemen with interference from the Saudis and the U.S., Turkish coups and unrest with Russia, with your fingerprints all over it. So let's pick on our only ally and the only democracy in the middle east. Your boss is doing his best to screw things up for President elect Trump so he'll be so busy putting out fires he can't touch his precious failing insurance scheme.
Barack Obama,
John Kerry,
United Nations
What he said--Senator Ted Cruz
"America is an unshakable friend of Israel, and we are horrified at what has transpired this week.
I believe Obama's and Kerry's shameful conduct will backfire. That it will be short-lived, and will inspire a bipartisan repudiation of their radical anti-Israel agenda.
All Americans who understand the value of the U.S.-Israel alliance must immediately and unequivocally reject their false and dangerous narrative, and reassert our fundamental commitment to Israel's security.
Thankfully, Congress and the incoming administration can and I hope will take decisive action to intercept the administration’s final and desperate Hail Mary, and that should begin with eliminating U.S. funding to the U.N., unless and until this disgraceful resolution is reversed." (posted on Facebook)
I believe Obama's and Kerry's shameful conduct will backfire. That it will be short-lived, and will inspire a bipartisan repudiation of their radical anti-Israel agenda.
All Americans who understand the value of the U.S.-Israel alliance must immediately and unequivocally reject their false and dangerous narrative, and reassert our fundamental commitment to Israel's security.
Thankfully, Congress and the incoming administration can and I hope will take decisive action to intercept the administration’s final and desperate Hail Mary, and that should begin with eliminating U.S. funding to the U.N., unless and until this disgraceful resolution is reversed." (posted on Facebook)
Ted Cruz,
United Nations
Christmas Waste watcher--$139 Billion
$139 Billion. As a percentage of the total budget, I suppose that isn't huge, but when I think how we struggle to raise money for small projects, it's breath taking. Or even big projects like crumbling neighborhoods. That $139B could go a long way toward cleaning up water problems in aging cities to make them safer for children.
Trump is a business man (definitely not a politician), so we'll see if he can cut any of this theft in office by bureaucrats, or if he'll have to play the game."Some of the spending items detailed in the [waste] report include a Pentagon Task Force that spent $150 million on lavish, rented villas in Afghanistan with flat-screen TVs in each room; $356 million on a computer system that does not work; $34 million spent by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to introduce Afghans to soybeans; and $47,530 on “elegant” bicycle shelters for the National Institutes of Health." (CNS) https://russell.house.gov/sites/russell.house.gov/files/wysiwyg_uploaded/Waste%20Watch%206.pdf
government waste
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
The Purpose of all this Propaganda
"The entire purpose of 60 years of slanted media and slanted news and
slanted education and social pressure and brainwashing and deception and
indoctrination — all of it, everything we complain about every day, all
day, for years and years and years — the purpose of all this is to get
people to vote for the most left-wing candidate in each presidential
election. The goal is to bring about a self-imposed silent revolution in
America, a democratically elected socialist government voted in by
low-information rubes unaware of what they’re doing.
And it has looked ever since Obama’s ascendancy in 2008 that this long-term strategy had reached a tipping point of success from which there was no return — no conservative could ever win another presidential election. With each passing year, the population was getting younger, more radical, more brainwashed, etc. (Midterm/off-year elections are a somewhat different story, as regional conservative outposts could still elect local representatives — but on a national scale, they were greatly outnumbered by burgeoning young generations of leftists.)"
Zomblog. http://www.zombietime.com/zomblog/?p=2143
Zombie also writes at PJMedia
And it has looked ever since Obama’s ascendancy in 2008 that this long-term strategy had reached a tipping point of success from which there was no return — no conservative could ever win another presidential election. With each passing year, the population was getting younger, more radical, more brainwashed, etc. (Midterm/off-year elections are a somewhat different story, as regional conservative outposts could still elect local representatives — but on a national scale, they were greatly outnumbered by burgeoning young generations of leftists.)"
Zomblog. http://www.zombietime.com/zomblog/?p=2143
Zombie also writes at PJMedia
President Donald Trump,
Hezbollah working close to our border
"Where do terrorists get their money? Although we think of Islamic State as the richest terror group in the world, a recent report
prepared by the U.S. House Task Force to Investigate Terror Financing
yields a shocking result: The largest terror “fund raiser” in the world
is close to the U.S. border in Central and South America.
Hezbollah, the Lebanese terrorist group -- essentially an arm of Iran -- has been linked to drug trafficking organizations in the Americas since 2010.
Yet fifteen years ago, when the group began smuggling cocaine into Europe and the Middle East, it was only able to moving small quantities. Now, Hezbollah is moving hundreds of tons of the drug into these locations, amassing “hundreds of millions, perhaps billions of dollars” in currency around the world."
Clarion Project. http://www.clarionproject.org/analysis/global-terror-america%E2%80%99s-doorsteps#
Hezbollah, the Lebanese terrorist group -- essentially an arm of Iran -- has been linked to drug trafficking organizations in the Americas since 2010.
Yet fifteen years ago, when the group began smuggling cocaine into Europe and the Middle East, it was only able to moving small quantities. Now, Hezbollah is moving hundreds of tons of the drug into these locations, amassing “hundreds of millions, perhaps billions of dollars” in currency around the world."
Clarion Project. http://www.clarionproject.org/analysis/global-terror-america%E2%80%99s-doorsteps#
Monday, December 26, 2016
The U.N. Security Council and Israel
"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is reportedly reaching out
to President-elect Donald Trump and the U.S. Congress in order to
prevent the Obama administration from what the Israeli government fears
is an American attempt to have the U.N. Security Council pass more
resolutions against Israel by approving principles for a Palestinian
state, The Times of Israel reports.
This comes after the Netanyahu government was angered that the Security Council on Friday condemned Israel’s settlement activities when the US failed to veto the resolution."
We only have one president, but it looks like he is attempting to make things difficult for President elect Trump with last minute actions. Netanyahu has publicly blamed Obama for the resolution’s passing.
This comes after the Netanyahu government was angered that the Security Council on Friday condemned Israel’s settlement activities when the US failed to veto the resolution."
We only have one president, but it looks like he is attempting to make things difficult for President elect Trump with last minute actions. Netanyahu has publicly blamed Obama for the resolution’s passing.
Benjamin Netanyahu,
President Donald Trump
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Christmas 2016 recap
We served communion at UALC Lytham 10:30 service--really a good crowd--great sermon by Jeff Morlock and then home to prepare dinner. While things bubbled and cooked, the family was enjoying "A Christmas Story" in the living room. They've all seen it so many times, they were speaking the lines. I put out some snacks in the kitchen, like the Harry and David box Rick and Kate sent of cookies, popcorn and candy, some crackers and cream cheese, plus a new cereal I found--Rice Chex with dark chocolate mixed in which makes a nice snack.
It was probably the largest ham I've ever fixed. Phil donated it. I did find the right glaze recipe by checking my blog when I couldn't find one. Just real maple syrup with about a generous teaspoon of mustard. I basted it about 3 times, but it was so large, Phoebe had to help, and Mark had to lift it out of the oven. The the rest of dinner was potato salad, tossed salad, vegetable casserole, green beans, sugar free apple pie, home made pickles from my Mom's recipe, olives, garlic bread, corn muffins, and wine using my gingerbread boy plates. I won't do that vegetable casserole again--although everyone tried it, there was a lot left over and no one offered to take any home. We have so much ham left over, it will take months to use it up--even after sending half of it plus the bone home with Phoebe (we're hoping for some of her delicious bean soup for cold January nights).
We received so many nice gifts. Big surprise for me was a necklace I wasn't expecting. We got gift cards to our favorite Friday night date spot Rusty Bucket, my favorite brand of Merle Norman foundation and a lovely Coach leather clutch bag which can be used with a strap. I don't like big, bulky bags, but this is just the perfect size. I got a lovely, cozy robe, and subscription to my favorite magazine and a book from my TBR list; Bob got a huge umbrella since he claims he gets wet under these lady types and his box of goodies for watching bowl games. He got two books, one as a trial for a new mystery series, plus Megan Kelly's new bio and YakTraxs for walking in the winter plus a knit facial ski mask. The Levi's I got him fit well, he's already using the new billfold, but the hat has to go back to Kohl's. We both got underwear, but we deserved it.
It was probably the largest ham I've ever fixed. Phil donated it. I did find the right glaze recipe by checking my blog when I couldn't find one. Just real maple syrup with about a generous teaspoon of mustard. I basted it about 3 times, but it was so large, Phoebe had to help, and Mark had to lift it out of the oven. The the rest of dinner was potato salad, tossed salad, vegetable casserole, green beans, sugar free apple pie, home made pickles from my Mom's recipe, olives, garlic bread, corn muffins, and wine using my gingerbread boy plates. I won't do that vegetable casserole again--although everyone tried it, there was a lot left over and no one offered to take any home. We have so much ham left over, it will take months to use it up--even after sending half of it plus the bone home with Phoebe (we're hoping for some of her delicious bean soup for cold January nights).
We received so many nice gifts. Big surprise for me was a necklace I wasn't expecting. We got gift cards to our favorite Friday night date spot Rusty Bucket, my favorite brand of Merle Norman foundation and a lovely Coach leather clutch bag which can be used with a strap. I don't like big, bulky bags, but this is just the perfect size. I got a lovely, cozy robe, and subscription to my favorite magazine and a book from my TBR list; Bob got a huge umbrella since he claims he gets wet under these lady types and his box of goodies for watching bowl games. He got two books, one as a trial for a new mystery series, plus Megan Kelly's new bio and YakTraxs for walking in the winter plus a knit facial ski mask. The Levi's I got him fit well, he's already using the new billfold, but the hat has to go back to Kohl's. We both got underwear, but we deserved it.
![]() |
Merry Christmas 2016, same hair style I had in 1946 |
Christmas 2016,
family photo A,
Kevin's movie countdown
Before I start snapping green beans and creating a glaze for the ham for our
Christmas dinner, I tuned into Fox and Friends for its happy clappy Christmas
stories and songs. Great stories about blankets for rescue dogs and a little
boy who has many seizures and hour—but parents can’t work or they would lose his
Medicaid. Then a song about Santa Claus by a Girl Scout choir, and the feel good
reunions about military people home for a few days and reunions with family.
Kevin McCarthy was on to talk about his five favorite Christmas movies—but he was skyping from the home of his in-laws neighbors who had a wireless connection, and his wife’s parents didn’t! Since he’s sort of a nerd who’s on TV a lot, you’d think Fox would take care of that for him.
#5 Christmas story*
#4 Love actually
#3 Nightmare before Christmas
#2 It’s a wonderful life*
#1 Home alone*
I’ve seen three* of the five—not too bad since we rarely go to movies. Love actually sounds pretty good from his review. Maybe I'll have to check with my daughter to see if it is in MASSIVE and HUGE collection of movies.
Kevin McCarthy was on to talk about his five favorite Christmas movies—but he was skyping from the home of his in-laws neighbors who had a wireless connection, and his wife’s parents didn’t! Since he’s sort of a nerd who’s on TV a lot, you’d think Fox would take care of that for him.
#5 Christmas story*
#4 Love actually
#3 Nightmare before Christmas
#2 It’s a wonderful life*
#1 Home alone*
I’ve seen three* of the five—not too bad since we rarely go to movies. Love actually sounds pretty good from his review. Maybe I'll have to check with my daughter to see if it is in MASSIVE and HUGE collection of movies.
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Ready for dinner, tonight and tomorrow
We're having a casual Christmas Eve dinner before church. So I decided to set the table in the kitchen and then also set the table in the dining room for tomorrow. It will be a little cramped, but I can put all the food on the counter. I have two sets of Christmas dishes and am using them both. Unfortunately, they don't have serving pieces, so I have to do a work around. This Paul McCobb mid-century modern set was our original dining room table (has 2 leaves) with a matching china cabinet, and we purchased it in 1964 when we had a very small dining room (house on White St. in Champaign, IL). The house originally had a very large dining room, and we built a wall down the middle to make two rooms. When I say "we," you know who did the work. In the mid-90s this set resided for awhile in our daughter's home until she bought a dining room set. Recently I checked on buying two additional chairs thinking I'd move it back to the dining room, but it appears it is now the most expensive furniture in the house. Two additional chairs would be about $3,000. All the tree lights, inside and out, are ready.
Christmas 2016,
The Ghost of Christmas Future Imperfect Conditional

The Ghost of Christmas Future Imperfect Conditional
Christmas Carol,
English language,
Friday, December 23, 2016
Brief history of the Christmas creche
At our church we have a display of nativity scenes/creches from all over the world representing all cultures and ethnicities, arranged from the collection of David and Donna Hahm. Donna is a member of Friends of the Creche and in 2007 with the help of our church's Visual Arts Ministry brought the biennial show to Columbus/Dublin.
"The first-ever Nativity scene recorded in history was created by St. Francis of Assisi. St. Francis was concerned that the meaning of Christmas was becoming lost as most people were more focused with the ritual of gift giving them they were of the true message of Christmas.
Determined to remind people what Christmas is really about, he set about creating the world’s first known Nativity scene to help tell his people of The Nativity Story. It was created in a cave and near Greccio, Italy, and involved real people and animals, making it a living Nativity scene.
Today, nearly 800 years later, we still hear religious leaders echoing St. Francis’s words. The true message of Christmas is becoming lost; buried underneath layers of secular traditions. Yet at the same time, we also still see nativities everywhere come Christmas time." Read more at http://festivenativities.com/
"The first-ever Nativity scene recorded in history was created by St. Francis of Assisi. St. Francis was concerned that the meaning of Christmas was becoming lost as most people were more focused with the ritual of gift giving them they were of the true message of Christmas.
Determined to remind people what Christmas is really about, he set about creating the world’s first known Nativity scene to help tell his people of The Nativity Story. It was created in a cave and near Greccio, Italy, and involved real people and animals, making it a living Nativity scene.
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This is a life size nativity display at our Mill | Run campus. |
Friends of the Creche,
nativity scenes,
Can Christians agree to pray for other Christians
Let all Christians pray in agreement that President Trump can help these Christians. Their plight is currently ignored by our government. He is their last hope. "The Syriac Orthodox Archbishop of Mosul, Nicodemus Daoud Sharaf told Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.) this week that without President-elect Donald Trump’s help, Christian families who have escaped ISIS in the Erbil area of the Kurdistan region “are finished.”" (CNS News, Dec. 23, 2016)
Sharaf, who was the very last bishop to flee ISIS in Mosul in June 2014, told Smith, “So often concern for Christians is minimized. I am so happy, because you are the first American who has come to just ask about the Christians. We pray that President Trump will help us. We are the last people to speak the Aramaic language. Without help, we are finished.”Pray also for Representative Smith who called the legislation he is proposing “a blueprint for how to assist Christians and other genocide survivors and hold perpetrators accountable.”
“This Christmas season, the survival of Christians in Iraq, where they have lived for almost 2,000 years, is at stake,” Smith, who is chair of the House panel on global human rights and international organizations, commented on Monday.
President Donald Trump,
Syriac Orthodox
The Good News at Christmas
We have a friend on our Christmas card list that we haven't heard from in a number of years, but we'd continued to send our card each year. We met her husband about 45 years ago when he lived in Columbus when he was single, so I'd actually never met her. Today we got a card/letter from her catching us up on the news of her now adult children, all doing well--and one we've seen on TV. But two big surprises--after 10 years of widowhood, she has met someone to love and he has led her to Christ. Wow. What a wonderful surprise present for us--first to hear from someone we'd lost touch with, and then to find out she's now in touch with God.
Christmas 206,
Middle school is much harder than the 1950s

I picked this title up at Barnes & Noble a few days ago. I made it to page 4. Middle school is a lot harder than I remember.
middle school
Oh dear. . .
We're each giving the other some basics this year.
Christmas 2016,
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