Thursday, February 28, 2019
February 28 is Rare Disease Day
Only if you’re wanted do you belong to the human race
After weeks of reading all manner of disgusting behavior from the pro-abortion state and federal politicians, I came across this in my OSU mail--an oncofertility conference to save babies and children. There are also people willing to save and raise to adulthood the babies the Democrats and Planned Parenthood want to kill.
It seems they are only humans if someone wants them to be.
"This conference is intended for physicians, nurses and other healthcare providers who treat children, adolescents and young adults with cancer before, during and after treatment: oncologists, obstetricians and gynecologists; urologists, reproductive endocrinologists and infertility specialists; primary care physicians, pediatricians, pediatric and adult endocrinologists, psychologists, social workers; and oncofertility researchers."
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Feeling the Bern
"Senator Sanders points to the Scandinavian model as an example of what it means to have health care as a right. Senator Sanders has traveled widely in his life — he found much to praise in the Soviet Union while honeymooning there, and said so — but he is, like many American progressives, almost completely parochial. As is the case with the United Kingdom and much of Europe, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark are in the 21st century markedly different from the countries they were in the 1970s, when Senator Sanders’s awareness of the world seems to have congealed into the impenetrable clot of ignorance on such ghastly display in his current political career."
That's a great turn of phrase, and one I've noticed with some of my friends and acquaintances who seem fascinated, but blind, with socialism of the 70s-- "congealed into the impenetrable clot of ignorance."
I used to translate medical articles from the USSR back in the 1960s when I worked for a professor of sociology--free medical care from feldshers (фельдшер), who'd had 6 weeks of training. Bernie loved the USSR of his youth--maybe that's where he got the idea.
Ingraham interview with Shelby Steele
Shelby Steele says reparations is a bad deal for black Americans. It feeds on white guilt, and it a step backward. I tried to find this in text from the Hoover site, but it required access to my data to get into Yahoo, so I had to go for the video.
Democrats play like girls—nasty and mean
Odd, isn't it, that Democrats just have to schedule liar Cohen hearings on the day of historic talks with North Korea? It's just too obvious. They play with middle school girls' rules. No Republican or Democrat president has been able to do anything in 70 years, and they just can't have Trump show them up. We don't know yet if anything can be done about that war so many years ago, the war we didn't win but negotiated a bad truce, so God forbid a non-politician can make a difference. Democrats and Republicans have also been trying to "solve" the illegal immigration problem since Johnson tackled it in the 1960s with laws that weren't followed, just revised, for 50 years, with no successful results. Imagine what Trump might have been able to accomplish had they not blocked him at every turn.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
If I’m disappointed, imagine how Catholics must feel!
A big nothingburger.
“The summit’s very title (“The Protection of Minors in the Church”) and agenda limited the focus to the sexual abuse of minors. Not only is the abuse of minors egregious, it is criminal, and must be met with the strongest penalties. However, as the Theodore McCarrick case illustrates, the problem is more widespread than the abuse of minors. His abuse of at least two underage boys was preceded by many complaints. Even more widespread were the rumors of his sexual harassment of seminarians and younger priests. As has been well documented, even though many prelates in this country and in Rome knew of his behavior, there was little correction. Further, the restrictions that were finally placed upon him were largely ignored. His status as an active player in crucial Church matters, including international diplomacy and the advancement of men in the episcopacy, was effectively restored.
A tremendous opportunity to restore credibility to the Church was missed in failing to review and criticize the structures and decisions that allowed Theodore McCarrick to advance, failing to identify and call to account those responsible for it, and failing to discuss specific credible charges related to the overall sexual abuse crisis in any substantial way. . .
A summit purporting to address the sexual abuse of minors that ignores the high correlation between homosexual attraction and sexual abuse by clergy has no more credibility than a summit on lung cancer that ignores the link to smoking. Not only does this glaring omission strain the credibility of the conference, it makes its deliberations and conclusions seem largely irrelevant.”
Msgr. Charles Pope
Democrats defeat Born-Alive Infants Protection Act
Remember when their excuses were "clump of cells," "parasite in woman's body," or "product of conception." But this is an actual, alive, human being, not inside the woman's body, and not a clump of cells. There's no denying this is a helpless child. Radical feminist/Marxists have taken over the Democrats. Better to be a basket of deplorables than Democrats going to Hell in a handbasket.
We've been looking for hate crimes in the wrong places. Check out the Senate vote. All 2020 Democrat candidates voted to let children die after birth. Due to the horrible side effects of abortion methods—stabbing, dismemberment--I doubt many survive, but what if one is perfect and only needs to be cleaned up, kept warm and fed. Can mom just say, Nope, let her starve to death? Sounds like that’s what Democrats intend.
Democrats can't save a single baby born alive after a botched abortion if the mother wants to kill her. Why would you ever trust them with YOUR health care? It began when Obama was an Illinois state senator, the only one in the nation, and look how he took his party down.
"As pro-life Senator Marsha Blackburn wrote in an op-ed shortly after the vote, “It should have been an easy vote for every member of the Senate, but on Monday night, many Democrats demonstrated that their pro-choice stance also requires them to support infanticide. Sadly, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s recent comments advocating infanticide clearly framed the Democrats’ radical agenda. Their push to abort children reveals a hardened inner core that shocks the conscience.”"
We now have a modern, clear understanding of people who own slaves and truly believe humans are personal, disposable property. Then and now, the belief is unshakeable.
Although this bill said nothing about restricting or changing abortion laws, 55% of abortions are for minorities, so we can assume those aborted babies that survive will be a similar percentage. Democrats support and help fund Planned Parenthood which then supports their campaigns, sells baby parts, and puts their clinics either near minority neighborhoods or near college campuses.
AOC filled a vacuum
Tucker Carlson made an interesting observation last night (don't know if it is original with him). For 2 years the Democrats have done nothing but scream impeach and jail the President, leaving a large hole where policy and plans ought to be. Alexandria Cortez jumped in with the "New Green Mess" to fill the vacuum and is dragging her party further to the left and candidates are scrambling to outdo her to get back control. From her posh DC kitchen (in a complex with no set-asides for poor and middle class) she released a video suggesting her generation stop having babies. It's just not fair (to Mother Earth?). Of course, the U.S. birth rate is already below replacement level. That's why we import illegals--so they can have babies who will grow up and support the social safety net, which is up 60% since the beginning of this century.
The baby she suggests you not conceive or abort, just might be the next scientist or politician who solves the climate mystery of why the climate has been changing for millions of years. He or she might be able to avoid the next ice age.
Right here in Ohio, there are crazy folks
'Shoot the president': School cancels assassination party game for kids after public outcry | 18 Feb 2019 | A college running a community arts center in Ohio was forced to stop advertising a party game where kids are instructed to 'eliminate' the president with toy guns, after it sparked national outrage. [If there was national outrage, I didn’t see it in Columbus.] The game entitled 'President' had been advertised as a part of NERF gun-themed party organized by the Olmsted Performing Arts community center in Berea, a suburb of Cleveland. "There is one president with body guards. Everyone else tries to eliminate or shoot the president," read the description of the game on the center's website, since deleted.
There doesn’t seem to be evidence that Democrats in the arts center came up with this “game,” but I can’t imagine that Republicans did.
Baldwin Wallace acquired Olmsted Performing Arts on January 1, 2019. Of course, an apology was issued to “anyone who was offended.” Here’s my suggestion for an apology: “BW believes this game is offensive and dangerous, we’ve removed the staffer who planned it and we apologize to all, especially the president and his family.”
Monday, February 25, 2019
Reparations redux
NO. HATE CRIMES ARE NOT INCREASING—down in the last decade
NO. Hate crimes are not on the increase, and shame on the MSM for repeating that lie. "Our data sets keep expanding. We have higher numbers of incidents, but we also have more and more police agencies participating in the voluntary reporting system. In 2016, there were 271 more incidents deemed hate crimes than in 2015, with 257 more law enforcement agencies reporting. As I pointed out when those data came out, "the number of hate crime classifications was higher in 2016 than in any of the four preceding years" but "lower than in 2011 and significantly down from 2006-08." There were also fewer victims in 2016: 7,615, down from 9,652 in 2006." You won't get that from CNN.
Harvard discriminates against Asian Americans
Brazilian immigrant attacks man in MAGA hat in Mexican restaurant
President Donald Trump is not a racist, sexist, homophobic xenophobe. That’s the media’s narrative. He’s protecting our borders, and not ignoring lines in the sand that his predecessor did. But we have a lot of strung out, on the edge, crazy people in this country.
A Brazilian immigrant attacked a man in a Mexican restaurant who was wearing a MAGA hat and after the police were called, she tried it again. Admitting she’d had a little to drink, she claimed she was the victim.
A recent Republican has been surprised
Heard a black woman, about 60, on the radio this morning. She said no one better give her flak about wearing her MAGA hat. She said Trump was the first Republican she'd ever voted for because the Democrats had made so many promises they couldn’t or wouldn’t keep. She was just furious and disgusted with the Republicans in Congress. I know, I know. When I changed parties in 2000 I just could not believe the spaghetti spines among the Republican "leaders." Things haven't changed much. Trump stirred a hornets' nest in both parties by shaking up the Washington DC games, but Republicans have never had much stick 'em their bond. John McCain defeated the efforts to repeal Obamacare, one the major reasons Trump was elected. Trump had not been kind to him, and he never forgot it. He put his anger and animosity ahead of his concern for the American people. Democrats did the happy dance. It's amazing what Trump has been able to accomplish without help from his party.
What's in a kiss on the cheek? A lawsuit?
About 2 weeks ago I was introduced to a Muslim woman at the gym. I started to put out my hand, but she said, "This is how we do it," and she kissed me on both cheeks. I wonder if I should sue her for sexual harassment?
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Elizabeth Warren’s minimum wage scam
"The minimum wage prevents some of the least skilled, least educated, and least experienced workers from participating in the labor market because it discourages employers from taking a chance by hiring them. In other words, workers compete for jobs on the basis of education, skill, experience, and price. Of these factors, the only one on which the lesser-educated, lesser-skilled, and lesser-experienced worker can compete is price."
I had many advantages as a low wage teen that others less fortunate might not have. My employers knew my parents; they knew my sisters; they had known me since I was a toddler; they knew what our family values were, that I had been taught by my parents to be responsible, on time, and how to treat adults; they knew I was an A student (honor roll was published in the town paper) and could probably be trusted at the cash register (they didn't know how bad I was at math); they knew I could walk to work in snow or rain; they knew my school schedule including social events because their son was the same age; they felt a sense of responsibility to the community, their customer case. And I knew there were 10 other teens who wanted that job.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Economic freedom
The U.S. economy is roaring like no other time in recent memory. The job market is hot, unemployment is down to record lows, and small business optimism is soaring. Wages are rising for the first time in two decades, with an overall unemployment rate of 3.8 percent, matching the lowest rate in 50 years.
So why are the Democrats so mad? Why are all the 2020 candidates pushing socialism? Well, in my opinion, they hate Trump more than they love the American people.
Smollett, Harris and Lynch, inc.
Jussie Smollett appeared in a documentary "America Divided" as host of a segment on lynching. Kamala Harris sponsored a bill on lynching (this came up in early 20th century sponsored by Republicans when people really were being lynched, but Democrats voted it down). She used it as sort of strange publicity for her campaign, and then was right out of the box to accuse the country and Trump supporters when the Smollett hoax included a noose. It’s sort of odd because she has no ties at all to the “black experience.” Her parents were both immigrants.
Smollett earlier campaigned for Harris. Maybe he was campaigning for her bill--and her? Collusion? I wondered, but of course, I checked it out first before putting fingers to keyboard. I found out someone had already published this idea on Feb. 18 and it had been tweeted by Tariq Nasheed, a black film producer, on the 17th. Nasheed posted photos of them campaigning together, and even Smollett with the Obamas.
“Up until now, it appeared that politicians such as Harris (and Booker) couldn't have known much about the phony plot and probably just glommed onto the controversy for political advantage the way a lot of politicians do. But Nasheed has pictures of them campaigning together, and even more important, notes that Harris and Booker brought out an anti-lynching bill just coincidentally timed ahead of the attack, as if to ensure passage as the momentum built from public outrage (until the attack was exposed as phony). With Smollett a black and gay supposed victim and everyone slathing sympathy on him, who could refuse to vote for the anti-lynching bill, which just happens to have had some gay language inserted at the last minute? Trump lynchers were simply everywhere, according to the narrative, even in zero degree Chicago cold weather, lurking and looking for someone black and gay to assault and of course it was a national problem just waiting for Harris to pass a law as the person who "fixes problems" which is how she is repeatedly identified herself to voters.”
Poetry and music—how the schools and churches fail us
Although this is a challenge for Catholic schools and churches, it applies to all worship leaders and educators: poetry and music. Even when I was in school 60 years ago, my mother complained that we didn't have enough poetry in our curriculum.
"First, get rid of the lousy poetry and lousy music. Stupidity is always a vice, says Maritain. Nobody says, “It doesn’t matter what movies my child watches, so long as he watches movies,” or, “It doesn’t matter what my husband drinks, so long as he drinks.” Get rid of it. Nobody but the church performers enjoys it anyway. Replace it with real hymns. Don’t think you can get those from the big presses, OCP and GIA and such, because they have mangled the texts and dragged them through the mud. Sing the poems, as they were composed.
Second, return to poetry. The time is short, and the reward immense. Fifty lines of Tennyson can be committed to memory; five hundred pages of Dickens, not so fast. Have every student in your schools learn, say, twenty poems by heart. And their elders, too, might join in – have a Poetry Night in your parish, with the stipulation that every poem be written in meter.
We are suffering from cultural dementia, muddied and dulled by the strokes of the modern. It is time, little by little, for recovery."
Not being Catholic, or even musical, I didn't know what OCP and GIA were, so I looked it up. The comments from the musical directors are hilarious.
Friday, February 22, 2019
Let’s dump the hate crime category
I'd like to see the whole category of "hate crime" removed from the books. Assault, robbery, murder, mayhem and property crime ought to cover it. What if it's two guys fighting over a girl or a motor cycle and their ethnicities are different--someone's going to determine their mind set and decide it's race and not love?
The video of a white liberal attacking a white conservative on a college campus that's in the news today probably doesn't qualify because both are white males. With intersectionality and trans this and that, it's gotten ridiculous. And it appears to be OK to attack anyone wearing a MAGA hat, even a kid. What if a 1/2 black lesbian who wears a MAGA hat while campaigning for Trump attacks a privileged white Hispanic male who is transitioning so he can be on the girls' track team?
Even the stats about hate crimes being on the increase is questionable (aka fake) since many more law enforcement agencies are reporting who didn't in the past. Plus, of those reported, 50% of the offenders were white and over 25% were black, which are not the demographic make up of the country, and it's not reported when the MSM start giving us that preachy, holier than thou sermon they pass off as news these days.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
The Democrats and socialism
When I see AOC's bright red lips I think about fossil fuel products used in lip stick and cosmetics. I think you can buy lipstick without petroleum products, but don't know if you can get that slick, wet, ready for sex look. Also chewing gum, perfume, contact lenses, guitar strings, deodorants and toothpaste. She might want to rethink that green deal if she wants to keep the female vote. I don’t like people making fun of her eyes, however, She might have Graves’ Disease. I wonder if she’s had her thyroid checked.
Kamala Harris, daughter of 2 immigrants—one Jamaican the other Indian--both well educated and upper middle class, claims other American blacks can't succeed because of slavery. They'll need reparations. She's above all that, having received her leg up in politics from her married boyfriend, Willie Brown.
All the socialists running for president in the U.S. are asking for money from capitalist billionaires. Bernie had $6 million in a few hours. What's up? They'll never have to pay those confiscatory taxes the socialists want--that's what lawyers and accountants are for--and they want more regulations which will affect their competition--i.e. the socialists in the Democrat party will help kill off or slow down their competition. These are the same guys who regularly visited Barack Obama who did zip nada for the poor. Helping socialists is just the cost of doing business for the big boys.
Chocolate pudding
I stopped using sugar from the bowl or canister about 2 years ago and changed to local honey. We haven't given up sugar, because we still eat restaurant and store purchased desserts. But today I made chocolate pudding from scratch using honey. It was quite good. Just milk, cornstarch, dark chocolate (cocoa, 100% cacao natural unsweetened), a little sprinkle of salt, honey, vanilla, and I added some butter which wasn't in the recipe. It was very good, more chocolate tasting than the box or store bought.
Boxed dry chocolate pudding mix (both Jello and Godiva) contains: sugar, modified cornstarch, cocoa processed with alkali, sodium phosphate and tetrasodium pyrophosphate (for thickening) contains less than 2% of natural and artificial flavor, salt, artificial color mono- and diglycerides (prevents foaming), red 40, Yellow 5, Blue 1.
Sodium phosphate is a salt, but it is also what is used when preparing for a colonoscopy. Tetrasodium pyrophosphate is used as a buffering agent, an emulsifier, it’s more salt, and is used in toothpaste and cat food but can promote algae growth in water. Yuk. I won't even analyze the dyes, but I can assure you, that by using 100% cacao ( which has to have a lot of processing to make it useable) the dark color was richer than the box mix.
Is Booker buying votes?
"Sen. Cory Booker (D.-N.J.) is proposing a plan—the American Opportunity Accounts Act—that he calculates will provide $46,215 to every 18-year-old in the lowest income bracket by giving them annual subsidies in a federally managed savings account."
This ought to qualify Booker as a Presidential candidate buying votes.
If they are truly low income, and qualify for federal and state benefits, like SNAP, EITC, Section 8, Medicaid, TANF, negative income tax, home energy assistance, school lunch, breakfast and snack, going all the way back to Head Start, SSI, child care, grants and loans for college or trade school, plus about 100 other transfers, $46,000 would probably be a reduction.
Trump drives people mad
"For those whom Trump has driven mad, there is nothing he does that can be understood or appreciated. While we sane people glory in the sunshine of a president who works hard for Americans, who supercharges our economy, who strengthens our borders, who may have sparked peace on the Korean peninsula, who recognizes Iran as a place of terrible evil, and who generally seeks to extend true freedom at home and abroad, those in the grips of Trump Derangement Syndrome are forever mired in a dark, smelly stable, eating dirt." (Bookworm Room, one of the best conservative blogs you'll read)
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Time travel in church, “This is my Father’s world.”
The sermon theme this past Sunday was “Drinking Tea,” which doesn’t make a lot of sense, except the idea was to relax from our busy distracted life and take in the beauty and complexity of God’s creation with a cup of tea, or good music, or the smell of frying bacon (yes, Joe actually fried up some bacon during the service). One of the hymns we sang Sunday was, “This is my Father’s world,” and I was immediately transported back in time to the junior choir at the little Lutheran church my family attended (but never joined) 1946-1951 in Forreston, Illinois. Our neighbor in Forreston, Helen Vietmeier invited us to attend (she died in 2010 and I last saw her at my mother’s funeral in 2000). The church welcomed us warmly and we children participated in everything, although we remained members at our home church in Mt. Morris.
This popular hymn by Maltbie D. Babcock was written in 1901, the year of his death, and wasn’t published as a hymn until later. But it’s probably in most Protestant hymnals, and by the 1940’s even little kids could understand and gustily belt it out, particularly the “This is my Father’s world” line which is repeated 6 times. Franklin Sheppard adapted Babcock’s poem of 16 verses, to 3 verses of 4 lines each in 1915. So that’s only about 30 years for that hymn to become so popular even little kids could sing it and remember it years later.
Our pastor when I was belting out songs in the junior choir was Rev. Dr. T. B. Hersch (1871-1959) who was older than my grandparents, and was born and raised in Polo, Illinois. He retired to Polo after leaving the Forreston church in 1953 (as seen in the Freeport paper which you can find on the Internet). I don’t remember him as an inspiring preacher in his black robe and white hair—but then, how much does a 7 year old remember? Actually, a lot when his wife Alice got ahold of the children during Sunday School or VBS. She was a dynamo, and you just kept your eyes glued on her and didn’t even whisper when she did those felt board Bible stories, moving Jesus and the sheep around the fields and mountains. She died in 1970 at Pinecrest in Mt Morris. My mother volunteered there—wondered if she visited her?
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Duck and cover
There's never been a better, safer or more opportune time in America to be gay, minority or female. But by always screaming racism or homophobia, the left can cover for their real Marxist crimes and their own phobias and fears.
Race of victims and offenders in interracial violent crimes certainly gives lie to the "hate crimes" narrative that media and celebrities promote. Between 2012 and 2015, blacks committed more than 85% of interracial violent victimizations between blacks and whites.
So why does the Left continue to promote the Smollett, the Covington Catholic, the Kavanaugh hate narratives when there is no truth, no evidence and they end up with egg on their faces? And it didn't start with Trump Derangement Syndrome--it was rampant in the Obama years, but existed on the campuses before that--even into the 80s and 90s. So they can't use that excuse. The reason is they have no economic plan, no tax plan, no trade plan, no education plan, no national security plan, and nothing good, positive, uplifting, life giving, or patriotic to offer the voters. Just hate, division, anger, mistrust and victimhood. It's never been different for those who follow Marx. No workers or peasants to riot and demand change? No problem. Just bring on the snowflakes and millennials led by near octogenarians.
On pundits, panderers and presidents, guest blogger Michael Smith
"All the pundits and Sunday show hosts are going the "Can you name just one time another president issued a national emergency order like Trump's order?" route.
It is a dishonest question.
Might as well ask, "How many presidents have issued a "Declaration of a National Emergency and Invocation of Emergency Authority Relating to the Regulation of the Anchorage and Movement of Vessels" (Clinton)?
The right question is this, "Is the issuance of a national emergency for the border crisis in accordance with established law and procedure?"
The answer to that question is "yes".
The next question should be, "Have any other presidents moved funds from one department to the other without the authorization of Congress to fund a pet program?"
The answer to that question is also "yes" - Obama did it to fund the provision of Obamacare that compensated insurance companies for losses associated with the law.
I don't like this type of governance - but to try to claim that Trump's declaration is wrong just because it was Trump issuing it is simply wrong. No president needs any act, agreement, permission or definition from Congress or anybody else to issue such an order under this particular law.”
"If the media can't see through hoaxes and misinformation like what BuzzFeed published, that Nathan Phillips perpetrated on the Covington Catholic kids or what Jussie Smollett just did, how likely is it they could spot some Russians trying to interfere with an election?
The freaking Russians and Chinese have the US media right where they want them. If either of these countries were running operations to disrupt the US and sow political discord, just exactly what would they be doing different to what the US media is doing?"
Monday, February 18, 2019
The Jussie Smollett publicity hate crime
St. John’s Bible
“On Feb. 21, I attended a lecture at the Faculty Club about the St John's Bible, the first manuscript Bible in about 500 years. The art work is really magnificent. A monastery in MN has commissioned it, and the calligrapher lives in England. Father Hollas had a video showing the artist at work--was absolutely fascinating, and slides of the sketches and mock-ups of several scenes, like the nativity (he calls them the infancy narratives) and the raising of Lazarus. I was surprised that the new RSV was selected as the version. I asked one of the librarians about it, knowing he is Catholic, and he claimed complete ignorance of any version. "Oh, we Catholics don't read the Bible, we just rattle our beads," I think he said. The December issue of Smithsonian has a cover story on this Bible. It is projected to take 6 years--and of course you can sponsor a page, but the costs weren't as bad as some I've seen for getting your name on a brick of a building. I think $1,000 was the price of an un-illuminated page. $250,000 if you want to sponsor one of the Gospels.”
Well, this sounded interesting! Even 18 years later. I vaguely remember the event, so I looked it up, and it has a blog and a web page. I’ll for sure want to find that December 2000 Smithsonian (checked—it’s available for $36.)
Information on the calligrapher, Donald Jackson, scribe to the Queen of England.
The Heritage Edition. Rev. Eric Hollas, O.S.B., Senior Associate for Arts & Cultural Affairs at Saint John's University. Was apparently the person who gave the presentation that night in February 2001 at the Faculty Club.
White Africans and Black by Caroline Singer and Cyrus Le Roy Baldridge, on my bookshelves
One of the first things the authors mention is that photographs do not do justice to the shading and tone of African skin--but their drawings certainly do. The people are all beautifully drawn--very well muscled, graceful, and beautiful. They comment on relations between men and women, slavery (which had been outlawed, but still was obvious), funeral customs, polygamy, religion, the culture of the "Creole" West Indians who had returned to Africa but weren't really African, food, bathing, language, work attitudes.
The illustrator is Cyrus Baldridge, and his wife, Caroline Singer is the writer. Her writing style is unusual. She uses almost no active verbs, lots of descriptive clauses, and sometimes word repetition, and so her writing develops sort of a calming rhythm. I would love to see something else they've written--and they did a lot of traveling,
“Quiet is the bedroom which adjoins our own, occupied by a swaggering hawk-nosed Kissi, his childlike wife and half a dozen retainers who, though slavery is by law abolished, differ racially from their employer and obey him, without servility, but still as people owned obey. That the young man is Moslem is evidence not by robes and sandals alone—for many pagans assume this dress without derangement of their inner life—but by his pretty one’s abasement, which has a subtly meretricious quality. She is demure. But I think she is so designedly, not unselfconsciously as pagan women are. It is often stated by the governing whites—despite the missionary’s protest—that any pagan, Moslemized, has made an upward step. This child, littered with European jewelry of dubious gold, is set apart from other women here by a mincing self-consciousness, equalled only by the preciousness of half-Europeanized women of the larger coast settlements, unduly inflated by newly acquired monogamy, Charleston sandals, and coverings for their upper parts. A favorite toy, chosen for her charms and not her usefulness, the girl, as if in fearful anticipation of the day those charms may pass, undetected from behind her husband’s back, plunges long glances into the eyes of passing men, searching for reaffirmation of their potency.”
If I were collecting books instead of giving them away, this is an illustrator/author I would try to locate.
A WWI illustration from “ I Was There With the Yanks In France (1920), a book of sketches by the artist Cyrus Leroy Baldridge, who had served as a war correspondent in occupied Belgium and France before America even joined the war. Baldridge later joined the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) and became the chief illustrator for the new Stars and Stripes military newspaper.”
Sunday, February 17, 2019
The President’s emergency powers
We’re still living under emergency powers put in place by previous presidents. According to Democrats, only President Trump can't call a national emergency when we are being invaded by thousands every year, a large number who are members of gangs, who are trafficking women and children, who are using children to pose as "family" groups, who are bringing in drugs.
What if they were Russians arriving in San Francisco or New York demanding refugee status for admittance? By the thousands. The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming. Big ships of them because Putin wanted to empty his jails and prison camps. Every year. Demanding the social safety net originally set up for our poor and unemployed. Wanting all the labels and directions printed in А, Б, В, Г, Д, Е, Ё, Ж, З, И, Й, К, Л, М, Н, О, П, Р, С, Т, У, Ф, Х, Ц, Ч, Ш, Щ, Ъ, Ы, Ь, Э, Ю, Я, and press 2 for Russian? Demanding special sanctuary cities so they can avoid police and prey on Russians who came as legal immigrants and refugees in the 1990s?
What if instead of hundreds crossing our northern border with Canada annually there were thousands and thousands flooding into Minnesota and Washington, working the good tech jobs, or even as baristas, taking over slots in the colleges intended by minority affirmative action for people born here?
Ilhan Omar has shown us one doesn’t have to be born in the U.S. to be in Congress and have an ugly, biased, bigoted Twitter account and try to destroy our ally Israel.
Saturday, February 16, 2019
The Dred Scott case
Democrats (7) on the Supreme Court decided Dred Scott wasn't a citizen worthy of rights--just as now Democrat led states are deciding that third trimester unborn babies are not citizens worthy of rights and protection. When their ugly legislation passed, they cheered and lit up buildings. To their credit, those 7 judges didn't say Scott wasn't human—just unfit and inferior—sort of what they say about full term babies.
Friday, February 15, 2019
Harm reduction in San Francisco
"The Department of Public Health distributes 4.45 million needles each year to the city’s 22,000 intravenous drug users. Heroin and prescription opioids are the most injected substances, though use of methamphetamines and Fentanyl is on the rise. It’s true that sterile needles reduce the transmission of blood-borne infections, and injecting narcotics under supervision can lower the risk of overdose and death. But harm reduction goes far beyond promoting these kinds of needle-safety measures. For example, At the Crossroads, a nonprofit, assembled “safe snorting kits” for at-risk and homeless youth. Baggies were filled with straws, chopping mats, plastic razor blades, and instruction sheets. Other groups offer crack-cocaine “safe-smoking” kits. A proposal to open “safe injection” sites, opposed by Jerry Brown, is favored by Governor Gavin Newsom, and is likely to succeed."
Can media survive the Trump presidency?
Yes, Trump blasts "fake news" and that gets journalists worked up who then fight back, but unfortunately they don't even see their own biases and some really believe they are being objective and fair. And then there are revelations like those of Andrew McCabe's book which just prove him right again.
Conservatives knew for years before the 2016 election that they weren't being treated fairly, that the intellectual "elites" in the media, academe, DC, the state houses, and entertainment were slamming, ridiculing and dissing them. So it's been a perfect storm--falling advertising revenue, loss of readership by customers who don't trust them (most people don't enjoy being insulted by someone who wants to sell them something), and a President who calls them out on their bias.
I would like to see the old print media survive, and the web media improve, but they've got a few miles to go to win back the country and become solvent again.

"If you’re a working journalist and you believe that Donald J. Trump is a demagogue playing to the nation’s worst racist and nationalistic tendencies, that he cozies up to anti-American dictators and that he would be dangerous with control of the United States nuclear codes, how the heck are you supposed to cover him?
Because if you believe all of those things, you have to throw out the textbook American journalism has been using for the better part of the past half-century, if not longer, and approach it in a way you’ve never approached anything in your career. If you view a Trump presidency as something that’s potentially dangerous, then your reporting is going to reflect that. You would move closer than you’ve ever been to being oppositional. That’s uncomfortable and uncharted territory for every mainstream, nonopinion journalist I’ve ever known, and by normal standards, untenable."
El Paso Rally up close by someone who was there--Dionne
Anyway, 45k+ people - about 90% of them Hispanic - wearing MAGA hats. Also black, white, LGBTQ, military, even some peaceful mature democrats all in line braving the freezing wind, laughing joking , talking with each other, to see the President. No fighting, no meanness - not even to the few protesters (and I mean FEW--- we didn't really see any until AFTER the rally when we were coming out. I guess they waited until cover of darkness or were just irritated because of Beto's failed "Rally" down the street). Mexican, white, black, gay, young people, old people, military, law enforcement, men , women... all getting along and supporting each other with a shared pride and love of our country without a SINGLE Democratic leader around to "help us get along" or "protect us" from each other..*GASP!!* who'da thought? ?
I didn't watch the news or the "Media's" version of the rally, but I'm sure it wasn't the picture I just painted. I cant blame them ---it's pretty embarrassing to show visual evidence that you are LOSING the city and demographic you thought you were in control of...I wouldn't show it either if I were them, or I'd definitely dirty it up with some fake stories, fake fights, and maybe only show pictures of the few WHITE people that were there (they made up maybe 5% of the entire crowd) so it would look like a KKK rally."
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Forget toxic masculinity
2019 may become the year of toxic feminism. We experienced a temper tantrum by the aging Pelosi, the highest elected female in the country, in line for the presidency, refusing Trump his SOTU; then when it finally happens we had to watch a block of white lab coats described variously as abortion assistants to noisy middle school girls' silliness; a Michigan Congress woman called the President a disgusting term; we have Kathy Tran proposing death to fully viable babies in Virginia; and women who cheered late term abortion in New York; and finally yesterday we saw the grossest, most vile behavior of Ilhan Omar in Congress that I've ever seen in my life time, coming on the heels of her anti-Semitism of a few days ago which was defended by another female, Ocasio-Cortez. Time to get the cameras out of these hearing rooms! They are exposing women and are embarrassing 51% of the country.
Joan doesn’t agree with today’s philosophy of reading—guest blogger Joan Turrentine (former teacher)
“Recent educational philosophy has been that it doesn't matter WHAT children read as long as they DO read. I am glad I grew up and went to school in a day when schools believed that it matters WHAT students read. My mind and memory are full of quality literature, classic poetry, thought-provoking stories and poems. I became familiar with and developed a useful and precise vocabulary and a familiarity with proper English language syntax. I observed in countless realistic situations (in reading assignments) how real people act and how people interact with other people and build happy and successful lives. I read the thoughts of some of the greatest thinkers of the past and learned how they organize their thoughts, thereby learning HOW to think and reason. Because of this background, I often read FB posts, have conversations, or read other media and recognize cultural references, recognize faulty/logical reasoning strategies, understand some of human nature.
I feel bad for many of today's elementary school kids who only read about teachers who are aliens, students who are wizards, and other such imaginary life situations. What preparation for real life does that provide? What thought processes does that develop? How does that help them discover their own values in life? And then in post-elementary school they read such dystopian literature as the Hunger Games series, the Unwind series, or numerous other books with unrealistic settings which provide no opportunity for observing how people might handle real life situations and what consequences might be expected to result from actions. There's nothing wrong with any of this literature if students want to read them on their own; but I believe the schools owe them better than that. These students won't be culturally literate as adults - recognizing references to the classic literature, philosophy, or history of the ages. They won't have had the opportunity to develop their own sense of how to live successfully in this world. What they have read will not have helped them develop values to help them live successfully and happily. I so strongly believe that it DOES matter WHAT children read.”
I agree with Joan’s concern and philosophy, I just don't think I had all that much "quality" reading material--at least my mother used to complain it wasn't as good as what she had in the 1920's. All I cared about as a child was horse and dog stories. I enjoyed reading from encyclopedias and preferred to write and illustrate my own stories. My grandmother gave us subscriptions to Jack and Jill, hardly sophisticated or difficult information. We had a lot of magazines and the local newspapers (and maybe one from Chicago). Mom belonged to the “Book of the Month” club, which was definitely considered “low brow,” but I enjoyed looking through her fiction. I learned the names of the classics, by playing the card game "Authors" , and by high school, the literature text books were just excerpts grouped by era or genre. In college I was a foreign language major, so I had NO American or British literature. I was definitely a forerunner for today's poorly educated students! Today I belong to a book club, and I’m grateful for my well educated reading friends—but I’m still not educated in the type of literature Joan recommends. And of course, not having grandchildren (she has many), I haven’t even heard of the series she writes about.
Just in time for the Green New Deal
"California’s new governor, the prim and grim Gavin Newsom, announced that the project [bullet train] would be taken off its $650-million-a-month life-support apparatus and euthanized. The end of the project leaves Californians with no way to travel between Los Angeles and San Francisco except a 90-minute, $149 flight." Kevin Williamson, Feb. 13
For those who have family with mental health issues
This young lady is the daughter of a friend. Not sure of her age, but she’s about 19-20. I spent some time with her about 7 years ago when she was in middle school—such a sweet, beautiful child. We have been praying for her and her mother. Recently she had some serious problems, and today posted this:
“Hi all, I just thought I would share with you what 2019 has held for me so far. I’ve been through some stuff I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy. I’ll start with my most recent “adventure”. I’ve struggled with mental health issues for just about as long as I can remember, whether it be anxiety, depression or Bipolar 1. These past 9 days I was hospitalized due to these issues and I would like to share my experience in hopes to help anyone going through something similar.
I was at the lowest of the low. I was unstable, depressed, hopeless, dissociated, anxious you name it. I wasn’t sleeping. I wasn’t eating. I lost 20 pounds in the past month or so. Even though I have a strong support system, I had never felt so alone. I couldn’t describe in words how awful that feeling was.
The first night I was there, I wished that I wasn’t alive. I wished that I had never been born. I wished I could fall asleep and never wake up. Looking back now, I want to tell myself that everything was going to get better with each passing day.
I met some incredible people during my stay in which I hope to keep in touch with for the rest of my days. Hearing people talk about their experiences and being able to relate with you and talk through your problems, is the most amazing way to start your healing process. I cried with them, I laughed with them, but most importantly they taught me that having mental health issues is okay. They taught me so many valuable skills and lessons that I will cherish for the rest of my life. During any future struggles I may have, everything I’ve learned from them will help me come out stronger than before.
Through this experience, I’ve learned not to be ashamed or embarrassed. I’ve talked about my problems, which is totally not my style, but it’s helped immensely. I’m happier, I’m healthier and I have a whole new, positive, outlook on life. I will continue to better myself day by day.
I thought I had no way out. It felt like there was no light at the end of the tunnel. Some of you may be able to relate in your own ways, some of you may not and that’s perfectly okay. . .
Thank you to my Family, Friends and everyone else who has supported me through my struggles. I appreciate it so very much and I don’t know what I would do without you!”
Who knew what when? Theodore McCarrick
“More than sixty years after his priestly ordination, nearly five decades after he began sexually abusing young men and boys, more than four decades after his episcopal consecration, and at least nineteen years after his preying on seminarians was first reported to the Vatican, Theodore McCarrick is – we are told – on the verge of being removed from the clerical state”
In this era of either hyper-vigilance over a joke or a yearbook 35 years old, contrasted with a casual accepting attitude toward homosexuality, the church will be conflicted over what to do. So far, the oversight and caring for the teens and boys who have been abused is just disgusting.
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
DC resident sees the culture wars up close
“I am a chiropractor, who has lived in the DC area for 35 years. During that time, I have had the opportunity to treat Generals, Colonels, employees of the CIA, the FBI, hundreds of government workers, as well as members of all of the branches of the military. I have never, in that time, encountered the intolerance, racism and hatred that exists in the Democratic party today. Some of my dearest friends are Liberals, and have been for years, and it is only recently that their sanctimony and animosity has gotten to the point that we can't have a civil conversation regarding our President. I kept quiet during President Obama's two terms, because I knew that if I had dared to disagree with him, I would have been labeled a racist. I am saddened by the 'soundbite nation' that we have become. Fact and truth seem to have no place in the Democratic Party, nor in the Liberal media, for that matter.”
(from the Walk Away site on Facebook)
She’s in the belly of the beast. . .