- ". . . unrestrained, unmuzzled, and unrepentant. Shield your inbox, throw up a filter, and otherwise gird your computer to resist our continuing assault, as we fully intend to sow the seeds of "current awareness" -- or more accurately our very much mistaken interpretation of such -- far and wide for many a decade more." Roy Tennant
Friday, July 30, 2010
Current Cites: July 2010--20th anniversary
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Made in the USA?
Today I paid $80.00 for three books about Ohio birds and wildlife. They are wonderful books, I like the author (who lives near me), and they are a terrific asset to my collection, but all were printed in China. We have a terrific farmer's market in Lakeside--the Association sells green canvass type shopping bags with its logo, made in China, of course. There is a big push on here to change to CFL electric bulbs--to use less electricity. However, most brands are made in China and we still have no really safe way to dispose of them.
The not so good are the required huge bright blue recyclable containers which sit in the street sometimes for 48 hours, and even when put away are an eyesore. Because many of the cottages are rented, and these containers are only picked up on Friday, someone leaving on Sunday or Monday will roll them to the street to wait several days for pick up, and then there's no one around to put them away. Sometimes on my Sunday morning walk I may roll 5 or 6 of these containers back to the house or drive-way. Because of our tiny lots, there really is no way to hide them.
HIV/AIDS JAMA special issue
The patient page clearly says, "Women with HIV infection can transmit the virus to their babies during pregnancy or delivery or through their breast milk." It says nothing "clear" about gay sex and the transmission of disease, and instead tip toes through "bodily fluids, including semen, " using condoms, and not having sexual contact with infected persons, including oral, anal or vaginal.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Call it anything you want, but it's still a tax increase
- Effective 2012, architecture firms and other small businesses may be hit with a dramatic and unnecessary increase in paperwork and tax forms. If the current law takes effect, any company that makes payments of $600 or more to purchase goods or services from any vendor will be required to file a 1099 MISC tax form to report the transaction. In short, your business will need to complete this form for virtually every service or piece of equipment it purchases. Many firms, especially small businesses, will suffer disproportionately under these rules. But now we have a chance to stop this law from taking effect. Sen. Mike Johanns (R-NE) has offered an amendment to a small business bill, which is currently being debated in the Senate, that would repeal this requirement. The amendment could be subject to a vote as early as today, July 28. We urge you to contact your Senators and tell them to repeal the 1099 paperwork requirement.
Schedel Arboretum and Gardens, Elmore, Ohio

A tornado ripped through the gardens in 1992, but they made lemonade from lemons, and used the open spaces created by the downed trees to plant flower gardens, whereas before it had been primarily trees, shrubs and bushes. They also lost 10 acres when the state took it for the interstate, but were able to obtain certain concessions which created the lakes. Even so, the noise from the freeway is ever present.
Schedel Arboretum and Gardens--the sculptures
Marblehead, Ohio Rock of Ages--Historic Inn
Marblehead, Ohio vacation rental by owner: 13 bedroom House rental that sleeps 36. Rock of Ages, Historic, Lakefront--Great for Reunions!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Every night the same conversation
Tomorrow the herb class is going on a field trip to Schedel Arboretum and Gardens in Elmore, Ohio. We'll have a guided tour and a box lunch. Our hostess is Carolyn Swanger. We met Gene and Carolyn Swanger a number of years ago when they bought a cottage at Lakeside and then needed an architect to make it fit their family's needs. He's faculty emeritus at Wittenburg, just some of the many wonderful people we've met here.
Each Wednesday there's a picnic in the park, but so far we haven't attended. There always seems to be something else, and tomorrow will be no different. After a box lunch I don't think I need hot dogs for dinner.
Nomad reviewed at Books and Culture
- Christian leaders now wasting precious time and resources on a futile exercise of interfaith dialogue with … self-appointed leaders of Islam should redirect their efforts to converting as many Muslims as possible to Christianity, introducing them to a God who rejects Holy War and who has sent his son to die for all sinners out of love for mankind.
Nomad | Books and Culture
Monday, July 26, 2010
E.J. Dionne certainly got this one wrong
Let's face it, Mr. Dionne. Fox is cleaning your bosses' clocks and you're worried. They have better coverage, more diversity, more topics, and better looking female talking heads. So what to do, what to do. Oh--let's call them names. That works!
E.J. Dionne Jr. - Enough right-wing propaganda
New notebook time!
People at the coffee shop think I'm journaling, and I am, sort of, but it usually ends up on one of my 12 blogs.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
The Plain Dealer forms partnership with PolitiFact Ohio to help readers separate political fact from fiction
The Plain Dealer forms partnership with PolitiFact Ohio to help readers separate political fact from fiction | cleveland.com
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Throwing Others Under the Bus Over Race
- She said: "So that's when they made black people servants for life. That's when they put laws in place forbidding them (i.e., blacks and whites) to marry each other. That's when they created the racism that we know of today. They did it to keep us divided. And ... it started working so well they said, 'Gosh, looks like we've come upon something here that could last generations.' And here we are, over 400 years later, and it's still working." McCarthy goes on to quote Sherrod apparently addressing the motives of some of Obamacare's opponents. She said: "I haven't seen such a mean-spirited people as I've seen lately over this issue of health care. Some of the racism we thought was buried. Didn't it surface? Now, we endured eight years of the Bushes, and we didn't do the stuff these Republicans are doing because you have a black president."
Throwing Others Under the Bus Over Race - HUMAN EVENTS
Ms. Sherrod's Speech Was Most Certainly Not About Transcending Racism - Andy McCarthy - The Corner on National Review Online
And you can go to the NAACP site and read her entire speech and be hit up for money.
Video on lack of leadership
The hasty firing of Shirley Sherrod shows the WH can move quickly when it wants to.
Changes, changes
Friday, July 23, 2010
Yard sales at Lakeside
Now I need to find a blender. I could swear I had one here at the cottage and I have potato chunks, onions, and broccoli perking away on the stove for broccoli soup, and I can't find the blender! I've looked everywhere--even in the basement. No blender. Second choice would be a hand potato masher, but it's gone too!
Our wonderful five senses
1. TOUCH -- Skin is our largest organ. I could feel the wind on my face, arms and hair--and my sweaty clothes.
2. SMELL -- The wet grasses, flowers, rocks with moss, from last night's storm. It's a fresh, but somewhat moldy smell due to the hot weather we've been experiencing.
3. SOUND -- Waves splashing, birds chirping and calling, the chain on the flag clainging against the pole, a jet overhead, a distant motor boat, a teen-ager bouncing a basketball in the park, a car door slamming, a runner's footfall as he runs past, insects humming.
4. SIGHT -- The electric lights in the dimness on Put-in-Bay, Kelley's Island, Marblehead, the oar boat, the lakefront street lights, reflections on Lake Erie, a woman walking the lakefront with a red shirt and white pants, drooping wet flowers, robins, gulls, the tents closed up for the craft show to return.
5. TASTE -- This is a bit harder. But I had brushed my teeth after my morning coffee, so I could taste the toothpaste.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The strange case of Shirley Sherrod and a big government settlement
American Thinker Blog: Forty Acres & a Mule -- Sherrod Style?
And here's the left-handed view of this, although no mention that in the settlement, 4 times more black farmers showed up for the money than the USDA census recorded.
Julie Zickefoose
Ohio Magazine article on Julie Zickefoose
Some apologies just aren't--Spitz and Vilsack
- "As a publicist, I realize more than anyone that is no excuse for irresponsible behavior. I apologize to anyone I may have offended and I regret these comments greatly; they do not reflect the values by which I conduct my life."
Now then, when will Obama apologize to the Cambridge police for his hasty words last summer?
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
What Recovery?
Fed chief open to new steps to keep recovery going - Road Runner
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The Jamestown Foundation
Africa - The Jamestown Foundation
Shirley Sherrod, USDA, says White House forced her resignation
Shirley Sherrod: White House Forced My Resignation - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Stroke of Insight by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor
As a Christian I don't accept her spiritual, "oneness with the universe," insight (right brain) that she discovered during her "wound" to the brain which shut down her left brain, however, there are many helpful insights on brain function and recovery that are worth reading. Like this one, which applies for any illness or grief:
- "Recovery was a decision I had to make a million times a day."
You can see an 18 minute presentation by Dr. Taylor on TED.
Black and female: Tea Party Candidate battles Illinois Democrats to Get on Ballot
Tea Party Candidate Cedra Crenshaw Fights Illinois Democrats to Get on Ballot in Will County
- Crenshaw, a 37-year old mother of three who studied accounting at North Carolina A&T, submitted hundreds more signatures on her nominating petitions than required. But Will County officials knocked her off the November ballot, saying one of the sentences in her filing should have used slightly different wording.
"I am angry," said Crenshaw, an African-American who rejects complaints that the Tea Party movement is racist. "And a lot of the voters are very angry, as well. Right here in the State of Illinois, the vote is being denied to the voters of the 43rd State Senate District by a frivolous challenge."
Sen. Wilhelmi told me the rules are the rules.
Obama is lying again
Monday, July 19, 2010
Christian Teacher Wants to Pray on High Court Steps
Christian Teacher Wants to Pray on High Court Steps | Christianpost.com
Longest hop-scotch
Then on Walnut (business district) there are large murals drawn by the children. With parents standing around texting and talking on cell phones. Well, at least the kids "get it" (what Lakeside is about).
I was walking the Lakefront this morning about 30 minutes before sunrise, but it was light enough to see Put-in-Bay, Kelley's Island, all the lakefront cottages, the Hotel, the Pavilion, and an ore boat docked at Marblehead. Think of the generations who lived without electricity. It was gorgeous!
PPACA aka Obamacare
No one really believes these deficit reduction figures, not even the Democrats, Socialists and Obamacons who preach them. We know there won't be more consumer choice and that there will be millions still uninsured (the purpose of all this, we were told when Obama was in campaign mode). We know private practices will close due to increased taxes; that there will be death panels, regardless of whether you call them that. And why not, when we've elected a man who believes in late term abortion--why not early on eternal rest? The only way to cut costs is to cut services. Growing government has never saved a dime. Bailing out unions or insurance companies or automobile companies is not the government's job, and it's a given that eventually the "public option" will be the only option for Pee-Pee and Ca-Ca.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Plein air painters and wooden boat show
Sunrise and an unusual dog
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Congress Overhauls Your Portfolio
Congress Overhauls Your Portfolio - WSJ.com
Dearborn Mayor lies about Christians arrested for proselytizing - Jihad Watch
Dearborn Mayor lies about Christians arrested for proselytizing - Jihad Watch
Calories do count!
Americans are getting really picky about chemicals in food, sustainable and organic crops, and natural this and that. But they continue to get fatter. I think we were much better off with sugar and lard and fewer snacks and desserts than with chemically modified foods that don't satisfy, but are always at hand, so we eat more. If you really want low fat or low sugar, either add water or eat less.
Drug cartels in all states now
Border security isn’t just a border state problem, it’s a United States problem."
Today at the coffee shop I chatted with a woman from a beautiful ocean/lake/river area of Florida. She's lived there about 30 years, but originally came from this area of Ohio. In the last five years, she said, there's been a huge influx of crime from the Mexican drug cartels. She's very sympathetic with the Arizonans and believes there will be more laws like this if the federal government doesn't step up and do its job. Another customer chimed in about his area--Atlanta. It's not just Arizona's problem, folks, and we should thank Governor Brewer for bringing it to our attention.
Read more at the Washington Examiner.
Friday, July 16, 2010
No human embryo had to die for this experiment!
"Transplantation of human endometrial–derived stem cells (HEDSC) [HEDSC ARE ADULT STEM CELLS FROM THE ENDOMETRIUM] into mice with a Parkinson disease-like disorder boosted the animals’ dopamine production, according to a study funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. The findings provide preliminary evidence that such transplantation may have therapeutic benefits in Parkinson disease. . .
"The authors noted that HEDSC can be easily obtained through a routine office procedure, and that women with Parkinson disease might be transplanted with their own cells." JAMA June 23/30, 2010, v. 303 n.24, p. 2464
Now admit it, NOW. Isn't that better than womb farming women for embryos?
Leftist comedians attacking daughters of Republican politicians again
"On her Bravo TV show Tuesday night, left-wing comedian Kathy Griffin referred to Sen. Scott Brown's two daughters as "prostitutes," and a CNN reporter apparently thought it hysterical." Dana Bush and Griffin yukked it up--Bush's husband had the decency to grimace. Sexism and child abuse are OK if done by women, right?
Read more
NAACP and the New Racism
- "Expel the bigots and racists in your ranks or take the responsibility for them and their actions. We will no longer allow you to hide like cowards."
Sure sounds like race based hate to me, and a group that says it promotes the advancement of colored people, ought to be speaking up about the New Black Panthers and the philosophies of some of its own members that Tea Party people don't approve of. Wouldn't that at least be fair?
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Longest "failure to report" I've seen
1. He received compensation as the Natioal medical director of the American Institute of Gastric Banding.
2. He's written a patient information book on the topic from which he derives financial benefits.
3. In another study on obesity he had grants from an obesity research center, of which he is the director.
4. He "inaccurately reported" (i.e., lied) about compensation received as a speaker.
5. He regrets any lack of transparency that his failure may have created.
I think this guy has a future in politics. Also, it shows JAMA really doesn't check much on this stuff.
More Mel Tapes Coming
More Mel Tapes Coming - Road Runner
At the Rhein Center this week

He also did a presentation on Haiti Monday night and had an excellent turn out, and won the Laura Werden prize in the Lakeside Art Show for best Lakeside scene.
I've been taking a watercolor class with John Behling. Today I used an old photo of the children from the late 1970s at Marblehead, and it's better than the others I did on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Harry says Republicans Want Economy To Tank So Democrats Will Be Battered In Midterms
Where are Republicans in all this, Harry? They've been helpless as you've helped destroy a free market economy. You guys took over Congress in 2006 and have been blaming Republicans ever since. Well, it was FDR who extended the Great Depression over a decade; it was Democrat Wilson who instituted the Jim Crow laws and segregated the military; it was your beloved Byrd who got to Congress with the help of the KKK; it's Democrat mayors of the major U.S. cities that have been oppressing minorities for generations while taking block grants and urban renewal money from the federal government; it was your man Clinton who came up with "don't ask don't tell;" it's your guy Obama who thinks it's OK to dismember viable near-term babies that are inconvenient; it's Democrat controlled unions that are sending our businesses fleeing to other countries. Come on, Harry. Man up for once and accept your prize failures.
Harry Reid: Republicans Want Economy To Tank So Democrats Will Be Battered In Midterms
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan froths and insults
MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Froths: Wall Street Frightens 'Little Boy' Obama, Makes Him 'Bend Over' | NewsBusters.org
Rush Limbaugh's "cracker" remark
I link to a Floridian librarian who calls her blog Florida Cracker--these are people proud of the name. That's the problem with pejoratives, isn't it? It used to be unacceptable to use the word black when referring to Negroes, or gay or queer in referring to homosexuals. Now black is preferred over Negro, and everyone uses gay--the word when embraced by the group, becomes acceptable. Cracker is a pejorative when the NBP uses it, but not when a Floridian refers to a Floridian.
Rush Limbaugh calls Steinbrenner a "cracker" | HardballTalk
Obama, Bush and Hitler images
- "a paranoid fanatic intoxicated by messianic passions and dimmer than a slug. A man drunk with power, as he was drunk with alcohol before—and legally condemned for it on 4 September 1976, for driving drunk at full speed. Admonished, too, by none other than the evangelist Billy Graham who told him, "Who are you, to think yourself God?". A militant for the Christian Right, the Texan, Southern Christian right that is. A racist in love with the death sentence, especially when it comes to African-Americans. All in all, the worst US president for over a century, the man who will unleash the greatest tragedies on his own people. The opposite of Homo Sapiens, the incarnation of Homo Demens."
And wasn't it Newsweek that proclaimed "We are all Socialists" now? Communist/socialist governments have killed far more of their own citizens than any other form of government in all of history. And who can forget that 2008 image of Obama speaking before the throngs in Germany during his U.S. campaign for the Presidency? Is there anything similar to cause such anger at Bush which was rampant, raging and irrational?
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Trick Questions--we all know the answers
2. Why do U.S. liberals, particularly Christians, only care about Palestinian Arabs if they live in Gaza or Israel? Millions are in camps in Arab countries where they live in deplorable conditions and have zero civil rights.
3. Why do celebrities, like Rosie O'Donnell, who are examples of entrepreneurship and capitalism based on their own persona and image, recommend that the United States seize the assets of a private company, even one based in another country? Do they understand National Socialism (NAZI) concepts?
4. Why criticize BP for advertising on TV and other media, spending millions to justify its actions, what it is doing to correct its mistakes in the Gulf? Are you criticizing the President spending millions, maybe billions to advertise and justify what he's been doing through trips all over the country, ads, sending the minions out to talk to the press, websites, and arbitrarily changing laws to change what he says were Bush's mistakes and not his own?
5. Why do liberals and progressives in America flunk Econ 101--Daniel B. Klein. Do you think it might have something to do with why FDR extended the Great Depression to over a decade and Obama is extending the Recession with similar spending?
6. When everyone, including me, knows there are three reasons for obesity--nutrition, exercise and genes--why did I have 2 pieces of Key Lime Cheesecake and only one serving of fresh fruit at last night's pot luck?
7. Why do people who support "green" issues, cap and trade, and farmers' markets, insist on volcano mulching around young trees?
8. Do Happy Meals really make kids fat or do the parents who buy them deserve the blame?
9. Why are the U.S. boundaries with Mexico treated differently than the boundaries with Canada, which are much larger? (Or is the question really, why is anyone even asking such a dumb question? but I saw it in the "Fences" exhibit.)
10. Going all the way back to 13th century England liberty meant freedom from governmental oppression. Why have 21st century Americans bought into the idea that freedom means not to experience need or even choices and are willing to submit to more and more government at every level from local zoning to Homeland Security?
11. As more and more information is released about Kyron's stepmom, why was his father so stupid and ignorant about her behavior during all the time leading up to his disappearance? Maybe those two deserved each other? Like Mel Gibson and his slutty girlfriend?
12. Amy Bishop has finally been charged with the murder of her brother in 1986. How long before the law suits start by the survivors and families of those she murdered in 2010 against those authorities at the university and in her own family who knew she was off her rocker for years?
13. Why does Headline News (CNN) advertise on Fox--is it because Fox is fair and balanced, or because CNN knows they have more viewers?
14. Why are the people who gnash their teeth and weep over the lack of bipartisanship and talk show criticism on Obama's watch the same ones who criticized Bush so violently? No Child Left Behind, The middle East war, the Medicare drug plan, the Patriot Act, efforts to reform Social Security, and his amnesty plan all had support from Democrats, i.e. bi-partisan support, and some lost him support from Republicans. Liberals weren't happy then with bi-partisanship were they?
Northwest Ordinance--Happy Anniversary
Interestingly, the Northwest Ordinance which was passed, contains much of what later became our Bill of Rights, and guaranteed the individual freedom of religion, right to a trial by jury, no cruel punishment, and claimed religion was necessary for good government and that slavery was not be a part of the territory or states to be formed.
- Article 3: Religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.
Article 6: There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said territory, otherwise than in the punishment of crimes, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted. . .
Both liberals and conservatives can take pot shots at the NW Ordinance--it shows the federal government has a role in local education and also in providing land and homesteads for its citizens. They also argue over the separation of church and state and what the religion article meant. And for that, you can argue forever.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Ahhhh. . . That feels better!
I originally purchased these because they weren't as fat, ugly and pretentious as most athletic shoes. They have a bit of fabric trim and grosgrain ribbon for shoe laces. But once I wore them and got relief from hip and shin pain, I'll keep buying them, looks or no.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Dow Kokam Receives $161 Million U.S. Department of Energy Grant
Then I came across this one about Dow Kokam receiving $161 million in ARRA funds to "create" jobs in Midland, MI. That's an odd name--didn't really sound "American" to my ear. So I did a few Googles and found out this is Dow Chemical (yes, that Dow), Townsend Capital (a venture capitalist LLC) and Kokam, a South Korean battery company with an American subsidiary.
Now, I'm not so naive as to believe our own fossil fuel companies--petroleum, coal and natural gas--haven't been heavily snogging the federal government for many administrations, Republican and Democrat, nor as government gifts go is this a huge amount. But I do get a bit perturbed that the current Obama administration tries to paint their lovers as loose when in fact BOAd is their pimps and uses its own duplicity and lies to destroy America's belief in capitalism. This is called, "crony capitalism," whereby only the biggest bully gets the free money. What home-grown American green company could go up against a giant like Dow with a South Korean partner?
Dow Kokam Receives $161 Million U.S. Department of Energy Grant
Saturday, July 10, 2010
The ‘Twilight’ Phenomenon: The Kids Are All Right
- "From Disney Channel tarts to YouTube to MTV to their public school health education classes, young girls in this country are bombarded and constantly out-flanked with the toxic message that if they want to be ”in” and ”liberated” and “strong” they must become the useful and willing objects of sexual gratification manipulative men have always wanted them to be. Trust me, no one’s benefited more from left-wing feminism than than shallow, sexist men who use, abuse, objectify and discard women like empty beer cans.
In our world of popular culture, the romance between Bella and Edward is unlike anything these young girls have ever been subjected to outside of Turner Classic Movies. Edward cherishes Bella, and he protects her, not only from physical harm but from his own appetites and desires that would strip away her dignity. His love for her is what love is supposed to be: completely selfless and understanding.
As weak as these films have been in the storytelling department, they’ve become money machines because a majority of young girls don’t want to be Lady Gaga, they don’t want to monologue about their vagina with Jane Fonda, and they simply don’t understand why the very same adults charged with protecting them use classroom time to roll Trojans on cucumbers."
Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » The ‘Twilight’ Phenomenon: The Kids Are All Right
Friday, July 09, 2010
The Truth About Illegals--The Russian spies
- "The term "illegal" has nothing to do with the idea of law breaking. . . An illegal assumes a non-Russian identity and appears abroad as someone who has no connection whatsoever with Russia. In any Western country, an illegal looks and acts just like your next-door neighbor. . .
IT IS VERY DIFFICULT to identify an illegal living in the West under a new biography. I approved many such biographical legends. All were supported by Western birth certificates, school diplomas, pictures of alleged relatives, and even fake graves. In some important cases, we also created ersatz living relatives in the West by using ideologically motivated people, who received life-long secret annuities from us. No wonder the FBI needed ten years to document the real roots of the Russian illegals recently arrested.
Failure to register as foreign agents
As far as the New York Times is concerned, it's over. Once again we'll probably have to depend on bloggers and talk radio to find out what really happened. You sure can't expect the press to do any original investigation. And the Russians? They aren't too concerned.
- Andrei Fedyashin of RIA Novosti writes: "Today's spy scandals seem far too prosaic to get a novelist's creative juices flowing. But the latest U.S.-Russian spy standoff has led to some interesting fiction in the U.S. media, at least. Republicans have taken to the Internet to denounce Obama as the "12th Russian spy," and right-wing radio show host, Rush Limbaugh, said: "Why do [the Russians] have to spy on us? Obama will tell them anything they want to know."
Sarepta Henry, evangelist, writer, poet
I came across her name for the first time today while searching JH Vincent in Google. Now, if you google Sarepta Henry, you'll find a fascinating book called "Unanswered Prayer; A mother's treasury of wisdom." It was first published by SDA in 1910, and was still printed and available by Review and Herald Publishing Association in 2002. If you have a teen or adult child being destroyed by alcohol or drugs despite your Christian home and time on your knees in prayer, this might be the book Mrs. Henry wrote for you.
I've never really done much research on what was known 100 years ago about prenatal affects of nicotine and alcohol on the fetus, but Mrs. Henry knew. Maybe it was anecdotal at that time, but we now know the child is strongly influenced prenatally by what the mother eats, drinks, smokes, injects, breathes and does. Whether you call that nature or nurture, it's a done deal when the kid pops out. Whatever the cause of a child being led astray by others or voluntarily bending the elbow, Mrs. Henry states at the beginning, it definitely isn't God's fault.
Thursday, July 08, 2010
High School Students Selected for 6th Annual Grammy Camp
High School Students Selected for 6th Annual Grammy Camp | Kidult
Federal Reserve weighs steps to offset slowdown in economic recovery
Federal Reserve weighs steps to offset slowdown in economic recovery
Does Obama really need a "kill switch" for the Internet?
- "Senator Joe Lieberman and other bill sponsors have refuted the charges that the Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act gives the president an Internet "kill switch." Instead, the bill puts limits on the powers the president already has to cause "the closing of any facility or stations for wire communication" in a time of war, as described in the Communications Act of 1934, they said in a breakdown of the bill published on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee website."
Techworld "Obama Kill Switch Plan
Capt. Pete Hegseth on Elena Kagan
Elena Kagan is intellectually dishonest on many fronts says this veteran of the Iraq War, Pete Hegseth--she zeroed in on military recruiters, treated them as 2nd class citizens, blocking equal access to the best and brightest during time of war, encouraged war protestors on campus, and then went to work for the crafter of "don't ask don't tell."
Capt. Pete Hegseth on Elena Kagan. | RedState
HT Dave
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Have they considered WMD?
- Iraq is a long way from [here], but what happens there matters a great deal here. For the risks that the leaders of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against us or our allies is the greatest security threat we face." — Madeline Albright, Feb 18, 1998
- “The U.S. Army asked the National Research Council to evaluate the Enhanced Particulate Matter Surveillance Program. The committee of experts it convened concluded that, despite the limited data collected, the Program's results clearly document that military personnel deployed in the current Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts are exposed to high particulate concentrations. The committee strongly endorses the Department of Defense's effort and recommends continuing and expanding the research.”
A tax on pale (white) Americans
People--just look at the splotches, brown spots, wrinkles and scars from surgery that your grandparents have. Whether they were addicted to indoor tanning, the beach or the garden, sun is only good for you in little doses and moderation.
Speaking of addictions, Archives of Dermatology (2010; 146(4):412-417) has reported on addiction to indoor tanning among college students. They found that those addicted to tanning also have a greater problem with alcohol, marijuana and anxiety, but were not necessarily more depressed. Bad news, good news, I guess. Maybe the anxiety stems from comparing tan lines or bikini waxing.
Federal tax on tanning salons takes effect today - Healthy Living : The Orange County Register
Less than half the stimulus spent--but more dribbles on the way as election nears
"The Ohio Middle Mile Consortium announced today that Com Net, Inc., a founding member, has been awarded federal stimulus funding that will add almost 700 new miles of broadband fiber to rural and underserved communities throughout western Ohio.
“This is a great day for Ohio. Comprehensive broadband services for the state are vital to enhancing education, retraining our displaced workforce and preparing our future workforce to drive Ohio economic development,” said Ohio Board of Regents Chancellor Eric D. Fingerhut, who had called on the Ohio Academic Resources Network (OARnet), the technology operations arm of the University System of Ohio, to coordinate a unified approach for federal stimulus broadband applications.
OMMC partners Com Net, Inc., Horizon Telcom, OneCommunity and OARnet formed a public-private partnership to create a comprehensive statewide plan to expand broadband infrastructure to the underserved and unserved areas of the state. This plan will focus on community anchor institutions such as schools, hospitals, public safety and local governments to ensure the development of an affordable and sustainable broadband program.
In March 2010, the OMMC members submitted applications to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) for the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) to develop a Comprehensive Community Infrastructure (CCI). BTOP funding was established as part of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA), better known as the federal stimulus package.
As part of its first wave of announcements, the NTIA awarded $30 million in federal stimulus funding . . "
The ARRA stimulus, AKA Obama slush fund. . . not to be confused with the BP Obama slush fund, which is too small to even register.
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Obama's not stupid, so is he incompetent or are we paranoid?
- Steven, I have always respected you and admired you ever since I discovered your blog but I have to disagree with you concerning the Gulf Oil Disaster.
Ask yourself just how stupid, clueless and incompetent one has to be to refuse permission for the governors to build sand berms to block the oil getting ashore because those berms “might damage the environment”.
Ask yourself just how stupid, clueless and incompetent one has to halt skimmers from going out because the Coast Guard has to make sure everyone has a life vest and there are fire extinguishers on board. We aren’t talking about people in a Bass boat going out for a day’s fishing, we are talking commercial vessels and those are things that the CG inspects all commercial craft for every freaking year.
Ask yourself just how stupid, clueless and incompetent one has to allow BP to use Corexit as a dispersant. Why not just use Agent Orange or Plutonium as a dispersant fercrissakes! And where is all the “concern about the effect on the environment” that the Obama regime is showing by blocking the sand berms. Corexit is one hell of alot more damaging to the environment then a freaking sand berm.
Ask yourself just how stupid, clueless and incompetent one has to do what we have seen the Obama regime pull over the last week which is basically shut down all non government reporting and observing of this disaster and threatening those who do not comply with felony charges. Hell, even that Obamafellating jerk Anderson Cooper can figure out that something is really wrong with that.
Sorry, hun, but if it walks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck it is a freaking duck-not a hampster. The actions, words and deeds of the Obama regime concerning GOD are not the acts of stupid, clueless and incompetent people. There is an agenda behind it, then just haven’t let it slip out to someone who might leak it like they did concerning the border and the Arizona immigration law. They blatantly admitted that they will not enforce federal law and will try to destroy Arizona and other states immigration laws because they want to push their amnesty agenda. If I were to venture a guess they want to use this to ram through crap ‘n tax, shake down BP for money for their slush fund because they won’t get another “stimulus” package out of the legislative branch and they want to nationalize the oil companies. All one has to do to see that one working is to take a look at what they are doing to the refineries in Texas-so far the government has taken over 3 of them IIRC and more takeovers are on the way. 1/3 of the petroleum refining capacity is in Texas-do you really want those refineries controlled by Maxine Waters and the Obama regime. If you do I hope you enjoy paying 3 to 4 times more for everything that you buy/use because that is what is coming (just take a look around at everything you own that is made out of plastic and then triple the cost to manufacture it). BTW-we don’t have transporter technology yet so just about everything you use comes in via truck and $10/gal for gasoline will put a bit of a crimp in your “lifestyle”. Nahanni on July 6, 2010
Did you fall in love in 1957?
Actually, I can't tell you much about the movie which came out in mid-May which we saw on a Sunday night at the Lakeside Orchestra Hall (movie theater). Between the British accents and Italian, and then the distractions of the extremely noisy ceiling fans and the two giggling 20-somethings sitting behind us, we really might as well have worn ear plugs.
But the general idea is that Amanda's character (Sophie) and Bernal's character (Victor) are engaged, but both are busy doing other things--he's a chef and she's a researcher and they are on a "pre-honeymoon" in Tuscany region of Italy (which is why I wanted to see it). She finds a group of "secretaries" who answer letters from the love-challenged. She comes across a hidden letter written in 1957 about Lorenzo, from a Brit named Claire--they had fallen in love as teenagers and she had to go home. Well, if I got the story over all the noise, the rest is a comedy as Charlie (Claire's grandson), Sophie and Claire scour the countryside looking for Lorenzo. Finally, Claire spots a young teenager working in the fields and declares that's him--and it was Lorenzo's grandson. The guy who plays Lorenzo is Redgrave's real life husband. Happily ever after ending, unless you liked Victor, who loses out, but he really cared more about food and his restaurant, so he didn't really lose.
I hadn't met my husband yet in 1957, but I did fall in love that summer. His name was Tim. No, wait . . . Jim. No . . . Jerry, or was it Terry? Anyway, it was a great time to be in love and write letters.
12 Reasons for Visiting a Farmers' Market
Yes, fresh produce tastes wonderful--and today there was a booth with home made pastries, which really didn't look like they would be good for you--they might have been free of preservatives, and locally baked, but they were just loaded with calories.
I only have to walk 2 blocks. "Locally grown" doesn't mean it's healthier or better for you, especially if you put it in the refrigerator for several days. I had some of the beans for lunch, grilled with onions, and they weren't cold, so they weren't tough. I'll probably prepare the rest for supper. Also fixed the corn on the cob in the microwave--cut off the stem, run it under water and cook on high for about 2 minutes. Strip off the husks and silks easily. Spread on the butter and salt--delicious.
12 Reasons for Visiting a Farmers' Market
Bio-medical research
In the coffee shop I saw a woman with a 30 year old face and the body of a 12 year old. Maybe she has EDNOS? That means she hasn't been diagnosed with anorexia (self starvation) or bulimia (binging and purging), but an "eating disorder not otherwise specified." EDNOS actually has a higher mortality than anorexia or bulimia, but seems to be in a limbo of medical indecision on how to classify it.
In another issue of JAMA I saw an article about race and aggressive treatment at the end of life and survival in long term acute care facilities. It seems that black patients at the end of life prefer a more aggressive treatment. They are less likely to have do-not-resuscitate orders in place at the time of hospitalization and are less likely to favor withdrawal of life sustaining measures in the ICU. Such a dilemma for a progressive, liberal publication. Is this liberal or conservative? Cultural? Religious? Racial? Moral?
The end result is African-American patients are sicker when they transfer to a long term facility and are less likely to survive--the whites who were the sickest with the poorest prognosis died in the acute care hospital! So blacks are more likely to die while ventilator dependent. But then the writers (social workers and PhD types) have to face the fact that this unplanned, unforeseen racial/cultural disparity opens up financial incentives for physician owned specialty hospitals, and home health services. Capitalism! Oh the horror! Better the government panel step in and decide their fate, right?
Monday, July 05, 2010
Eulogizing Robert Byrd--is that a white sheet over that casket?
- "In a March 2005 fundraising appeal to the radical group MoveOn.org, Obama said, “Senator Robert Byrd was one of the first senators I met with when I came to the Senate three months ago. Senator Byrd understands the history, the importance, and the role the Senate plays in our government...”
Reeling off a long list of charges against the Bush Administration and Senate Republicans, all of which were either untrue or totally misleading, Obama concluded by saying, “Above all, Robert Byrd understands just how sacred the Constitution of our country truly is and fights every day to protect it.”
This is the same Robert Byrd who wrote in a 1944 letter to a Mississippi senator, “I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side.”
This is the same Robert Byrd who wrote in a 1945 letter to that same Mississippi senator, “Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt, never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”
This is the same Robert Byrd who wrote in a 1948 letter to the Grand Wizard of the West Virginia Klan, at a time when Klan membership was in steep decline, “The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the Union.”
This is the same Robert Byrd who holds the distinction of being the only man to use the “n-word” on the floor of the U.S. Senate during the last half century, or more.
Obama’s fundraising appeal for his KKK colleague was a successful one. Within 48 hours, nearly $823,000 poured into the Byrd campaign coffers. And when Obama traveled to West Virginia to campaign for Byrd, the Charleston Daily Mail opined, “If the African-American trailblazer has any qualms about endorsing the man who filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act and who disdainfully referred to blacks as ‘the darkest specimens of the wilds,’ he’s keeping them to himself.” Paul Hollrah
Stuff I like--Lakeside businesses
Joyce Christman and Erin Rosson have moved Artists 'N Cahoots, the art store, to the former Cokesbury location. You should see the wonderful window display of red, white and blue for this week! Jewelry, Christmas tree ornaments, hand sewn bags, stained glass trimmed mirrors, decorated pots and paintings. If you go inside you can see my husband's paintings and prints. For the most part, they represent the teachers at the Rhein Center.
On Saturday I stopped in at Marilyn's Too on 2nd Street. Always fun to browse through her lake themed gifts, cards, clothing, and furniture. Great Lakeside Cat's Meow stuff. Marilyn is a great cheerleader for all the teen campers at Lakeside. She just loves kids.
July 5 clean up
I know the groundskeepers will be out to do the clean up soon, but I picked up things as I went along: plastic cups with lids, spoons, forks; plastic water bottles--some never opened; empty boxes of sparklers and exploding rocks; soft drink cans; napkins and tissues; paper coffee cups; blankets, towels, folding camp chairs; dog leash; broken fixture for in-ground watering system; battery operated something with a strap; pair of white socks. But I didn't disturb the biker in a sleeping bad at the east end or the plastic bag of dog poop at the west end.
What may be the most time consuming for the grounds staff and which is the fault of Lakesiders are the hundreds of softball size+ rocks that people bring from the lakefront to anchor their blankets in case it gets windy. Each one of these will have to be picked up by hand and thrown back into the rip-rap in order not to damage the mowing equipment. Bad, bad on the people who don't pick up and remove their rocks when they take their blankets back to the cottage.
Lakeside provides at least 4 styles of trash cans, which may be part of the problem. Some people don't know whether the container is for certain plastics, or just cans, or for paper trash, so they just leave the mess on the park benches.
The above photo is actually from July 2008--haze is haze on any days.