Friday, July 30, 2010

Current Cites: July 2010--20th anniversary

Although the editor makes a bit of fun with this, I always enjoy keeping up with the library stuff with "Current Cites." Just one of the many excellent publications that appear in my mailbox regularly--others include home extension from Nebraska, book reviews from Christianity Today, a genealogy newsletter, Glenn Beck's newsletter, American Spectator, WSJ snippets, Heritage Foundation, American Chemical Society, Nature magazine, Thyroid newsletter, and something on computer technology.
    ". . . unrestrained, unmuzzled, and unrepentant. Shield your inbox, throw up a filter, and otherwise gird your computer to resist our continuing assault, as we fully intend to sow the seeds of "current awareness" -- or more accurately our very much mistaken interpretation of such -- far and wide for many a decade more." Roy Tennant
Current Cites: July 2010


Three Score and Ten or more said...

I barely have the energy to read my favorite blogs, let alone the pile of stuff you read. I think (though I'm not sure-- I am not sure about anything that requires memory) I used to read a lot of that type of stuff. Shakespeare once wrote (I think)about women "Age cannot wither, nor custom stale her infite variety" I have come to the conclusion that age can wither almost anyone.

Norma said...

Richard, I have a similar experience. I used to read novels; then short stories; then magazine articles; then blogs; then Facebook. I'm resisting Twitter. Not sure it's the brain withering or the attention span.

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
With me it's a combination of age mixed with my medications. I used to read everything. Now, after the morning paper, anything I read beyond a few paragraphs puts me to sleep. So now I have to depend on Fox News and columnist like Michelle Malkin and Charles Krauthammer to keep me informed. And your blog of course!