Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Obama's not stupid, so is he incompetent or are we paranoid?

In writing about the Gulf oil spill at Hot Air, Steven De Beste ponders two possibilities:“The sane answer: they’re blithering incompetents. The paranoid answer: they’re doing it on purpose.” The comments coming in say the readers are going for the paranoid answer, because no one anywhere is as incompetent as Barack Obama. Here’s a good response and I think I agree with her, having noted a number of these things in the last 70 days or so, but with less salty language.
    Steven, I have always respected you and admired you ever since I discovered your blog but I have to disagree with you concerning the Gulf Oil Disaster.

    Ask yourself just how stupid, clueless and incompetent one has to be to refuse permission for the governors to build sand berms to block the oil getting ashore because those berms “might damage the environment”.

    Ask yourself just how stupid, clueless and incompetent one has to halt skimmers from going out because the Coast Guard has to make sure everyone has a life vest and there are fire extinguishers on board. We aren’t talking about people in a Bass boat going out for a day’s fishing, we are talking commercial vessels and those are things that the CG inspects all commercial craft for every freaking year.

    Ask yourself just how stupid, clueless and incompetent one has to allow BP to use Corexit as a dispersant. Why not just use Agent Orange or Plutonium as a dispersant fercrissakes! And where is all the “concern about the effect on the environment” that the Obama regime is showing by blocking the sand berms. Corexit is one hell of alot more damaging to the environment then a freaking sand berm.

    Ask yourself just how stupid, clueless and incompetent one has to do what we have seen the Obama regime pull over the last week which is basically shut down all non government reporting and observing of this disaster and threatening those who do not comply with felony charges. Hell, even that Obamafellating jerk Anderson Cooper can figure out that something is really wrong with that.

    Sorry, hun, but if it walks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck it is a freaking duck-not a hampster. The actions, words and deeds of the Obama regime concerning GOD are not the acts of stupid, clueless and incompetent people. There is an agenda behind it, then just haven’t let it slip out to someone who might leak it like they did concerning the border and the Arizona immigration law. They blatantly admitted that they will not enforce federal law and will try to destroy Arizona and other states immigration laws because they want to push their amnesty agenda. If I were to venture a guess they want to use this to ram through crap ‘n tax, shake down BP for money for their slush fund because they won’t get another “stimulus” package out of the legislative branch and they want to nationalize the oil companies. All one has to do to see that one working is to take a look at what they are doing to the refineries in Texas-so far the government has taken over 3 of them IIRC and more takeovers are on the way. 1/3 of the petroleum refining capacity is in Texas-do you really want those refineries controlled by Maxine Waters and the Obama regime. If you do I hope you enjoy paying 3 to 4 times more for everything that you buy/use because that is what is coming (just take a look around at everything you own that is made out of plastic and then triple the cost to manufacture it). BTW-we don’t have transporter technology yet so just about everything you use comes in via truck and $10/gal for gasoline will put a bit of a crimp in your “lifestyle”.  Nahanni on July 6, 2010

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thee Obama is the perfect punishment for a nation gone mad with Idolatry, Adultry, Perversion, Homosexuality, and CHILD SACRIFICE! His depraved followers deserve to be Obamitized. And they will be.

So don't take it so personally if (or when) he wins again. God allowed thee Obama to become the 'Resident' of the United States for a reason.

Read the Book of KINGS. Did GOD stop the Kings of Isreal and Judah that did EVIL in his sight? NO!!
Was there a reason? YES!!

The fact is that the USA deserves to be OBAMATIZED. The Media and the Liberals certainly deserve the Hell they are creating. So I say let em have it.