Tuesday, July 06, 2010

12 Reasons for Visiting a Farmers' Market

I've subscribed to the University of Nebraska at Lincoln Food Reflections for about 15 years, and always enjoy Alice Hennemen's articles. You can subscribe. Since I just visited the Farmers' Market at Lakeside this morning before I went to my Chaucer class, I thought this was timely--"12 reasons for visiting a farmers' market." Ours is pretty small, so some of these points don't apply--it's not festive, although I do often stop and chat with neighbors. Several of the tents do have wonderful flowers, too. Today I bought blueberries, fresh green beans, a tomato, one ear of corn (they always look at me with disbelief, but my husband hates corn), and a bunch (quart?) of freestone peaches, very sweet. Last week I bought rhubarb (which I froze for future pies), beets with tops, a head of cabbage, a huge green pepper, zucchini, and a quart of raspberries.

Yes, fresh produce tastes wonderful--and today there was a booth with home made pastries, which really didn't look like they would be good for you--they might have been free of preservatives, and locally baked, but they were just loaded with calories.

I only have to walk 2 blocks. "Locally grown" doesn't mean it's healthier or better for you, especially if you put it in the refrigerator for several days. I had some of the beans for lunch, grilled with onions, and they weren't cold, so they weren't tough. I'll probably prepare the rest for supper. Also fixed the corn on the cob in the microwave--cut off the stem, run it under water and cook on high for about 2 minutes. Strip off the husks and silks easily. Spread on the butter and salt--delicious.

12 Reasons for Visiting a Farmers' Market

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