Thursday, July 01, 2010

The Overton Window

I bought The Overton Window for my husband for Father's Day (and 2 shirts).  So far, he's enjoying it.  We've been married almost 50 years and I can't recall ever seeing him read fiction.  I don't read much fiction myself, but thought I'd be the one reading this.
    "Glenn Beck's latest bestseller is a work of fiction -- but the method of political subversion it is based on is all too real. Named after its originator, the late Josef P. Overton, "The Overton Window" is a way of manipulating public opinion so that ideas once thought of as radical become acceptable -- while ideas once considered mainstream become fringe. Move "the window" of acceptable opinion and you change the debate. Change the debate and you change the country. " NRBS
It's been resting comfortably at the top of the NYT list and Amazon, and of course has been panned and criticized by the LA Times, WaPo, and NYT. I mean, could Glenn Beck do anything well? I think he has more subscribers than the New York Times does.


Carol said...

I think I'll probably order that book. It sounds like it would be a good read.

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
If you are the Carol I know then you NEED to read it!

Norma said...

No, she's not "our" Carol. But she writes a great blog--so you can drop in and read it.