Saturday, July 17, 2010

Congress Overhauls Your Portfolio

I find it stunning that anyone of either party could trust a team like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, both proven crooks and shysters, to do anything in the financial world. The small investor, the pensioner, and those wanting to build wealth for the future of their children have been scammed big time. This at a time when the boomers will begin drawing on their investments. "All the better to make you government dependent, my dearie," the witches cackled over their cauldron. The Democrats will deny any culpability, and probably blame the three Republicans who caved and voted for it.

Congress Overhauls Your Portfolio -


Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
Thank you Scott Brown. I just tore up your "thanks for the donation letter" that asked for another donation.

Darrell Michaels said...

I know I am going to blame the three RINO's that voted for it, along with every stinking Democrat that gave such overwhelming powers to the executive branch.

This bill should scare Americans more badly than the un-Constitutional Obamacare bill they passed.

This bill essentially gives the president the "legal" authority to take over and federalize any company it deems to be risky financially that could impact our economy if allowed to fail.

Hugo Chavez has taught our young padawan well, hmmm?