Thursday, July 15, 2010

Harry says Republicans Want Economy To Tank So Democrats Will Be Battered In Midterms

Good old "we've lost the war" Harry, still tries to blame the Republicans for the Democrats' across-the-board failures, from slowly killing the Gulf clean-up to the ARRA funding doing diddly squat for the unemployed, to Obamacare fears that are causing doctors to flee, and cap and trade plans that are killing investment and recovery.

Where are Republicans in all this, Harry? They've been helpless as you've helped destroy a free market economy. You guys took over Congress in 2006 and have been blaming Republicans ever since. Well, it was FDR who extended the Great Depression over a decade; it was Democrat Wilson who instituted the Jim Crow laws and segregated the military; it was your beloved Byrd who got to Congress with the help of the KKK; it's Democrat mayors of the major U.S. cities that have been oppressing minorities for generations while taking block grants and urban renewal money from the federal government; it was your man Clinton who came up with "don't ask don't tell;" it's your guy Obama who thinks it's OK to dismember viable near-term babies that are inconvenient; it's Democrat controlled unions that are sending our businesses fleeing to other countries. Come on, Harry. Man up for once and accept your prize failures.

Harry Reid: Republicans Want Economy To Tank So Democrats Will Be Battered In Midterms

1 comment:

Darrell Michaels said...

Amen! You go, Norma!