Saturday, March 11, 2006

2265 Trying to keep up

with the choir is a challenge. Sunday we'll be singing "Fairest Lord Jesus," which they've apparently done before, because the music was handed out Wednesday evening, we did a quick run through, and then moved on to preparations for Easter. Many of these people have been singing together over 20-30 years--maybe more. This is actually one I remember from when I sang in junior choir as a child, which I wrote about in my Thursday Thirteen (although a different arrangement). I have a set of 3 CD's called Passionate Worship, 60 best loved hymns. One disc is "Jesus Our Savior" with the painting, The Garden of Promise by Thomas Kinkade, and selection 3 is "Fairest Lord Jesus," so I've been La la-ing in the car with it.

Having my son's Midi is a big help. Here's how it looks in the guest room. The new carpet helps muffle the sound. The cat sits right outside the door while I practice. At least she isn't howling!

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