Thursday, December 05, 2019

What is your acceptable number?

At least 12,000 late-term abortions take place every year in the United States, according to Guttmacher Institute data (research arm of Planned Parenthood). Almost none out of medical necessity. And that's OK with Nancy Pelosi, Pete Buttigeig, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, and the rest of the gang. And they perpetuate the lie about "save the life of the mother." Nor will they vote to save the life of a born alive aborted child. There was a time in our history when only one politician would say that--Barack Obama. But, he did promise to fundamentally change the country. Promise kept.

Let me ask you, Democrats, what is the appropriate number of lives to snuff in the name of feminism? You can handle 12,000--how about 20,000? Or maybe 10? What's your number?

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