Saturday, December 30, 2017

How contraception and abortion have changed the Christians' view of women

Christians note: Until 1930, no Christian denomination/group accepted birth control. Once the Anglicans did (Lambeth Conference), other followed. By the 1970s the Methodists, Assemblies of God, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Southern Baptists and many others accepted "family planning" with little theological reflection. They followed the culture. Then in 1973 abortion began making the rounds of Christians groups, now only the Catholics hold the line on both, even if individuals ignore church teaching. ELCA, the largest Lutheran synod, accepts abortion for any reason as a woman's choice.
This led to the acceptance of same sex relationships and marriage, then to the transgender unscientific hypocrisy. Pew Research reports 68% of white, mainline Protestants and 44% of black Protestants accept same sex marriage, a huge change in the last decade. According to Barna, 41% of Christians think cohabitation before marriage is a good idea. This is less than society as a whole, but even secular studies show it is a leading cause of divorce later.
The connection between marriage and procreation (God's first command in the Garden) has been severed and women have been devalued becoming simply sex objects. This has led to the current mess in our hypersexualized culture.

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