Friday, September 30, 2016
Hacked medical records
We are faced with reading 4 pages of "Notice of Data Incident" about my husband's hacked medical records on August 2. Name, address, telephone numbers, email, birthdate, patient ID number, SS number, account information, driver's license/government ID, medical and health insurance information and identifiers and diagnosis and treatment information. That, of course, can be linked to any other databases including the county's (even I can access a floor plan and photo of your house at the auditor's site), donations, organizations we belong to, etc. A perfect profile to be sold on the internet to create a "valid" ID for an illegal or criminal. The advice, since it's like putting toothpaste back in the tube, is to enroll in Equifax so we can receive fraud alerts and identity protection. Big whoop. Why is their information any more secure than the government's or our medical office? The advice is for us to remain "vigilant" and frequently review our credit statements. As if that's the only thing a criminal can do with this information.
Every medical office in the country was forced by the federal government into these online systems (at a huge cost) and they don't even work well. Our information between practice networks could have moved faster by courier pigeon, and it wasn't even correct. The EMR requirement was a rush job, and a gift to the IT lobbyists with no studies done on whether EMR would reduce costs or save lives.
It also shows us how easy it will be to manipulate the vote in November.
electronic health records,
medical records,
Greed of the Clintons
When Condoleezza Rice headlined a 2009 fundraising luncheon for the Boys and Girls Club of Long Beach, she collected a $60,000 speaking fee, then donated almost all of it back to the club, according to multiple sources familiar with the club’s finances.
Hillary Clinton collected $200,000 to speak at the same event five years later, but she donated nothing back to the club, which raised less than half as much from Clinton’s appearance as from Rice’s, according to the sources and tax filings.
If you haven't read Ms. Rice's memoir, I recommend it. It's very inspiring.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Obianuju Ekeocha, founder of Culture of Life Africa
Uju is coming to Columbus next month for several speaking engagements. The neo-colonialism of westerners demands Africans accept our western standards for marriage, contraception, homosexuality and abortion. Why do they need to kill their children in order to get aid for bridges and roads so they bring locally grown food to market? She has also schooled Melinda Gates on her problem of taking with one hand while giving with the other. She says her Ibo language doesn't even have a word for abortion.
Obianuju Ekeocha
Poem for the government agenda
They came for the bakers,
but I had nothing to sell, and said so;
but I had nothing to sell, and said so;
they came for the florists,
but I had no wedding, and looked away;
but I had no wedding, and looked away;
they came for the ladies restroom,
but I had a place to go.
but I had a place to go.
they came for the pastor,
but I was not in the pew and had nothing to say.
but I was not in the pew and had nothing to say.
Our precious first amendment is being shredded
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;" The first phrase of the first amendment of our Bill of Rights, ratified Dec. 15, 1791. So speech, press and assembly all rest on this one--freedom of religion without government interference. We take religion so lightly in the 21st century, but our founders didn't. In the European countries from which they and their forefathers came, one's religion depended on the Monarch. When Henry VIII wanted to divorce his wife, the whole country had to become Anglican, and when his daughter Mary took the throne, they became Catholic again. Then Calvin's ideas infected the Anglicans and those people became Puritans resulting in a civil war; Knox influenced Anglicans and they became Congregationalist and eventually they all ended up across the pond so our founders needed to take steps that all had freedom of religion, not just one or whoever was pleasing to a central government.
Hillary Clinton has said publicly a number of times that we must change cultural norms and religious doctrines as they concern sexuality and abortion. But sexual freedom and gender are not in the Bill of Rights, not even the 19th, which specifically applies to women voting; and religion is. There is no criteria for gender identity except feelings; it is not based on biology, science, religion or law. Changes in the meaning of the word sex were made in the back rooms of the federal bureaucracy by Obama's LGBTQ staffers in 2012 (around the same time they convinced him to rule on gay marriage). Americans never had any say in this.
Massachusetts has passed a law taking effect October 1 that restricts churches to having only worship events in their buildings unless they have transgender bathrooms. Violators will be jailed. Think of all the festivals, day care, voter registration, weddings, funerals, debate matches, home schooling events, public concerts, ESL classes, and food pantries that churches now have open to the public that are not worship. Someone needs to sue the state of Massachusetts for violating the First Amendment rights of its citizens.
Large or recently built churches often have a handicap, family, or one stall restroom for which they can slap a sign on the door to meet government sex police standards, but why should they have to, and what about older, smaller buildings?
Massachusetts has passed a law taking effect October 1 that restricts churches to having only worship events in their buildings unless they have transgender bathrooms. Violators will be jailed. Think of all the festivals, day care, voter registration, weddings, funerals, debate matches, home schooling events, public concerts, ESL classes, and food pantries that churches now have open to the public that are not worship. Someone needs to sue the state of Massachusetts for violating the First Amendment rights of its citizens.
Large or recently built churches often have a handicap, family, or one stall restroom for which they can slap a sign on the door to meet government sex police standards, but why should they have to, and what about older, smaller buildings?
Dear Mr. Trump
Although the Republican platform is 100% better than the Democrat (which is just awful), there are things about the candidate's position I don't care for. If I could send him an e-mail . . .
I think you're wrong trying to tell American corporations where they can set up business and who they can hire. It is a global economy and investors should be able to choose. The way to bring them home to create more jobs is not to micromanage them. Taxes and unions drove them out--there must be a good way for a smart businessman to figure out an alternative. If Nabisco can make more money in Mexico, you're job is to convince them to stay. You're not running for King, Mr. Trump--we've had one of those for 8 years.
And during the debates you need to smile more. You're not there to please your supporters. And you need a good barber for a trim. Hillary looked the best I've ever seen her Monday. Don't fall into Hillary's personal attack traps. It just stamps "sucker" on your forehead. She has a very long record of doing the wrong, illegal or immoral thing--just go for the jugular. The insults will get you no independents or undecided.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
United Nations and reparations
We live in an era where there is more sex and labor slavery than there was during the 18th c. Atlantic slave trade--perhaps 30 million. But a United Nations panel has decided the United States tax payers should pay descendants of African slaves reparations. I didn't find the document where it demands reparations from Arabs.
Slavery has existed from the beginning of time, but usually as the spoils of war. However, for 1400 years continuing to the present Arab Muslims have controlled the African slave trade for profit, as well as the European slave trade. In the 17th-18th c. they paid Africans to capture other Africans and then sold them to Portuguese, Spanish and English slavers who transported them mostly to South America. Only about 300,000 were brought to North America (according to Prof. Gates of PBS). Although it is ignored after the hash tags fade, young women are still being sold into sex slavery by Muslims such as Boko Haram and ISIS.
On May 15, 1986 seven-year old Francis was selling eggs and peanuts near his village in South Sudan when Arab militia stormed the marketplace, slaughtering men and rounding up women and children. Strapped to horses Bok and others were taken to North Sudan and sold into slavery.
Francis Bok, a Sudanese Dinka, escaped from slavery in his home country and is now living in the United States and working with the AASG to abolish modern-day slavery worldwide. He was 21 years old before he had any education. He now speaks publicly on behalf of all the slaves of the world. And he is grateful to the United States which took him in.
Meanwhile, there are more legal immigrants from Africa to U.S. in the last 10 years than in the years of slave trade--about 500,000. So who is going to referee all this in a time when our first black president is a millionaire who is not a descendant of African slaves and black high school students have a higher college enrollment than whites and the descendants of the new immigrants are highly successful?
Slavery has existed from the beginning of time, but usually as the spoils of war. However, for 1400 years continuing to the present Arab Muslims have controlled the African slave trade for profit, as well as the European slave trade. In the 17th-18th c. they paid Africans to capture other Africans and then sold them to Portuguese, Spanish and English slavers who transported them mostly to South America. Only about 300,000 were brought to North America (according to Prof. Gates of PBS). Although it is ignored after the hash tags fade, young women are still being sold into sex slavery by Muslims such as Boko Haram and ISIS.
On May 15, 1986 seven-year old Francis was selling eggs and peanuts near his village in South Sudan when Arab militia stormed the marketplace, slaughtering men and rounding up women and children. Strapped to horses Bok and others were taken to North Sudan and sold into slavery.
For ten years, Bok was a chattel of an Arab master – he slept with animals and endured hard labor, constant beatings, humiliation and forced Islamization. He was given an Arab name and was taunted as “abeed,” a black slave.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROdzWD7gbOA
Francis Bok, a Sudanese Dinka, escaped from slavery in his home country and is now living in the United States and working with the AASG to abolish modern-day slavery worldwide. He was 21 years old before he had any education. He now speaks publicly on behalf of all the slaves of the world. And he is grateful to the United States which took him in.
Meanwhile, there are more legal immigrants from Africa to U.S. in the last 10 years than in the years of slave trade--about 500,000. So who is going to referee all this in a time when our first black president is a millionaire who is not a descendant of African slaves and black high school students have a higher college enrollment than whites and the descendants of the new immigrants are highly successful?
Arabs. slavers,
Francis Bok,
United Nations
A tragic shooting in Columbus
A terrible tragedy has happened here in Columbus when a 13 year old black teen was shot by police at night after he'd robbed someone then pulled a gun on police who were investigating the crime. The gun was a bb gun. Go to WalMart and look at some of these look alikes. See if you could tell the difference at night during a struggle. So of course, demonstrators marched and went to the OSU campus demanding jus...tice before the investigation. And the naive students fell right in. 50% of those shot by police in commission of a crime are white. Since no one protests or riots, and media doesn't report it except locally people are uninformed about "justice." They think it is "just us." These are not your grandfather's bb guns or the ones you remember as a kid.

According to the Department of Justice (2011, NCJ 236018) Blacks were disproportionately represented as both homicide victims and offenders. The victimization rate for blacks (27.8 per 100,000) was 6 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000). The offending rate for blacks (34.4 per 100,000) was almost 8 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000). So if whites are 50% of those shot by police, the rate is actually much higher than for blacks since they are less likely to be the offender. But who cares about the facts.
Police are 18.5X more at risk of being killed on duty by a black man than an unarmed black man being killed by police.
bb gun,
Department of Justice,
This election--a battle for the soul of America
Father Michael Orsi, now on the pastoral
team of St. Agnes Church in Naples, Fl said, “For too long, pastors and churches
have been bullied into believing that they can say nothing political from the
pulpit,” said Orsi. The regulation that is used to silence them “was a piece of
spite work” against non-profits that had opposed President Lyndon Johnson, he
said. [This happened when he was in the Senate, not the White House.]
“Let me remind you: the Bible is a political document,” the priest said. “The prophets, including John the Baptist, and Jesus, lost their lives because they spoke the truth to power."
“The Constitution is quickly being destroyed,” warned Orsi, and “unless the right choice is made in November, we may not have a court that is fair and balanced in its interpretation of the Constitution.”
“Too many of the pastors—too many, practically all—in Germany refused to speak against national socialism,” continued Orsi. “And look [at] the result: millions of Jews, pastors, priests, homosexuals, gypsies all lost their lives because everyone was afraid. What are you afraid of, a couple of bucks? Your tax-exempt status? What’s that going to do to you? Your churches may be closed anyway, because if a certain party gets elected, this certain party said, if the churches do not agree with our interpretation of women’s reproductive rights, they’ll just have to change their doctrine.”
“If a certain party gets elected, I can assure you what kind of judges are going to be on those appeals courts,” he said. And those judges will be charged with deciding whether the government may force churches and religious institutions to pay for abortion, contraception, and abortifacient drugs, he noted.
Furthermore, “I’m not going to vote for a candidate who decides that we can redefine the meaning of marriage,” proclaimed Orsi. “Our opponents believe once they destroy the family, once they destroy the churches, they can re-create society in their own image and their own likeness. That, my friends, is not just political. That is diabolical. Get it straight, for crying out loud! The devil is in this!”
“We are in a battle for the soul of America,” he said.
“Somehow, [Christians] have come to buy the story that you cannot be political in church,” said Orsi. “Let me tell you right now, oh yes, you can, and oh, yes, you better be. Because you might not have a church to go to if you don’t vote the right way in November.”
Agreed. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/priest-you-might-not-have-a-church-to-go-to-if-you-dont-vote-the-right-way
“Let me remind you: the Bible is a political document,” the priest said. “The prophets, including John the Baptist, and Jesus, lost their lives because they spoke the truth to power."
“The Constitution is quickly being destroyed,” warned Orsi, and “unless the right choice is made in November, we may not have a court that is fair and balanced in its interpretation of the Constitution.”
“Too many of the pastors—too many, practically all—in Germany refused to speak against national socialism,” continued Orsi. “And look [at] the result: millions of Jews, pastors, priests, homosexuals, gypsies all lost their lives because everyone was afraid. What are you afraid of, a couple of bucks? Your tax-exempt status? What’s that going to do to you? Your churches may be closed anyway, because if a certain party gets elected, this certain party said, if the churches do not agree with our interpretation of women’s reproductive rights, they’ll just have to change their doctrine.”
“If a certain party gets elected, I can assure you what kind of judges are going to be on those appeals courts,” he said. And those judges will be charged with deciding whether the government may force churches and religious institutions to pay for abortion, contraception, and abortifacient drugs, he noted.
Furthermore, “I’m not going to vote for a candidate who decides that we can redefine the meaning of marriage,” proclaimed Orsi. “Our opponents believe once they destroy the family, once they destroy the churches, they can re-create society in their own image and their own likeness. That, my friends, is not just political. That is diabolical. Get it straight, for crying out loud! The devil is in this!”
“We are in a battle for the soul of America,” he said.
“Somehow, [Christians] have come to buy the story that you cannot be political in church,” said Orsi. “Let me tell you right now, oh yes, you can, and oh, yes, you better be. Because you might not have a church to go to if you don’t vote the right way in November.”
Agreed. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/priest-you-might-not-have-a-church-to-go-to-if-you-dont-vote-the-right-way
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Accomplishments in retirement according to one blogger
I'm retired and I write blogs. Nine blogs. One is about retirement. (I also do other things like volunteer, go out with friends, and travel. For the first 9 years I also painted). I found a really great retirement blog today that I'll return to. Here's something she wrote in 2013.
Things you won’t accomplish in retirement:
Sending out Christmas cards,...
Losing five pounds,
Cleaning out your closets,
Reading a ton of books,
Keeping your house and garden in pristine condition,
Watching less TV,
Mastering a new instrument, language, or other field of study,
Becoming Martha Stewart, or
Saving The World.
Things you won’t accomplish in retirement:
Sending out Christmas cards,...
Losing five pounds,
Cleaning out your closets,
Reading a ton of books,
Keeping your house and garden in pristine condition,
Watching less TV,
Mastering a new instrument, language, or other field of study,
Becoming Martha Stewart, or
Saving The World.
I do still send real Christmas cards, and I've lost weight twice, 2006 and 2015. I did clean some closets and repack everything about 8 years ago. Three years into retirement I started pitching all the stuff I didn't throw out when I retired. I did join a book club. No garden and not much house cleaning. Watch more TV. Learned blogging. Received as a gift a lot of Martha Stewart cookbooks--and I do more cooking than I did when I worked, but also go out to eat more. Am saving the world, one baby at a time at PDHC.
Debate analysis
"Clinton tried throughout to be disciplined and on her talking points
and her well-rehearsed (and, one presumes, focus group-tested) quips and
one-liners. She tried consistently to paint Trump as a dangerous and
unstable person, repeating many of the same descriptors used in her ads.
Her aggressive debate style likely connected with the college-educated
voters and her most dedicated constituency — the mainstream media — to
whom she repeatedly appealed both before and during the debate to
fact-check her opponent.
Trump was far less scripted and consequently less reliant on statistics, but held to his key points in the three segments of the debate. He was more accessible to the average blue-collar voter, the voting group where he is strongest.
While there were substantive issues addressed, including taxes, cyber-security, race relations and nuclear proliferation, much of the time centered on such topics as Trump’s taxes, President Obama’s birth certificate and Trump’s alleged treatment of women. Clinton clearly had the strategy of trying to provoke Trump with barbs and personal attacks. Her rival generally kept his cool, but he was far from perfect, missing several opportunities to exploit Clinton’s weakness on her emails and her record as secretary of state."
Trump was far less scripted and consequently less reliant on statistics, but held to his key points in the three segments of the debate. He was more accessible to the average blue-collar voter, the voting group where he is strongest.
While there were substantive issues addressed, including taxes, cyber-security, race relations and nuclear proliferation, much of the time centered on such topics as Trump’s taxes, President Obama’s birth certificate and Trump’s alleged treatment of women. Clinton clearly had the strategy of trying to provoke Trump with barbs and personal attacks. Her rival generally kept his cool, but he was far from perfect, missing several opportunities to exploit Clinton’s weakness on her emails and her record as secretary of state."
Donald Trump,
Hillary Clinton
Catholics and Lutherans on Grace
I'm not linking back to this former Lutheran pastor's name until I check with him that it's OK. If it's not, I'll remove the post. He's now a Catholic.
"Catholics and Lutherans both agree grace is undeserved and entirely all God’s doing. How God does it is where the wheels spin off the rails. Catholics held to a”infusion” of grace, Lutherans to an “imputation.” Either way, the same source, God.
Infusion of grace enables sinners to cooperatively “grow” toward God through lives transformed in Christ. Imputation of grace declares you’re never going to be any more righteous than you are at the moment Christ declares you his. Nonetheless, both Catholics and Lutherans hold to the doctrine of sanctification, growth in holiness.
In a sense, Catholics conflate justification and sanctification. For Lutherans, sanctification rises as one gains greater awareness of being justified. Now, for the life of me I can’t tell a whole lot of difference one from the other – justification is through Christ by faith that we may ever become who we are, children of God. But in the rarefied airs of theology-talk, Lutherans accused Roman Catholics of believing that humans can earn salvation, and Roman Catholics accused Lutherans of believing that Christians do not need to have their lives transformed. Neither, examined attentively, is what the other actually taught.
A Waffle House waitress explained it to me when I once – and never since – tried to order grits. Grits are like grace, you know. “Honey, you don’t order grits, they just comes.” Now, does it matter how I eat them when they arrive, mixed with my scrambled eggs, or take them straight from the bowl?""
Roman Catholics,
Monday, September 26, 2016
Will Gennifer Flowers be at the debate--I doubt it
Diane Blair was Hillary Clinton's closest friend and confidant who died in 2000. Her papers, diaries, interviews, memos and notes were released a few years ago, and I think the Main Stream Media ignored them until recently when I saw a glam photo essay in Washington Post of fancy ball gowns, big smiles and happy background music. Ms. Blair's archives included the name Gennifer Flowers, who has recently popped up as a possible invite to the debate. Notice how her aides (including Loretta Lynch) intend to deal with Flowers: expose her as a fraud, liar and possible criminal. A Clintonian knee capping. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
"The Clinton camp found itself dealing with Bill Clinton’s infidelity early on. In a confidential Feb. 16, 1992, memo entitled “Possible Investigation Needs,” Clinton campaign staff proposed ways to suppress and discredit stories about the then-Arkansas governor’s affairs.
Campaign operatives Loretta Lynch and Nancy McFadden wrote the memo, addressed to campaign manager David Wilhelm.
The first item on the itinerary discussed “GF,” a reference to Gennifer Flowers, the actress and adult model who had recently disclosed her 12-year affair with Bill Clinton.
“Exposing GF: completely as a fraud, liar and possible criminal to stop this story and related stories, prevent future non-related stories and expose press inaction and manipulation,” said the memo.
http://freebeacon.com/politics/the-hillary-papers/In 1998 Bill Clinton admitted he had had a sexual relationship with Flowers."(Washington Free Beacon)
Leg pain, two problems, two solutions (I hope)
About two and a half years ago I developed bursitis (inflammation of the bursa) in my right hip. Although it seemed to happen overnight, I recognized it as a pain that I had off and on since childhood. After it seemed to heal in a year, it started in my left hip, probably because so much dependence on it. I did the ice and exercise routine again, but always took a folding cane with me, avoided stairs and any incline if I were walking. Then in June I read several articles on fish oil being an anti-inflammatory, so figuring it couldn't hurt, I tried it. Maybe it's a placebo, but I'll take it and leave the cane at home, because I can now walk miles and even do the stairs in my home without pain (although I would NEVER do stairs for exercise like I used to). No more Advil. Last week I was talking to my daughter about it, and I guess we'd never discussed it. She'd done the same thing, but for auto-immune related problems and she's been able to give up Aleve, and move without pain. She also said her fingernails were strong for the first time in her life, and I looked at mine, and what do you know, mine were too, and I hadn't even noticed.
Apparently, I have a mild form of peripheral neuropathy--although I haven't really had an exact diagnosis. I have none of the usual indicators--no diabetes, I'm not overweight, and I don't have high blood pressure, kidney disease or thyroid problems. I'm not missing any vitamins, and I'm not an alcoholic. After all the tests and my doctor coming up with nothing, she sent me to a sports doctor (really fancy facility for all the important athletes). I don't recall him saying neuropathy, but I looked up the prescription, gabapentin, and that's what it's used for. I had no relief for 2-3 months, but finally, I can sleep without leg pain waking me up, so I'm crediting gabapentin. There is a side affect I've had to get used to; I feel a little tipsy in the morning, and that goes away by afternoon. In researching this I figure the neuropathy (if that's what it is) may be from falls, which is another underlying cause. I've never broken anything, but I have gone down stairs bumpty bump and fallen off my bike. And of course, my age. It seems a lot of aches and pains come with age.
Apparently, I have a mild form of peripheral neuropathy--although I haven't really had an exact diagnosis. I have none of the usual indicators--no diabetes, I'm not overweight, and I don't have high blood pressure, kidney disease or thyroid problems. I'm not missing any vitamins, and I'm not an alcoholic. After all the tests and my doctor coming up with nothing, she sent me to a sports doctor (really fancy facility for all the important athletes). I don't recall him saying neuropathy, but I looked up the prescription, gabapentin, and that's what it's used for. I had no relief for 2-3 months, but finally, I can sleep without leg pain waking me up, so I'm crediting gabapentin. There is a side affect I've had to get used to; I feel a little tipsy in the morning, and that goes away by afternoon. In researching this I figure the neuropathy (if that's what it is) may be from falls, which is another underlying cause. I've never broken anything, but I have gone down stairs bumpty bump and fallen off my bike. And of course, my age. It seems a lot of aches and pains come with age.
fish oil,
leg pain,
The debate is tonight, Trump and Clinton
With help from his thirty four Catholic advisers, Donald Trump has identified the following areas which are of special concern:
As you watch a very scripted and determined Hillary Clinton in the debate tonight, don't forget about her Vice President selection who is even more careless about the jihadi threat than either our president or his running mate. As Hillary met with Netanyahu yesterday her colleague Tim Kaine gives cover for jihadis and may be the most anti-Israel elected official we have. http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/07/clintons_vp_pick_kaine_promoting_jidhadis_in_america_in_exchange_for_cash.html
- Religious Liberty,
- Pro-life, Judicial Nominations,
- Education,
- Healthcare,
- Jobs and Taxation, and
- Safety and Security.
"I am and will remain pro-life. Public funding of abortion providers is an insult to people of faith at the least, and is an affront to good government and governance, at best. I will work to support the dignity of human life from conception to natural, dignified death." Contrast this to Clinton's pro-choice stance, where a baby is vulnerable to a violent death at any point during its life in the womb.This morning I watched one of Hillary's "I fight for all children" and "all children should grow up to reach their potential" political ads. It's enough to make you gag if you know her record on abortion, Planned Parenthood, and her very selective concern. Some children are not worthy of the opportunity to reach their potential; many of them are black, disabled, or conceived outside of marriage. 42% of all abortions in New York City are for black women, and abortions outnumber live births for blacks in that city.
"Catholic education is a shining example of how education can work very well on the local level without the meddling of Washington bureaucrats. I will defend the religious liberty of Catholic schools, private schools, charter schools, and homeschooling families. I will be the biggest cheerleader for school choice programs so we can give every child in America, particularly disadvantaged African American and Hispanic American children trapped in failing government run schools, the best possible educational opportunities. I will end Common Core and will get the federal government out of the public education business."
As you watch a very scripted and determined Hillary Clinton in the debate tonight, don't forget about her Vice President selection who is even more careless about the jihadi threat than either our president or his running mate. As Hillary met with Netanyahu yesterday her colleague Tim Kaine gives cover for jihadis and may be the most anti-Israel elected official we have. http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/07/clintons_vp_pick_kaine_promoting_jidhadis_in_america_in_exchange_for_cash.html
Donald Trump,
Hillary Clinton,
Roman Catholics,
Tim Kaine
Saturday, September 24, 2016
The evolving narrative
The narrative changes to fit the politics of the racialist pimps. In Ferguson it was a white racist cop and an innocent teen-ager; but then a Department of Justice investigation found nothing criminal and there was no, "hands up don't shoot." Michael Brown had just robbed a minority owned store, and he reached in the policeman's car when being questioned.
Then in Baltimore six police, three of them black, were arrested in the death of Freddie Gray, a black man who died being transported after a struggle; again no evidence to convict and it was clearly a reflexive racial action by Marilyn Mosby, the black female city State's Attorney. The police involved were black, white and one female with a total of about 50 years employment by the city which takes millions every year from the state and federal governments to just stay open and fix poverty. Narrative began to shift--it's not just racism, it's police wanting to kill black people.
Killing the Dallas police is a different story, it was a peaceful protest, and at least some in the Black Lives Matter movement claimed it was justified and in retaliation, but to my knowledge no one has been arrested as the narrative is that police lives don't matter even if protecting blacks from criminal elements.
Then Tulsa and Charlotte. The policeman in Charlotte was black and the one in Tulsa was a woman; so the racist angle was totally destroyed even though Hillary Clinton ran with it, after she urged patience in the NYC bombing until more investigation was finished. Shouting racism is OK; suspecting terrorism is not. 70% of the people arrested during the Charlotte riots are said to have ID from out of state (I haven't checked that figure--just saw a news item). We know the Charlotte conflagration is not grass roots, but who ginned up the hate is not known. It looks suspiciously like a Soros sorry soiree. But now the narrative is changing to it's "pent up rage going back to slavery days and Jim Crow"--and for that WalMart must be looted and Air Jordans stolen. For that another black man who was rioting was killed by another black. Who will put those black families on TV, or doesn't their grief matter?
Meanwhile in the same two year time frame from Michael Brown in August 2014 to Keith Scott in September 2016, statistically we know that twice as many whites were shot by police, most for good cause because they were committing a crime like holding up a small store and fleeing or resisting arrest or grabbing a policeman's gun or something else stupid. And we know from Heather MacDonald's excellent crunching of numbers for her book War on Cops that a police officer has 18.5X the risk of being killed by a black man as an unarmed black has of being killed by police.
Again, the actual facts do not benefit any black congressman, or president, or attorney general, or Black Lives Matter leader, so the facts will be ignored and more hate will be dumped on police, and more white college students must take mandatory classes on why they are bad people because of their race.
This is Obama's legacy.
Then in Baltimore six police, three of them black, were arrested in the death of Freddie Gray, a black man who died being transported after a struggle; again no evidence to convict and it was clearly a reflexive racial action by Marilyn Mosby, the black female city State's Attorney. The police involved were black, white and one female with a total of about 50 years employment by the city which takes millions every year from the state and federal governments to just stay open and fix poverty. Narrative began to shift--it's not just racism, it's police wanting to kill black people.
Killing the Dallas police is a different story, it was a peaceful protest, and at least some in the Black Lives Matter movement claimed it was justified and in retaliation, but to my knowledge no one has been arrested as the narrative is that police lives don't matter even if protecting blacks from criminal elements.
Then Tulsa and Charlotte. The policeman in Charlotte was black and the one in Tulsa was a woman; so the racist angle was totally destroyed even though Hillary Clinton ran with it, after she urged patience in the NYC bombing until more investigation was finished. Shouting racism is OK; suspecting terrorism is not. 70% of the people arrested during the Charlotte riots are said to have ID from out of state (I haven't checked that figure--just saw a news item). We know the Charlotte conflagration is not grass roots, but who ginned up the hate is not known. It looks suspiciously like a Soros sorry soiree. But now the narrative is changing to it's "pent up rage going back to slavery days and Jim Crow"--and for that WalMart must be looted and Air Jordans stolen. For that another black man who was rioting was killed by another black. Who will put those black families on TV, or doesn't their grief matter?
Meanwhile in the same two year time frame from Michael Brown in August 2014 to Keith Scott in September 2016, statistically we know that twice as many whites were shot by police, most for good cause because they were committing a crime like holding up a small store and fleeing or resisting arrest or grabbing a policeman's gun or something else stupid. And we know from Heather MacDonald's excellent crunching of numbers for her book War on Cops that a police officer has 18.5X the risk of being killed by a black man as an unarmed black has of being killed by police.
Again, the actual facts do not benefit any black congressman, or president, or attorney general, or Black Lives Matter leader, so the facts will be ignored and more hate will be dumped on police, and more white college students must take mandatory classes on why they are bad people because of their race.
This is Obama's legacy.
Black Lives Matter,
Michael Brown,
War on Cops
Where is the divide between liberal and conservative?
What is the dividing line between liberal and conservative? Government. The bigger the better for liberals, smaller and only as much as necessary for conservatives. At least that's in the speeches, both have contributed to our own bloated government. And as in many issues, some go farther to left to extreme statism like the USSR or Nazi Germany, and some farther to the right to libertarianism or anarchy, the absence of government like Haiti with no services, no army, no infrastructure.
It’s not that abortion didn’t happen before 1973 when it was legalized nationally, but now it’s government protected and supported with tax money. Now it’s in the platform of one major party. Now many churches support it, unthinkable when I was growing up. Now it takes the lives of many blacks, females and disabled, people expendable unless old enough to vote as a block.
There's also a religious divide. 92% of Congress say they are Christians compared to only 73% of American adults. That probably reflects the average age difference. Conservatives are more likely to be Evangelical Christians than members of Mainline denominations, and see life as sacred, even if born into poverty or difficult circumstances. At the 50% mark, half to the right, and 39% to the left with 11% uncommitted, eight denominations are Evangelical and two are Mainline. Of the "nones" 26% are Republican, 26% uncommitted, and 49% Democrat. So you can be a liberal in good standing with no religion at all, but might have some push back on that if you are a Conservative. (Pew Research)
It’s not that families didn’t suffer from divorce and children weren’t left with no father before 1964, but now Uncle Sam brings home the bacon and women are told they can do it all--with enough government and no dad at home. Conservatives are more likely to believe that men matter. It is liberals seem to have a war against men, pushing the LGBTQ agenda and advocating for the cis-gender. The income gap is also viewed as a liberal/conservative issue--conservative economics seems aware that it depends on the number of earners in a household, with over twice as many earners in the top income quintile households (1.98) than earners per household in the lowest-income households (0.41). Two is more than 4/10th, but we're in the age of dumbed down math also encouraged more by liberals than conservatives.
It’s not that both liberals and conservatives don’t claim the rights to our constitution. Liberals want a plastic, expanding and growing constitution. Something modern for times of crisis and dysfunction. Conservatives want the one on which our country was founded. Conservatives are much more likely to quote the founders; liberals think that could be racist since a few owned slaves, and prefer some ideological progeny of Karl Marx or Saul Alinsky. (The great lie.)
Both liberals and conservatives acknowledge we have three branches of government for checks and balances, but liberals want a weak Congress with its power shifted to the Executive or to the Judicial. Congress, after all, represents the people through the ballot, and they can’t be as easily controlled from a central location like Washington, DC. It’s disorganized and partisan, as it was designed to be. Conservatives press for a stronger Congress, which has the power of the purse, and that‘s just unthinkable in the White House which sees all tax money as its own. And that’s the case whether a Bush or an Obama is living there.
Liberals want higher taxes to support a stronger central government. Conservatives claim to want more power residing in the corporate world, with more profit going to investors, not to the government directly, but they want to control politicians through their own lobbyists. Both the left and right, liberals and conservatives, accuse the other of being fat cats, made rich on corporate influence and lobbies. Of the top ten in Congress, eight are Democrats, although in looking over the entire list, no one is poor, and after doing their “public service” both liberals and conservatives enter think tanks, corporate boards and lobbyist groups. John Boehner, recently one of the most powerful men in Congress, is now representing Big Tobacco interests. Also, I've never heard of the wealthiest Democrat, so perhaps he doesn't show up much. (List of current members of Congress by Wealth)
It’s not that abortion didn’t happen before 1973 when it was legalized nationally, but now it’s government protected and supported with tax money. Now it’s in the platform of one major party. Now many churches support it, unthinkable when I was growing up. Now it takes the lives of many blacks, females and disabled, people expendable unless old enough to vote as a block.
There's also a religious divide. 92% of Congress say they are Christians compared to only 73% of American adults. That probably reflects the average age difference. Conservatives are more likely to be Evangelical Christians than members of Mainline denominations, and see life as sacred, even if born into poverty or difficult circumstances. At the 50% mark, half to the right, and 39% to the left with 11% uncommitted, eight denominations are Evangelical and two are Mainline. Of the "nones" 26% are Republican, 26% uncommitted, and 49% Democrat. So you can be a liberal in good standing with no religion at all, but might have some push back on that if you are a Conservative. (Pew Research)
It’s not that families didn’t suffer from divorce and children weren’t left with no father before 1964, but now Uncle Sam brings home the bacon and women are told they can do it all--with enough government and no dad at home. Conservatives are more likely to believe that men matter. It is liberals seem to have a war against men, pushing the LGBTQ agenda and advocating for the cis-gender. The income gap is also viewed as a liberal/conservative issue--conservative economics seems aware that it depends on the number of earners in a household, with over twice as many earners in the top income quintile households (1.98) than earners per household in the lowest-income households (0.41). Two is more than 4/10th, but we're in the age of dumbed down math also encouraged more by liberals than conservatives.
It’s not that both liberals and conservatives don’t claim the rights to our constitution. Liberals want a plastic, expanding and growing constitution. Something modern for times of crisis and dysfunction. Conservatives want the one on which our country was founded. Conservatives are much more likely to quote the founders; liberals think that could be racist since a few owned slaves, and prefer some ideological progeny of Karl Marx or Saul Alinsky. (The great lie.)
Both liberals and conservatives acknowledge we have three branches of government for checks and balances, but liberals want a weak Congress with its power shifted to the Executive or to the Judicial. Congress, after all, represents the people through the ballot, and they can’t be as easily controlled from a central location like Washington, DC. It’s disorganized and partisan, as it was designed to be. Conservatives press for a stronger Congress, which has the power of the purse, and that‘s just unthinkable in the White House which sees all tax money as its own. And that’s the case whether a Bush or an Obama is living there.
Liberals want higher taxes to support a stronger central government. Conservatives claim to want more power residing in the corporate world, with more profit going to investors, not to the government directly, but they want to control politicians through their own lobbyists. Both the left and right, liberals and conservatives, accuse the other of being fat cats, made rich on corporate influence and lobbies. Of the top ten in Congress, eight are Democrats, although in looking over the entire list, no one is poor, and after doing their “public service” both liberals and conservatives enter think tanks, corporate boards and lobbyist groups. John Boehner, recently one of the most powerful men in Congress, is now representing Big Tobacco interests. Also, I've never heard of the wealthiest Democrat, so perhaps he doesn't show up much. (List of current members of Congress by Wealth)
Friday, September 23, 2016
The bin Laden documents
It turns out Hillary isn't the only one of Obama's inner circle sensitive about hard drives, cell phones, etc. He is, too. It was about a year ago I heard that the Navy seals had captured the bin Laden documents, but with all the other scandals hovering over this administration plus the run up to the primaries, it went from the back burner to under the rug.
As it turns out, there's enough information to fill a small college library, but the Obama administration doesn't want them released because they conflict with the narrative that he had weakened them, they were decimated--the justification for his disastrous pull out that birthed ISIS (aka ISIL). Now they may have to be subpoenaed.
"There are enough documents to fill a "small college library," [Devin] Nunes (R) wrote -- but only a fraction is public. The letter goes on to describe that documents "came from the information on over 100 thumb drives, hard drives, cell phones, paper files and other documents."
As it turns out, there's enough information to fill a small college library, but the Obama administration doesn't want them released because they conflict with the narrative that he had weakened them, they were decimated--the justification for his disastrous pull out that birthed ISIS (aka ISIL). Now they may have to be subpoenaed.
"There are enough documents to fill a "small college library," [Devin] Nunes (R) wrote -- but only a fraction is public. The letter goes on to describe that documents "came from the information on over 100 thumb drives, hard drives, cell phones, paper files and other documents."
Barack Obama,
bin Laden,
Navy seals
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Is it 1914 or 1939 all over again?
"Human nature is unchanging and remains irrational. Evil is eternal. Unfortunately, appeasement is often seen by thugs not as magnanimity to be reciprocated but as timidity to be exploited.
Someone soon will have to tell the North Koreans that a stable world order cannot endure its frequent missile launches and nuclear detonations.
Someone could remind Putin that the former Soviet republics have a right to self-determination.
Someone might inform the Chinese that no one can plop down artificial islands and military bases to control commercial sea lanes.
Someone might make it clear to radical Islamic terrorists that there is a limit to Western patience with their chronic bombing, murdering and destruction.
The problem is that there is no other “someone” (especially not the United Nations or the European Union) with the requisite power and authority except the United States. But for a long time America has done more than its fair share of international policing — and its people are tired of costly dragon-slaying abroad.
The result is that at this late date, the tough medicine of restoring long-term deterrence is as almost as dangerous as the disease of continual short-term appeasement.
Obama apparently assumes he can leave office as a peacemaker before his appeased chickens come home to roost in violent fashion. He has assured us that the world has never been calmer and quieter.
Others said the same thing in the last calm summer weeks of 1914 and 1939." Victor Davis Hanson
Someone soon will have to tell the North Koreans that a stable world order cannot endure its frequent missile launches and nuclear detonations.
Someone could remind Putin that the former Soviet republics have a right to self-determination.
Someone might inform the Chinese that no one can plop down artificial islands and military bases to control commercial sea lanes.
Someone might make it clear to radical Islamic terrorists that there is a limit to Western patience with their chronic bombing, murdering and destruction.
The problem is that there is no other “someone” (especially not the United Nations or the European Union) with the requisite power and authority except the United States. But for a long time America has done more than its fair share of international policing — and its people are tired of costly dragon-slaying abroad.
The result is that at this late date, the tough medicine of restoring long-term deterrence is as almost as dangerous as the disease of continual short-term appeasement.
Obama apparently assumes he can leave office as a peacemaker before his appeased chickens come home to roost in violent fashion. He has assured us that the world has never been calmer and quieter.
Others said the same thing in the last calm summer weeks of 1914 and 1939." Victor Davis Hanson
Barack Obama
Clinton outspends Trump
"Hillary Clinton spent $645,000 more a day than her opponent Donald Trump
last month, but even with her $50 million campaign outlay, she has not been able
to pull away from him in the race for the White House.
Clinton's campaign had its most expensive month to date in August, eclipsing its previous monthly high by more than $12 million. And combined, Clinton and the national Democratic Party paid out $78 million in August, while Trump and the Republican National Committee spent about $47 million.
While both candidates are raising huge sums from donors, their lopsided spending lays bare the difference in the two major party presidential campaigns. Clinton is running a conventional operation featuring multimillion-dollar ad buys and expansive voter outreach. Trump has kept spending down by enjoying seemingly limitless free media coverage and outsourcing the guts of his voter contact duties to the Republican Party."
There are some rich, greedy capitalists who seem to love the Democrats. Banks, unions, Big Pharma, probably. They’ve invested so much the last 8 years, probably don’t want to lose momentum. It’s good to cut out the competition like EpiPen did. Trump’s donors tend to be the little guy—the deplorables. And still she’s talking to airport parking lots and empty gyms. Trump usually has more people in line outside than they can get inside. I’m afraid all those ads are ending up in Ohio. But they are so repetitive. I don’t think she’s getting her money’s worth here. Really unimaginative.
Clinton's campaign had its most expensive month to date in August, eclipsing its previous monthly high by more than $12 million. And combined, Clinton and the national Democratic Party paid out $78 million in August, while Trump and the Republican National Committee spent about $47 million.
While both candidates are raising huge sums from donors, their lopsided spending lays bare the difference in the two major party presidential campaigns. Clinton is running a conventional operation featuring multimillion-dollar ad buys and expansive voter outreach. Trump has kept spending down by enjoying seemingly limitless free media coverage and outsourcing the guts of his voter contact duties to the Republican Party."
There are some rich, greedy capitalists who seem to love the Democrats. Banks, unions, Big Pharma, probably. They’ve invested so much the last 8 years, probably don’t want to lose momentum. It’s good to cut out the competition like EpiPen did. Trump’s donors tend to be the little guy—the deplorables. And still she’s talking to airport parking lots and empty gyms. Trump usually has more people in line outside than they can get inside. I’m afraid all those ads are ending up in Ohio. But they are so repetitive. I don’t think she’s getting her money’s worth here. Really unimaginative.
Derrion Albert
Seven years ago, on Sept. 24, 2009, Derrion Albert, a 16-year-old black student, was walking home from Fenger High School in Chicago and was beaten and stomped to death during a fight between 2 rival groups. The rest of the nation heard about it only because someone caught it on video. That put pressure on Obama, and later the President sent Holder and Duncun. Jesse Jackson also showed up. Then the money began to flow. Eventually, a $65 million dollar two year federal grant for "Safe Passage" was funneled to Chicago Public Schools to reduce youth violence. As I understand it grants went to local organizations and faith communities to hire and train people to ensure safety along the routes taken by school children. Kids in Chicago are still dying, but money was found to extend the program. The next year there were over 260 murders, but none on video. Eventually, Derrion's name was forgotten. Six young men over time were arrested, tried and sentenced in the Albert death, the last one in 2015. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/derrion-albert/
Derrion Albert
Who benefits from the race riots?
As I noted earlier, statistically, both in number and rate, more whites in the commission of a crime are killed by police than blacks. Whites also kill each other--about 84% is white on white because most crime is intraracial, gays kill each other, too, and many who kill know the victim. Only women and children don't fit that mold. When children are murdered, it's most likely one of the parents or her boyfriend, and a gun isn't used. In central Ohio right now we have a grisly serial murderer of women (again), a white man with white victims, unfolding and they're just finding the bodies. But it doesn't seem to make the national news, cause riots, or stick to the news cycle.
Why is that? Money and power.
Racialists, politicians, and media outlets can't make money or get votes by stirring anger over a mother suffocating her baby, or a white man kidnapping and killing white women. No one breaks windows and steals Air Jordans over a child killed by its parents. Racist alarmists and poverty pimps like Dyson, Jackson, Sharpton, Black Lives Matter and hundreds of academics on the government grant teat would have to cut back on their extravagant life style if riots like Charlotte, Dallas, Ferguson and Tulsa didn't happen.
Why is that? Money and power.
Racialists, politicians, and media outlets can't make money or get votes by stirring anger over a mother suffocating her baby, or a white man kidnapping and killing white women. No one breaks windows and steals Air Jordans over a child killed by its parents. Racist alarmists and poverty pimps like Dyson, Jackson, Sharpton, Black Lives Matter and hundreds of academics on the government grant teat would have to cut back on their extravagant life style if riots like Charlotte, Dallas, Ferguson and Tulsa didn't happen.
race relations,
Connecting the EpiPen dots
David Meyers continues to look at the EpiPen story. He's a Columbus writer about local historical sites and cultural events.

FACT: Heather Bresch is the CEO of Mylan Specialty, the drug company that raised the price of EpiPens 450% over the past dozen years. She rose to that position in 2012, after starting out in the mail room in 1992. She received a $16M pay raise for her efforts.
FACT: Heather Bresch lied that she had obtained an MBA from West Virginia University. The school then faked documents to support her claim. In 2008, WVU President Mike Garrison was forced to ...resign as a result of the scandal.

FACT: Heather Bresch is the CEO of Mylan Specialty, the drug company that raised the price of EpiPens 450% over the past dozen years. She rose to that position in 2012, after starting out in the mail room in 1992. She received a $16M pay raise for her efforts.
FACT: Heather Bresch lied that she had obtained an MBA from West Virginia University. The school then faked documents to support her claim. In 2008, WVU President Mike Garrison was forced to ...resign as a result of the scandal.
FACT: Heather Bresch’s mother is Gayle Manchin. She became head of the National Association of State School Boards of Education in 2012. She spearheaded the effort to require schools to purchase EpiPens – a possible violation of anti-trust laws.
FACT: President Obama signed the EpiPen in 2013. Mylan provides a discount to schools, but only if they agree not to purchase products from a competitor. A year and a half later, Mylan moved its headquarters to the Netherlands, cutting its tax rate from 16.2% to 7.4% It now pays no U.S. taxes.
FACT: Heather Bresch’s father is Joe Manchin, senior Democratic senator from West Virginia. When he ran for the senate in 2010, Mylan Pharmaceuticals donated $127,000 to his campaign. However, he was not one of the 27 Democratic and 10 Republican sponsors of the bill. Obviously, he didn’t need to be because, well, they all look out for each other.
FACT: People will die because of the high cost of EpiPens.
Unfortunately, this is the norm in Washington. Politicians use their influence to feather their own nests all the time. And keep in mind that Joe Manchin is considered one of the good guys. Thinks of what the bad guys are up to.
FACT: President Obama signed the EpiPen in 2013. Mylan provides a discount to schools, but only if they agree not to purchase products from a competitor. A year and a half later, Mylan moved its headquarters to the Netherlands, cutting its tax rate from 16.2% to 7.4% It now pays no U.S. taxes.
FACT: Heather Bresch’s father is Joe Manchin, senior Democratic senator from West Virginia. When he ran for the senate in 2010, Mylan Pharmaceuticals donated $127,000 to his campaign. However, he was not one of the 27 Democratic and 10 Republican sponsors of the bill. Obviously, he didn’t need to be because, well, they all look out for each other.
FACT: People will die because of the high cost of EpiPens.
Unfortunately, this is the norm in Washington. Politicians use their influence to feather their own nests all the time. And keep in mind that Joe Manchin is considered one of the good guys. Thinks of what the bad guys are up to.
Gayle Manchin,
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Clinton on the shootings
Was it just a few days ago in her best zombie impression, Clinton chastised Trump for jumping to the conclusion that an exploding trash can could be a bomb in NYC? The police hadn't announced it she solemnly intoned. One of the major media sources edited her statement after she called it a bombing. Yet yesterday at a fevered pitch she literally screamed through the airwaves about the Tulsa case, rushing to judgement condemning the policewoman before there had been any investigation and poisoning minds across the nation about the police. "We have got to tackle systemic racism," Clinton said. "This horrible shooting again. How many times do we have to see this in our country?" So she condemned the police as racists, I guess tossing them in the deplorable basket, and ignoring that most of these shootings involve whites, not blacks, but she doesn't worry about them--no political advantage.
New York bomb--be very cautious. Might be terrorism. Bad for campaign.
Tulsa shooting--act outraged. Might be racism. Good for campaign.
New York bomb--be very cautious. Might be terrorism. Bad for campaign.
Tulsa shooting--act outraged. Might be racism. Good for campaign.
Hillary Clinton,
presidential campaign 2016,
Tulsa and Charlotte shootings
Statistically, both in number and rate, more whites in the commission of a crime are killed by police than blacks, but it doesn't seem to make the national news or cause riots. Why is that? And how often do I hear about it in Columbus, Ohio? In incidents involving police and felons, 2/3 were the same race. For citizens killing felons, 3/4 were the same race. I'm not suggesting that in Charlotte or Tulsa the victim was a felon (news flash for Hillary: there hasn't been an investigation yet), only that the perception created by media is that it's only race. We're expected to believe that an officer with 9 years experience who has saved many lives, all of a sudden goes crazy and starts shooting the people she's been protecting all these years.
I was so impressed by the press conference of the city government of Charlotte today. Black, white, men, women, old, young. Female mayor, black police chief. The south has a lot to teach this country. Then the black Muslims had a press conference, with the same old same old.
"According to Chief Putney, Officer Brentley Vinson was not wearing a body camera, but other uniformed officers on scene were. Vinson was reportedly wearing plain clothes and a clearly marked CMPD vest.
"I can tell you a weapon was seized, a handgun," Putney said, "I can also tell you we did not find a book that has been made referenced to."
I was so impressed by the press conference of the city government of Charlotte today. Black, white, men, women, old, young. Female mayor, black police chief. The south has a lot to teach this country. Then the black Muslims had a press conference, with the same old same old.
"According to Chief Putney, Officer Brentley Vinson was not wearing a body camera, but other uniformed officers on scene were. Vinson was reportedly wearing plain clothes and a clearly marked CMPD vest.
"I can tell you a weapon was seized, a handgun," Putney said, "I can also tell you we did not find a book that has been made referenced to."
race relations,
States with the most integrated Hispanic populations
In our society, usually assimilation and integration of immigrants and minorities are goals--at least it was until our big "diversity" and "multi-cultural" push by liberals. So how are the states doing? West Virginia has been the most successful with Hispanics who have adapted to mainstream American society relative to where they live, and Massachusetts is #51. The study uses 17 indicators, everything from English language to home ownership. Massachusetts has super majorities in both houses for Democrats, and has only voted twice since 1960 for a Republican president. Only two progressive NE states are even in the top 30. Democrats favor keeping immigrants in little cultural boxes speaking the language of their grandparents so they can be a voting block; Republicans encourage full integration of immigrants taking advantage of all this country can offer.
Geography lesson
I keep my clothes so long, I have stuff in my closet, "Made in the U.S.A." But getting something new (for my birthday) is always an opportunity to study geography. Try it. Made in China is so yesterday.
Today's outfit (lavender, purple and beige print on white cotton) was made in Malaysia. What an interesting country--tiny, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural. About half are Malays, and the others, although citizens, are ethnically Chinese, Indians, and indigenous peoples. Its politics are race based. They have a British style government with both a king and a prime minister, and the state religion is Islam. It's been in its current configuration of various states since 1965. This tiny country has a GDP rate of 6.5% that makes us look like we're over regulated and run by socialists! It's the descendants of the Chinese and Indians that really drive the economy, although they aren't the "real" Malay (must be Muslim), and there's friction (Wikipedia).
Today's outfit (lavender, purple and beige print on white cotton) was made in Malaysia. What an interesting country--tiny, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural. About half are Malays, and the others, although citizens, are ethnically Chinese, Indians, and indigenous peoples. Its politics are race based. They have a British style government with both a king and a prime minister, and the state religion is Islam. It's been in its current configuration of various states since 1965. This tiny country has a GDP rate of 6.5% that makes us look like we're over regulated and run by socialists! It's the descendants of the Chinese and Indians that really drive the economy, although they aren't the "real" Malay (must be Muslim), and there's friction (Wikipedia).
I see nothing wrong with global companies, some based in the USA, to look for the best deal for their investors elsewhere. (Nor did Donald Trump when he had his clothing line.) The cotton may actually be grown in the U.S.--it travels all over the world. Same for the fabric dye. The machines may be American made, and possibly the ships and crews (although that's probably not the case anymore). The designers and marketers and retailers are probably Americans. If we could get the corporate tax rate under control (highest in the world making us non-competitive), the actual cutting and sewing of the shirt might come back.
According to 2014 data from the OECD, the combined federal and state statutory corporate tax rate for the United States is 39.1 percent. The average of the other 33 members of the OECD is 24.8 percent — 14.3 percentage points lower than the U.S. rate. (Forbes)

According to 2014 data from the OECD, the combined federal and state statutory corporate tax rate for the United States is 39.1 percent. The average of the other 33 members of the OECD is 24.8 percent — 14.3 percentage points lower than the U.S. rate. (Forbes)

corporate tax rate,
women's fashion
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Washington Post, pure bias
Just looked through Washington Post. Five opinion pieces on campaign; all anti-Trump. One news item on campaign, anti-Trump. It's called the Fourth Estate, meaning it's supposed to keep our government honest, sort of a fourth branch, but should be called propaganda. So how do you trust anything else in the paper? It's always been left leaning, can't recall a time it wasn't. But these past eight years it's gone around the bend.
Washington Post
Elect Trump to get a vigilant press
Every day I glance through the Washington Post political stories. If there are eight about the campaign, seven will be anti-Trump, with no attempt to even hide it. But yesterday's beats all. Moaning and weeping that the mainstream media are perceived as biased, liberal and elitist. And it's all the fault of the mean old GOP of 40 years ago. Agnew and Nixon.
I watched a montage of Obama reporting "lone wolf" for many of the attacks on Americans by disaffected Muslims yesterday. This is probably the most common, liberal view, and heavily promoted by the media. The latest guy who planted bombs in New York and New Jersey--Ahmad Khan Rahami--well, I swing back and forth for him. Yes, he had a long running feud (many years) with the city over the family's "American fried" chicken restaurant, so perhaps he just had a grudge. But then he also had several trips back to Afghanistan and Pakistan and a lot of suspicious behavior and personal changes in lifestyle. Lots of dysfunctional family behavior, as well as being a dead beat dad. And he was outspoken about gays, which is why Chelsea area was targeted. If the media says much about the gay connection, we know how that will be spun, and it won't be how homosexuality is a crime in Muslim countries.
Although I hadn't intended to watch Trump's Florida speech yesterday, I postponed fixing dinner to sit down and watch it. He was amazing. The audience was huge, but respectful and attentive. Then this morning I caught a brief clip of him and Clinton both mentioning the NYC bomber (the latest one)--I think hers was a press conference or speech to an empty parking lot. I could see that his very weakest, throw away line and her strongest were juxtaposed. It's not that I don't realize how every word and phrase are spun, but I do know, if Trump is elected, we will again have a vigilant, adversarial press to be our watchdog, as it should be. If Clinton is elected, we'll never know anything.
Hillary was speaking at an airport on Sunday in the same zombie voice and blaming Donald Trump for recruitment of terrorists. She stated it as fact. Again, his off the cuff words are more important than her carefully planned actions which helped create ISIS and the explosive situation in Syria from her days as Secretary of State. She even said she has "contributed to acts" and current strategy. Not a good recommendation. Stop when you're ahead, lady. Trump has done nothing to create ISIS. I hope his ad writers are using her own words. After the 9/11/2012 Benghazi attack, Glenn Beck was scribbling all over his black board with maps on how guns were being moved to Syria to help the rebels (which didn't turn out well). But who listened to him? It's now been confirmed many times what she was doing, and that she lied under oath. Others go to jail for much less.
We don't have the details yet on the motivation of the young man who slashed people in the St. Cloud, Minnesota Mall, first asking his victims if they were Muslims. The New York and New Jersey bombings sort of pushed that to the back burner. We know ISIS has claimed him as one of their own, whether or not they trained him. But you can almost envision the headlines, "Off duty cop kills young black college student." All would be true, but without the rest of the story, which we seldom get with the hate stories about police, our media are contributing. I wish this young man really understood the terrible deeds going on within his country of birth, Somalia, where the killing isn't ethnic, isn't religious, but just about power and greed. The very movement he joined in a free country where every opportunity to live peacefully was available to him.
I watched a montage of Obama reporting "lone wolf" for many of the attacks on Americans by disaffected Muslims yesterday. This is probably the most common, liberal view, and heavily promoted by the media. The latest guy who planted bombs in New York and New Jersey--Ahmad Khan Rahami--well, I swing back and forth for him. Yes, he had a long running feud (many years) with the city over the family's "American fried" chicken restaurant, so perhaps he just had a grudge. But then he also had several trips back to Afghanistan and Pakistan and a lot of suspicious behavior and personal changes in lifestyle. Lots of dysfunctional family behavior, as well as being a dead beat dad. And he was outspoken about gays, which is why Chelsea area was targeted. If the media says much about the gay connection, we know how that will be spun, and it won't be how homosexuality is a crime in Muslim countries.
Although I hadn't intended to watch Trump's Florida speech yesterday, I postponed fixing dinner to sit down and watch it. He was amazing. The audience was huge, but respectful and attentive. Then this morning I caught a brief clip of him and Clinton both mentioning the NYC bomber (the latest one)--I think hers was a press conference or speech to an empty parking lot. I could see that his very weakest, throw away line and her strongest were juxtaposed. It's not that I don't realize how every word and phrase are spun, but I do know, if Trump is elected, we will again have a vigilant, adversarial press to be our watchdog, as it should be. If Clinton is elected, we'll never know anything.
Hillary was speaking at an airport on Sunday in the same zombie voice and blaming Donald Trump for recruitment of terrorists. She stated it as fact. Again, his off the cuff words are more important than her carefully planned actions which helped create ISIS and the explosive situation in Syria from her days as Secretary of State. She even said she has "contributed to acts" and current strategy. Not a good recommendation. Stop when you're ahead, lady. Trump has done nothing to create ISIS. I hope his ad writers are using her own words. After the 9/11/2012 Benghazi attack, Glenn Beck was scribbling all over his black board with maps on how guns were being moved to Syria to help the rebels (which didn't turn out well). But who listened to him? It's now been confirmed many times what she was doing, and that she lied under oath. Others go to jail for much less.
We don't have the details yet on the motivation of the young man who slashed people in the St. Cloud, Minnesota Mall, first asking his victims if they were Muslims. The New York and New Jersey bombings sort of pushed that to the back burner. We know ISIS has claimed him as one of their own, whether or not they trained him. But you can almost envision the headlines, "Off duty cop kills young black college student." All would be true, but without the rest of the story, which we seldom get with the hate stories about police, our media are contributing. I wish this young man really understood the terrible deeds going on within his country of birth, Somalia, where the killing isn't ethnic, isn't religious, but just about power and greed. The very movement he joined in a free country where every opportunity to live peacefully was available to him.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Monday Memories--Happy Birthday to me
What a great birthday dinner Saturday night. I set the table with china,
and my daughter and son-in-law brought in a fabulous lasagne dinner from
Bravo (I'd never eaten there) with appetizers, salad, garlic bread and wine. There were enough left overs for Sunday night. Then on to my presents, and
updating my fall wardrobe with 3 shirts and 2 vests in mix and match.
These two love to shop, and spent a lot of time on colors and outfits,
and I get the benefits. She knows my skin color and tastes better than I
do, because I usually just shop by price. Even an OSU Buckeye colors
outfit, scarlet and gray; set for me to wear on game days (I'm not much
of a sports fan but I did watch a football game about 5 years ago).
Monday Memories
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Pitiful, paltry Clinton Foundation
According to tax returns filed by the Clinton Foundation, only 5.7% of the funds raised actually went to charitable organizations. The rest went to salaries and benefits for employees and "other expenses." It was about $5.2 million out of the $91 million it took in (2014). There's no law against this, and all the donors got tax benefits, but according to news stories about meetings with important people and access, they weren't donating to rebuild Haiti, or fight AIDS or reduce climate problems. Our vigilant press corp are busy investigating Donald Trump's foundation, so you can rest easy knowing they're on the job.
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Hillary's joke about her health
I really laughed when I heard her say this when she got back on the campaign trail. "The good news is my pneumonia finally got Republicans interested in women's health." Big whoop. It's going around the internet as a clever meme. "Women's health" is code for abortion. I doubt too many of us were thinking that for a 69 year old.
Hillary Clinton
Make America Great Again
Our investigative journalists did nothing to correct Obama's bio in his publisher's guide of 1991 that stated he was born in Kenya. Back in the old days, that gave a young author a lot of gravitas. It was corrected in 2007, around the time he decided to run for president. That doesn't mean he was born in Kenya; just that it was a convenient lie that came back to bite him. A bit like Elizabeth Warren's heritage as an American Indian. Some glamor for her being a minority--which she wasn't.
But our sharp eyed press did discover Mitt Romney's great-grandfather was a polygamist who had fled to Mexico to protect his family, although they said little about Obama's polygamist father who had fled his family responsibilities leaving a pregnant teenager and gone back to Africa.
Someone, or maybe it was social media, or maybe "real" press corps, was outraged that the Romney's dog traveled in a carrier outside of the car many years ago. That was an important story in the 2012 election.
Let's make America great again with the kind of in depth discovery we've come to expect from our media giants. NOT.
But our sharp eyed press did discover Mitt Romney's great-grandfather was a polygamist who had fled to Mexico to protect his family, although they said little about Obama's polygamist father who had fled his family responsibilities leaving a pregnant teenager and gone back to Africa.
Someone, or maybe it was social media, or maybe "real" press corps, was outraged that the Romney's dog traveled in a carrier outside of the car many years ago. That was an important story in the 2012 election.
Let's make America great again with the kind of in depth discovery we've come to expect from our media giants. NOT.
Friday, September 16, 2016
Why charges of racism will never end--it's too lucrative
When Barack Obama was elected in 2008, I wasn't happy because I'd heard his policies during the campaign and didn't like them. There's no way to put a pretty face on socialism. The one positive, I thought, was he could finally put to rest we were a racist nation, a theme the Democrats constantly played up when civil rights laws prevented them from doing more blatant things, like supporting the KKK. We'd shown the world and all the haters in our own country that we were so over that.
I was so wrong, as were millions of well meaning people, even Republicans, friends and family, who used that as a reason to vote for him. He has so damaged our country, and really, Hillary's "basket of deplorables" could have been written by his speech writers (and it wasn't the first time she'd said it). In addition to racism, he's added other isms or phobias most of us had never heard of in a never ending scheme to divide and conquer. Instead of feeding the poor and visiting the sick, churches can now figure out how to use limited funds to add gender neutral bathrooms thanks to this president.
Millions and millions of dollars were at stake and both poverty and race are BIG business supporting millions of jobs, government grants and untold numbers of politicians. If that gravy train ended, what would happen? Never fear. The Democrats do not want this country to become great again. Even Hillary's talk today in front of black women was a blatant appeal to keep old racial rumors and divisions alive and favoring her. So Trump said to blacks last week, "what have you got to lose?" Think about it, ladies. She offered the same old, same old hate in a basket, gift wrapped.
I was so wrong, as were millions of well meaning people, even Republicans, friends and family, who used that as a reason to vote for him. He has so damaged our country, and really, Hillary's "basket of deplorables" could have been written by his speech writers (and it wasn't the first time she'd said it). In addition to racism, he's added other isms or phobias most of us had never heard of in a never ending scheme to divide and conquer. Instead of feeding the poor and visiting the sick, churches can now figure out how to use limited funds to add gender neutral bathrooms thanks to this president.
Millions and millions of dollars were at stake and both poverty and race are BIG business supporting millions of jobs, government grants and untold numbers of politicians. If that gravy train ended, what would happen? Never fear. The Democrats do not want this country to become great again. Even Hillary's talk today in front of black women was a blatant appeal to keep old racial rumors and divisions alive and favoring her. So Trump said to blacks last week, "what have you got to lose?" Think about it, ladies. She offered the same old, same old hate in a basket, gift wrapped.
2008 campaign,
Barack Obama,
The fallout--for Hillary or Trump?
I didn't watch Fox all summer but was aware of the meltdown there. Really good reporters and opinion speakers have left. But the noon program called Outnumbered is still worth watching. Today the Ladies (of the Outnumbered on Fox) were screaming at each other over the Trump press conference this morning. No one who has decided to support either candidate will change their minds. But it was a masterpiece of political theater. He got more news coverage--it was an brilliant infomercial for his campaign for President. (And a YUGE plug for his new hotel). He also used the public forum at no cost to his campaign to show his impressive support from retired military. It's like the primaries. He sucked the air out of Hillary's room. I think all the media are mad at him.
Trump plays fast and lose with the truth, he manipulates his audience. But we've got 30 years of her lies, and her footprint is all over Syria. Donald Trump can fly high above all her scandals and mistakes.
Trump plays fast and lose with the truth, he manipulates his audience. But we've got 30 years of her lies, and her footprint is all over Syria. Donald Trump can fly high above all her scandals and mistakes.
Donald Trump
Lie, deny, revise, claim not to remember specifics, stall for time. It's her M.O.
PEGGY NOONAN: "They were in shock. So were members of the press, who knew Mr. Dale [Billy Dale who had worked at the White House for 30 years] and his colleagues as honest and professional. A firestorm ensued.
Under criticism the White House changed its story. They said that they were just trying to cut unneeded staff and save money. Then they said they were trying to impose a competitive bidding process. They tried a new explanation—the travel office shake-up was connected to Vice President Al Gore’s National Performance Review. (Alm...ost immediately Mr. Gore said that was not true.) The White House then said it was connected to a campaign pledge to cut the White House staff by 25%. Finally they claimed the workers hadn’t been fired at all but placed on indefinite “administrative leave.”
Why so many stories? Because the real one wasn’t pretty." All along Mrs. Clinton publicly insisted she had no knowledge of the firings. Then it became barely any knowledge, then barely any involvement. When the story blew up she said under oath that she had “no role in the decision to terminate the employees.” She did not “direct that any action be taken by anyone.” In a deposition she denied having had a role in the firings, and said she was unable to remember conversations with various staffers with any specificity. So—that was the Clintons’ first big Washington scandal. It showed what has now become the Clinton Scandal Ritual: lie, deny, revise, claim not to remember specifics, stall for time. When it passes, call the story “old news” full of questions that have already been answered. “As I’ve repeatedly said . . .” More scandals would follow.
They all showed poor judgment on the part of the president, and usually Mrs. Clinton. They all included a startling willingness—and ability—to dissemble.
People watched and got a poor impression.The point is it didn’t start the past few years, it started almost a quarter-century ago. You have to wonder, what are the chances it will change?"
Under criticism the White House changed its story. They said that they were just trying to cut unneeded staff and save money. Then they said they were trying to impose a competitive bidding process. They tried a new explanation—the travel office shake-up was connected to Vice President Al Gore’s National Performance Review. (Alm...ost immediately Mr. Gore said that was not true.) The White House then said it was connected to a campaign pledge to cut the White House staff by 25%. Finally they claimed the workers hadn’t been fired at all but placed on indefinite “administrative leave.”
Why so many stories? Because the real one wasn’t pretty." All along Mrs. Clinton publicly insisted she had no knowledge of the firings. Then it became barely any knowledge, then barely any involvement. When the story blew up she said under oath that she had “no role in the decision to terminate the employees.” She did not “direct that any action be taken by anyone.” In a deposition she denied having had a role in the firings, and said she was unable to remember conversations with various staffers with any specificity. So—that was the Clintons’ first big Washington scandal. It showed what has now become the Clinton Scandal Ritual: lie, deny, revise, claim not to remember specifics, stall for time. When it passes, call the story “old news” full of questions that have already been answered. “As I’ve repeatedly said . . .” More scandals would follow.
They all showed poor judgment on the part of the president, and usually Mrs. Clinton. They all included a startling willingness—and ability—to dissemble.
People watched and got a poor impression.The point is it didn’t start the past few years, it started almost a quarter-century ago. You have to wonder, what are the chances it will change?"
Hillary Clinton,
Peggy Noonan,
Thursday, September 15, 2016
The Castro in Obama's Administration
This is outrageous. How long before the first amendment is declared hate speech by the Obama government, an administration that has inflamed racial unrest for years? How long before the creation story in Genesis is declared hate speech or the story of Noah and the flood? After all, it could be code for male and female and procreation. How long before the only place you'll be able to pray is your jail cell and then in silence so you don't upset your guards?
“The phrases ‘religious liberty’ and ‘religious freedom’ will stand for nothing except hypocrisy so long as they remain code words for discrimination, intolerance, racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, Christian supremacy or any form of intolerance,” said [Martin] Castro, an Obama appointee, in a separate statement that marked the report’s release.("Peaceful Coexistence: Reconciling Nondiscrimination Principles With Civil Liberties"
We will again see the mixing of the words "freedom to worship" and "religious freedom." Did you know that the Civil Rights Commission had met in 2013 with "scholars and legal advocates" to determine if Christians could be charged with violating the Commission's interpretation of religion and not ours? Now, of course they don't say "Christians" in the report, just other code words. Just as bureaucrats, not law makers, changed the word "sex" to "gender identity" in many laws and regulations, now they want to our cherished protections are hate speech. I think they want to wear us out with law suits.
I read through the "scholars" reports and recommendations. They are reinterpreting the Supreme Court decisions, and it will translate to regulations and law suits by the Commission.
Bill of Rights,
Martin Castro,
religious freedom,
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
The parallel universe of Obama and Clinton
Campaigning for Hillary Clinton on our dime while she is recovering from an unknown illness, the President said the Republicans have a dark view of America. "This is a dark, pessimistic vision of a country where we turn against one another, where we turn against the world. They aren't offering serious solutions, they are fanning resentment, and hate. That is not the America I know."
SIXHIRB--their method to make everyone a victim, call everyone a hater. No one has been more hateful or pessimistic than Obama's administration--he's got college kids rioting, protesting and closing down free-ways, he's got millionaire football players dissing their country, he's got an attorney general who has a tarmac meeting with Hillary's husband another who sold guns to drug dealers in Mexico, he ignores violent crime in his home town where blacks have 8x the crime rate of whites, and says we need more conversations about race, he's misjudged every move by ISIS and Putin and Assad, he says nothing about the crimes of his former Secretary of State, in fact stumps for her. . . and on and on.
He also mentioned Hillary's "experience and qualifications" linking to her travel as Secretary of State. She mid-wifed the current crisis in Syria with gun running from Libya to support the anti-Assad rebels and created the Benghazi mess. That's not a good thing to bring up during the campaign--I'd call it passive aggressive--do they even like each other?
She says "that's not America," (referring to half of Trump supporters who she put in a basket of deplorables speaking to rich donors Friday) and he says "not the America I know" about all Trump supporters.
Now who's the hater?
SIXHIRB--their method to make everyone a victim, call everyone a hater. No one has been more hateful or pessimistic than Obama's administration--he's got college kids rioting, protesting and closing down free-ways, he's got millionaire football players dissing their country, he's got an attorney general who has a tarmac meeting with Hillary's husband another who sold guns to drug dealers in Mexico, he ignores violent crime in his home town where blacks have 8x the crime rate of whites, and says we need more conversations about race, he's misjudged every move by ISIS and Putin and Assad, he says nothing about the crimes of his former Secretary of State, in fact stumps for her. . . and on and on.
He also mentioned Hillary's "experience and qualifications" linking to her travel as Secretary of State. She mid-wifed the current crisis in Syria with gun running from Libya to support the anti-Assad rebels and created the Benghazi mess. That's not a good thing to bring up during the campaign--I'd call it passive aggressive--do they even like each other?
She says "that's not America," (referring to half of Trump supporters who she put in a basket of deplorables speaking to rich donors Friday) and he says "not the America I know" about all Trump supporters.
Now who's the hater?
Hillary Clinton,
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