Thursday, September 14, 2006

2862 Blogmares

Mark Leggott says he has blogmares. That's the blogger's version of the dream that you've got an exam and can't find the classroom.

1) you create a new "cutting edge" post only to realize you made essentially the same post 12 months ago
2) you create a new post about something you just read, only to realize that you did the same thing last month and said something completely different
3) you get a message from a blogger you've never heard of asking why you copied his stuff without credit
4) you delete the best comment ever (one of the few you've ever had) when cleaning up your #@*^% blogspam
5) then of course there would have to be the you-forget-you-have-a-blog-until-the-conference-talk-on-blogs one...

See the whole post at Loomware.

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